This user has logged 1000 hours total in Team Fortress 2.
This user is an employee of BLU.
This user is a Heavy Hater. "Eat it, fatty!"
This user is sappin' mah sentry!
This user is a combat medic. "The healing is not as rewarding as the hurting."
This user is a piss sniper. "Jarate!"
This user bought a rabbit hat and got a game for free.
This user loves to trade items.
This user loves to collect crates and is a crate addict.
This user loves to use the Team Fortress in-game voice menu (a lot) for talking.
This user crafted away a lot of items for the Golden Wrench. Stoopid!
This user likes to push it. P-push it real good.
This good sir loves to play in Medieval mode, they say.
This user enjoys dropping a rose on his victims.
This user is a Demoman. “Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
This user is a Spy. “You know, hiding won’t save you.”
This user is a Mercenary. Hire Date: April 15, 2011 (13:37:36}
This user has earned 431 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 83%!
This user has spent 1513 hours of his life playing Team Fortress 2!
This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack which can be found here.
This user's TF2 stats can be found here
This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.