Difference between revisions of "User:SofiPandaRights/Custom Weapons"

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m (Auto: EnforceCapitalization(Sapper) (Review RC#1962225))
Line 315: Line 315:
{{Con}}Damage decreased by -25%<br>
{{Con}}Damage decreased by -25%<br>
{{Con}}Damage against building decreased by -25%<br>
{{Con}}Damage against building decreased by -25%<br>
{{Info}}Cannot upgrade and repair building. Can only destroy sapper.
{{Info}}Cannot upgrade and repair building. Can only destroy Sapper.

Revision as of 18:00, 15 August 2015

Yes. I like this new weapon.
The Heavy.

Custom Weapons 2 is the name of a SourceMod server plugin which adds additional items to Team Fortress 2. It was developed by MasterOfTheXP, and is currently at version beta 2 since 03/12/14.

Unlike Advanced Weaponiser, there is no loadout viewer nor a drop system because all weapons are available to public.


All players can equip custom weapons by saying !custom, !cus, or !c.

  • Admin commands
    • custom_addattribute <client> <slot> <"attribute name"> <"value"> <"plugin"> - Adds a custom attribute onto any weapon.
      • Want your melee weapon to ignite whoever it crits on? custom_addattribute @me 2 "crits ignite" "1" "basic-attributes"
  • Cvars
    • sm_customweapons_enable (1/0, def. 1) Enables the plugin, of course! Set to 0 to remove all active custom weapons.
    • sm_customweapons_onlyinspawn (1/0, def. 1) Only allow /custom to be used inside of a spawn room.
    • sm_customweapons_arena_time (def. 20) Time, in seconds, to allow /custom after spawning in Arena.
    • sm_customweapons_bots (def. 0.15) Percent chance, per slot, that bots will equip a random custom weapon.
    • sm_customweapons_menu (1/0, def. 1) Clients are allowed to say /custom to equip weapons manually. Set to 0 to disable manual weapon selection without disabling the entire plugin.
    • sm_customweapons_killwearablesondeath (1/0, def. 1) Removes custom weapon models when the user dies. Recommended unless bad things start happening.
    • sm_customweapons_sethealth (1/0, def. 1) When a custom weapon is equipped, the user's health will be set to their maximum.
    • sm_customweapons_onlyteam (def. 0) If non-zero, custom weapons can only be equipped by one team; 2 = RED, 3 = BLU.


Creating a new custom weapon is plain easy. Simply duplicate a custom weapon's config file, and fill out its info with your own.

  • The weapon's name goes right at the top, in "quotes".
  • "classes" is the array of player classes the weapon should be available for; the number next to each class is the weapon slot (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary, 2 = Melee)
  • "baseclass" is the classname of the weapon, without "tf_weapon_".
  • "baseindex" is the item index of the base weapon, see above classname link. If unsure, stick within the 0-30s.
  • If it uses ammo (i.e. most non-melee weapons) it should have "mag" and "ammo" keys with the intended starting ammo.
  • "logname" will be displayed in client consoles when a kill is made with the weapon. Not currently implemented.
  • "killicon", also not implemented yet, will be able to change the weapon's icon in the kill feed.
  • "description" is the stat list that players will see when selecting the weapon. \n = Newline. "\n \n" will skip an entire line.
  • "attributes"; the bread-n-butter. Each attribute has:
    • An identifier, to set what attribute it is. This will either be a case-sensitive name (Custom Weapons, TF2Attributes) or an attribute index (TF2Items).
    • "plugin": Who will provide the attribute's functionality?
      • For official Valve attributes, you'll usually want to use TF2Attributes, so put "tf2attributes". A select few attributes require "tf2attributes.int" instead.
      • If TF2Attributes doesn't work for said attribute (so far I've only seen "alt-fire is vampire" not work with TF2Att) then try "tf2items" instead, with the identifier being the number beside the attribute's name. (e.g. "move speed penalty" should instead be "54")
      • Or, of course, a custom attribute! In which case, "plugin" should be set to the name of the attributes plugin, minus ".smx". The starter pack includes "basic-attributes" and "custom-attributes".
    • And of course, a value. Most attributes are multipliers; with "damage bonus/penalty", "2.0" is double (+100%), and "0.5" is halved (-50%). With time-based attributes such as "Reload time increased/decreased", "0.5" is half time (good), whereas "2.0" makes it take twice as long (bad). And some attributes are simply "1.0 = on, 0.0 = off".
    • If you're unsure about values, check out a weapon that already has that attribute (Ctrl+F the official weapon's name in tf/scripts/items_game.txt, or just look at the custom weapon's config)


To be able to make custom attributes, all you need to know are the basics of SourcePawn. That's it! (Also, you need customweaponstf.inc from the bottom of this post) Take a look at basic-attributes.sp in the Starter Weapons Pack; it's fairly simple, and has some comments here, there, and everywhere to explain things. Think of it as somewhat of a template for attributes plugins.


How is this different from Advanced Weaponiser? You (who runs the game server) can change around the weapons in whatever ways you'd like. The weapons are always equippable, and not tied to any "master server". Also, this plugin isn't abandoned, private, or what have you.

