Difference between revisions of "User:Pyromcr"

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(7 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|{{User NVIDIA}}
|{{User NVIDIA}}
| pain train=yes
| homewrecker=had
| dalokohs bar=had
| sandvich=had
| natascha=had
| scottish resistance=yes
| force-a-nature=had
| wrangler=yes
| razorback=had
| gunslinger=had
| lugermorph=yes
| kgb=yes
| direct hit=yes
| sandman=had
| gunboats=had
| tribalmans shiv=yes
| jarate=had
| buff banner=had
| ambassador=yes
| equalizer=had
| crit-a-cola=had
| eyelander=had
| chargin targe=had
| flare gun=yes
| backburner=yes
| frontier justice=yes
| axtinguisher=had
| scotsmans skullcutter=yes
| ubersaw=had
| kritzkrieg=had
| blutsauger=yes
| huntsman=had
| big kill=no
| dead ringer=had
| cloak and dagger=yes
| southern hospitality=had
| golden wrench=no
| shortstop=no
| mad milk=had
| holy mackerel=yes
| black box=had
| battalion's backup=had
| degreaser=had
| powerjack=no
| gloves of running urgently=had
| sydney sleeper=had
| darwin's danger shield=had
| bushwacka=had
| l'etranger=had
| your eternal reward=had
| frying pan=no
| horseless headless horsemann's headtaker=no
| bonk! atomic punch=had
| shortstop=yes
| rocket jumper=no
| sticky jumper=no
| candy cane=had
| boston basher=had
| back scratcher=had
| loch-n-load=had
| ullapool caber=had
| claidheamohmor=had
| brass beast=yes
| buffalo steak sandvich=no
| warrior's spirit=had
| fists of steel=had
| jag=yes
| crusader's crossbow=had
| amputator=had
| half-zatoichi=had
| conniver's kunai=had
| concheror=had
| fan o'war=had
| fishcake=no
| solemn vow=had
| splendid screen=had
| mantreads=had
| enforcer=had
| atomizer=had
| detonator=yes
| soda popper=had
| big earner=had
| bazaar bargain=had
| vita-saw=yes
| enthusiast's timepiece=yes
| liberty launcher=had
| powerjack=yes
| iron curtain=yes
| disciplinary action=had
| cow mangler 5000=had
| postal pummeler=had
| nessie's nine iron=had
| reserve shooter=had
| righteous bison=yes
Well, since the Australian Christmas Update, I have not been able to get this checklist to work. I may add it back later, but until then, I am just going to post pictures of all the hats I have...
{{icon item|item=Bombing Run|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=stout shako|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=defiant spartan|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=brigade helm|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=foster's facade|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=sober stuntman|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=officer's ushanka|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=dealer's visor|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=familiar fez|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=Towering Pillar of Hats|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=Ghastlier Gibus|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=Saxton Hale Mask|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=Bounty Hat|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=Stockbroker's Scarf|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=Dangeresque, Too?|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=Mercenary|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=Bronze Dueling Badge|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=Earbuds|icon-size=75px}} {{Icon item|item=License to Maim|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=mann co. cap|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=mildly disturbing halloween mask|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=soldier's stash|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=industrial festivizer|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=bonk helm|icon-size=75px}} {{icon item|item=engineer's cap|icon-size=75px}} {{item icon|whoopee cap|75px}} {{Icon item|item=Companion Cube Pin|2=75px}} {{item icon|Prussian Pickelhaube|75px}} {{item icon|Backbiter's Billycock|75px}} {{icon item|item=Lo-Fi Longwave|icon-size=75px}} {{item icon|Hetman's Headpiece|75px}} {{item icon|Spiral Sallet|75px}} {{icon item|item=Proof of Purchase|icon-size=75px}} {{item icon|Football Helmet|75px}} {{item icon|Summer Shades|75px}} {{item icon|Baseball Bill's Sports Shine|75px}} {{item icon|Team Captain|75px}} {{item icon|Scotsman's Stove Pipe|75px}} {{item icon|Big Chief|75px}} {{item icon|Furious Fukaamigasa|75px}} {{item icon|Party Hat|75px}} {{item icon|Company Man|75px}}

Latest revision as of 00:27, 9 April 2012

User Pyromcr Slide.jpg

Personal Info

Hello, here is a little bit about me.

TF2 Stuff

TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress 2 junky!
REDicon.gif This user is an employee of RED.
Nemesis RED.png This user is dominating you!
Spy No smoking.png No smoking please!
Earbuds.png This user loves rocking out with his Earbuds.
Engineerupdatewait.png This user thoroughly enjoyed the Engineer Update!
Engineer Update Gunslinger.png This user is an offensineer.
"You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya."
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Backpack Saxton Hale Mask.png This user owns the Saxton Hale Mask.

Main Class

User Pyro.png This user is a Pyro.
“Mhmmh... mmmmm-hmm!”
Melee icon Axe.png This user plays air guitar over your smoldering corpse.
Scout Mercenary.png This user is a Mercenary.

Personal Boxes

Flag America.png This user is American, pardner!
Pepsi1.png This user drinks far too much Pepsi.
User Soldier F5.gif This user vigorously mashes F5 upon any new TF2 update.
User Pyromcr Avgn.jpg This user is a fucking nerd.


Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.
Half-life 2.png This user likes Half-Life 2.
Portal.png This user enjoys Portal.
User Orange box.png This user owns The Orange Box.
Portal2.png This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.


Apple Logo.png There's a Mac at this user's home.
Intel Logo.png This user's computer has Intel inside.
Mouse Icon.png This user plays TF2 with a mouse.
NVIDIA logo.png This user games with NVIDIA.