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(Redirected, since it no longer is in the beta, and it's history is covered in the other article.)
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#REDIRECT [[Detonator]]
{{Item infobox
| type              = weapon
| beta              = yes
| team-colors        = yes
| skin-image-red    = RedFlaregun.png
| skin-image-blu    = BluFlaregun.png
| used-by            = [[Pyro]]
| slot              = secondary
| availability      = Drop, Craft
| medieval          = no
| ammo-loaded        = 16
| ammo-carried      = N/A
| reload            = Single
| loadout            = yes
  | level            = Level 10 Flare Gun
  | item-description = Alt-Fire: Detonate flare.
  | loadout-name    = Detonator
  | att-2-negative  = +20% blast damage to self
{{Quotation|'''The Soldier'''|Fire is for cooking s'mores son, get a '''REAL GUN'''.|sound=Soldier_DominationPyro05.wav}}
The '''Detonator''' is a [[secondary]] weapon for the [[Pyro]] that exists in ''[[Team Fortress 2 Beta]]''. It uses the [[Flare Gun]] model.
The weapon fires projectiles which deal slight [[damage]] on contact with an enemy as well as ignite them. Should a flare directly connect with a member of the opposing team who is already on fire, [[Mini-Crit]] damage will be inflicted by the projectile and the target's afterburn duration will be reset. Pressing secondary fire while the flare is in flight will cause it to detonate, creating a small [[explosion]] which damages and ignites enemy players caught in it. The [[knock back]] from the explosion can also be used to [[Jumping#Flare jump|Flare jump]] in a manner similar to [[Jumping#Rocket jumps|rocket]] or [[Jumping#Sticky jumps|sticky jumping]].
Pyros wielding the Detonator suffer a 20% more [[Damage#Damage Vulnerability, Resistance and Blocking|damage]] from their own explosive weapons.
Since the item is still in an unreleased stage, these attributes may be changed or the weapon may be scrapped entirely.
The item has been released as the [[Detonator]].
== Damage and function times ==
{{Damage table
| type              = [[Projectile]]
| damage            = yes
|  base              = 30<br/>Flare detonation: 10-20<br />Flare explosion: 56<sup>1</sup>
|  crit              = 90<sup>2</sup>
|  minicrit          = 41<sup>2</sup>
|  afterburn        = 3 / tick<br/>60 total
|  afterburn minicrit = 4 / tick<br/>80 total
| function times    = yes
|  attack interval  = 2.02 s
|  splash damage    = yes
|  selfdamage      = 39-68
|  selfdamage jump  = 39-68
<sup>1</sup> Damage caused by the flare detonating on impact with the world.
<sup>2</sup> Note that detonated flares won't receive the [[Crit]] bonus for hitting a burning enemy.
== Related Achievements ==
==={{Class link|pyro}}===
{{Achievement table
| 1 = {{Show achievement|Pyro|Attention Getter}}
      {{Show achievement|Pyro|Freezer Burn}}
| 2 = {{Show achievement|Pyro|OMGWTFBBQ}}
== Update history ==
'''[[February 11, 2011 Patch (Beta)]]
* The Detonator, a new Flare Gun, has been added. Its stats are:
** Alt-fire detonates flare in flight
*** Does a small explosion that catches players on fire
** 20% explosion damage vulnerability
'''[[March 9, 2011 Patch (Beta)]]
* Detonation particle effect increased to better match the radius
'''[[March 18, 2011 Patch (Beta)]]
* {{undocumented}} Added a new sound effect for projectile.
'''[[March 23, 2011 Patch (Beta)]]
* Hooked up new Detonator sounds
'''[[June 17, 2011 Patch (Beta)]]
* Flares now detonate on impact with the world, but with a greatly reduced radius (manually detonated radius unchanged)
* Replaced +20% increased blast damage with +20% increased self blast damage
* {{undocumented}} The Detonator will now deal mini-crits instead of crits, on burning targets
* The afterburn of a flare projectile can harm a [[Scout]] under the effect of [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]].
* If a Pyro were to reflect a flare and hit a target who then dies from the afterburn, the kill icon will be that of the Flare Gun and not the reflected flare icon.
* From a first-person view, the flare seems to fire from behind the Flare Gun, just like the [[Huntsman]].
* When an enemy is hit with a detonated flare, the blood particles will come from where the flare was detonated, instead of the player.
* The Detonator functions in a similar fashion as The Gentle Manne's Olde Firecannone, one of the weapons in the [[Advanced Weaponiser]] mod.
== Gallery ==
File:Flare Gun 1st person red.png|RED first-person view.
File:Flare Gun 1st person blu.png|BLU first-person view.
File:Flare_proj_red.png|RED projectile.
File:Flare_proj_blu.png|BLU projectile.
File:Detonator Flare.png|Detonating a flare beside an enemy Medic.
== See also ==
* [[Flare Gun]]
* [[Pyro strategy#Flare Gun|Flare Gun strategy]]
* [[Fire]]
* [[Hadouken]]
{{Scrappedweapons Nav}}
{{Pyro Nav}}
[[Category:Team Fortress 2 Beta]]

Latest revision as of 20:12, 8 August 2011

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