Difference between revisions of "Template:Upgrade station melee"

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m (Pre-add language + Improve the table)
(Added hu)
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! class="header" width="200px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
! class="header" width="200px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Upgrade
| en = Upgrade
| hu = Fejlesztések
! class="header" width="250px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
! class="header" width="250px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Weapons
| en = Weapons
| hu = Fegyverek
! class="header" width="50px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
! class="header" width="50px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Cost
| en = Cost
| hu = Ár
! class="header" width="50px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
! class="header" width="50px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Levels
| en = Levels
| hu = Szintek
! class="header" width="300px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{common string|itt notes}}
! class="header" width="300px" style="background: #333; color: white; border:1px solid #333;" | {{common string|itt notes}}
Line 16: Line 20:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +10% Attack Speed
| en = +10% Attack Speed
| hu = +10% Támadási sebesség
| rowspan = "2" style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|All Classes|16px}} All Melee weapons
| rowspan = "2" style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|All Classes|16px}} All Melee weapons
Line 24: Line 29:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +25 Health On Kill
| en = +25 Health On Kill
| hu = +25 Életerő öléskor
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 100
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 100
Line 29: Line 35:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Health from robot kills can overheal players.
| en = Health from robot kills can overheal players.
| hu = A robot ölések túlgyógyításra is alkalmasak.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +25% Damage
| en = +25% Damage
| hu = +25% Sebzés
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Demoman|16px}} {{item link|Eyelander}}, {{item link|Scotsman's Skullcutter}}, {{item link|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker}}, {{item link|Claidheamh Mòr}}, {{item link|Half-Zatoichi}}, {{item link|Persian Persuader}}, {{item link|Nessie's Nine Iron}}
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Demoman|16px}} {{item link|Eyelander}}, {{item link|Scotsman's Skullcutter}}, {{item link|Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker}}, {{item link|Claidheamh Mòr}}, {{item link|Half-Zatoichi}}, {{item link|Persian Persuader}}, {{item link|Nessie's Nine Iron}}
Line 38: Line 46:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 4
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 4
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Upgrade will only appear if Demoman equips a Shield. If Demoman equips any Stickybomb Launcher, this upgrade will no longer appear; any previously purchased levels will still apply, however.}}
| en = Upgrade will only appear if Demoman equips a Shield. If Demoman equips any Stickybomb Launcher, this upgrade will no longer appear; any previously purchased levels will still apply, however.
| hu = Ez a fejlesztés csak akkor jelenik meg, ha a Robbantós egy pajzsot visel. Ha a Tapadóbomba-vetőt veszi használatba, a fejlesztés nem fog megjelenni, bár az előzőleg vásárolt szintek még érvényben lesznek.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = Armor Penetration
| en = Armor Penetration
| hu = Páncélátütés
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Spy|16px}} {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Spy|16px}} {{lang
| en = [[Weapons#Spy|Melee weapon]]
| en = [[Weapons#Spy|Melee weapon]]
| hu = [[Weapons/hu#Spy|Közelharc-fegyver]]
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 400
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 400
Line 50: Line 62:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Allows backstabs against giant robots at X% (out of 750) damage.
| en = Allows backstabs against giant robots at X% (out of 750) damage.
| hu = Lehetővé teszi a hátbadöfést nagy robotok ellen X% (750-ből) sebzésnél.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +2s Crits On Kill
| en = +2s Crits On Kill
| hu = +2s Krit öléskor
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Demoman|16px}} {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Demoman|16px}} {{lang
Line 59: Line 73:
}}<br>{{icon class|Spy|16px}} {{lang
}}<br>{{icon class|Spy|16px}} {{lang
| en = [[Weapons#Spy|Melee weapon]]
| en = [[Weapons#Spy|Melee weapon]]
| hu = [[Weapons/hu#Spy|Közelharc-fegyver]]
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 350
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 350
Line 64: Line 79:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = 2 seconds of 100% [[Critical hit]] chance per level; switching weapons retains critical hits.
| en = 2 seconds of 100% [[Critical hit]] chance per level; switching weapons retains critical hits.
| hu = 2 másodperc 100% esély [[Critical Hit/hu|kritre]] szintenként; fegyver váltás után is érvényes.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +15% Recharge Rate
| en = +15% Recharge Rate
| hu = +15% Újratöltődési ütem
| rowspan="2" style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Scout|16px}} {{item link|Sandman}}, {{item link|Wrap Assassin}}
| rowspan="2" style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Scout|16px}} {{item link|Sandman}}, {{item link|Wrap Assassin}}
Line 74: Line 91:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Faster baseball/bauble recharge rate.
| en = Faster baseball/bauble recharge rate.
| hu = Gyorsabb baseball ladba/üveggömb újratöltődés.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = +100% Max Misc Ammo
| en = +100% Max Misc Ammo
| hu = +100% Maximális egyéb lőszer
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 100
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | 100
Line 83: Line 102:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Gives the Scout one extra baseball/bauble per level.
| en = Gives the Scout one extra baseball/bauble per level.
| hu = A Felderítő kap egy extra baseball labdát/üveggömböt szintenként.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | '''{{lang
| en = Ball Marks Target
| en = Ball Marks Target
| hu = A labda megjelöli a célt.
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Scout|16px}} {{item link|Sandman}}
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{icon class|Scout|16px}} {{item link|Sandman}}
Line 93: Line 114:
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| style="border:1px solid #333;" | {{lang
| en = Marks one target at a time, similar to the [[Fan O'War]], on hit with either the Sandman or its baseball projectile. The time will reduced to 7 seconds if the target is a giant robot.
| en = Marks one target at a time, similar to the [[Fan O'War]], on hit with either the Sandman or its baseball projectile. The time will reduced to 7 seconds if the target is a giant robot.
| hu = A Testápoló ütése vagy labdája megjelöl egy célpontot, hasonlóan, mint a [[Fan O'War/hu|Haláli Legyező]]. Az idő 7 másodpercre csökken, ha a célpont egy nagy robot.

Revision as of 01:43, 2 December 2012

Upgrade Weapons Cost Levels Notes
+10% Attack Speed TF2 crosshair orange.png All Melee weapons 200 4
+25 Health On Kill 100 4 Health from robot kills can overheal players.
+25% Damage Leaderboard class demoman.png Eyelander, Scotsman's Skullcutter, Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker, Claidheamh Mòr, Half-Zatoichi, Persian Persuader, Nessie's Nine Iron 400 4 Upgrade will only appear if Demoman equips a Shield. If Demoman equips any Stickybomb Launcher, this upgrade will no longer appear; any previously purchased levels will still apply, however.
Armor Penetration Leaderboard class spy.png Melee weapon 400 4 Allows backstabs against giant robots at X% (out of 750) damage.
+2s Crits On Kill Leaderboard class demoman.png Melee weapon
Leaderboard class spy.png Melee weapon
350 2 2 seconds of 100% Critical hit chance per level; switching weapons retains critical hits.
+15% Recharge Rate Leaderboard class scout.png Sandman, Wrap Assassin 250 4 Faster baseball/bauble recharge rate.
+100% Max Misc Ammo 100 4 Gives the Scout one extra baseball/bauble per level.
Ball Marks Target Leaderboard class scout.png Sandman 500 1 Marks one target at a time, similar to the Fan O'War, on hit with either the Sandman or its baseball projectile. The time will reduced to 7 seconds if the target is a giant robot.