I gave my custom weapon a model, can other players besides the user see it? Nope. The player will be able to see it in both first and third person, though.

<weapon name> is overpowered/underpowered! Fix it! No u! Change its stats, or disable it (after all, that's the point of this plugin!) and perhaps suggest a tweak to its stats once you've done so.

Was there a Custom Weapons 1? Yes. It was 100% hardcoded, and terrible. Thankfully, it was private.

Why is it called "customweaponstf.smx"? I actually, for some reason, originally made this for CS:GO; as a proof of concept, and because bot matches were getting a bit stale with CS:GO's plain, realistic weapons. So, this is the "TF2 edition" of Custom Weapons.


Your server needs both TF2Items and TF2Attributes loaded.

  • 1. Install customweaponstf.smx into your sourcemod/plugins/ directory.
  • 2. Install tf2items.randomizer.txt into your sourcemod/gamedata/ directory.
  • 3. Install whatever custom weapons/attributes/packs you'd like. You need at least one custom weapon for this to work, and most likely, that weapon will require an attributes plugin.
  • 4. sm plugins load customweaponstf, or sm plugins reload customweaponstf when you install more.
  • 5. Done!



The following weapons are currently available to be downloaded and used.

Active Weapons
Class Weapon Authors Attributes/Notes
Leaderboard class scout.png
Fist IMG.png

Buff Up

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Max health increased by +25
Pictogram minus.png No double jump
Pictogram minus.png Movement speed reduced by -15%

Leaderboard class soldier.png

Quick Hand

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Weapon switch +45% faster
Pictogram minus.png Clip size reduced by -25%
Pictogram minus.png Damage decreased by -10%

Shovel IMG.png

Denied Burial

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Damage increased by +50%
Pictogram plus.png Always mini-crit against burning enemies
Pictogram minus.png Max health decreased by -10%

Leaderboard class pyro.png
Rocket launcher.png

Incendiary Cannon

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Ignite enmies
Pictogram plus.png Self damage force decreased by -20%
Pictogram plus.png Self damage decreased by -30%
Pictogram minus.png Clip size reduced by -75%
Pictogram minus.png Damage decreased by -35%
Pictogram minus.png Reload time increased by +150%
Pictogram minus.png Ammo carried decreased by -95%

Leaderboard class heavy.png


Pictogram plus.png Alt-fire makes you shoot and restore 3 health points per hit
Pictogram minus.png Minigun spin up time increased by +20%
Pictogram minus.png Fire rate decreased by -10%




Exact same attributes as the Shortstop.

RED Gloves of Running Urgently.png

Vich Gloves

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png On kill : restores 150 health points
Pictogram minus.png Attack rate decreased by -20%

Leaderboard class engineer.png

Fast Fix

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Can destroy sappers
Pictogram plus.png Fires fast fix bolts
Pictogram plus.png Infinite Ammo
Pictogram minus.png Clip size decreased by -67%
Pictogram minus.png Cannot be crit-boosted
Pictogram minus.png Ammo carried decreased by -100%
Pictogram minus.png Shooting deducts 10 metals

Item icon Destruction PDA.png

Boost PDA

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram info.png Provide on active
Pictogram plus.png Movement speed increased by 15%
Pictogram minus.png Cannot destroy building

Leaderboard class medic.png
RED Syringe Gun.png

Flight of the Fully Charged

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Looking down and attacking will the user into the air
Pictogram minus.png Clip size decreased by -75%
Pictogram minus.png Ammo carried decreased by -47%

RED Overdose.png


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Press alt-fire to use 20% of your Übercharge to give yourself a mini-crit and speed boost
Pictogram minus.png Clip size decreased by -25%

RED Vaccinator.png


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Übercharge rate increased by +25%
Pictogram plus.png Press Alt-fire (übercharge) to use 25% of your Übercharge and gives you a Healing Spell of Halloween
Pictogram minus.png Heal rate decreased by -50%
Pictogram minus.png Doesn't overheal

RED Medigun.png


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Healing a teammate restore 2% of their offhand ammo every second
Pictogram plus.png You and your patient share all positive boosts
Pictogram minus.png Heal rate decreased by -25%

RED Kritzkrieg.png

Speed Booster

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Übercharge rate increased by +75%
Pictogram plus.png Übercharge is a speed boost

Leaderboard class sniper.png
Memory Maker.png

Melee Charger

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png On kill : Increases the minimum charge of your primary weapon by 50%
Pictogram minus.png Weapon switch time increased by +35%
Pictogram minus.png Increased minimum charge loosed upon dying or attacking with your primary weapon
Pictogram info.png Can be raised up to 100% with 2 kills

Leaderboard class spy.png


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram info.png Only holds 8 bullets but they can be used over and over again as long as you don't miss
Pictogram minus.png Clip size decreased by -67%

Sapper IMG.png


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Sapper damage increased by +80%
Pictogram minus.png Has 10 seconds of cooldown upon sapping a building
Pictogram minus.png The Engineer who built the building will have 100% critical hit against you for the next 10 seconds

Cloak and Dagger.PNG


MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Unlimited cloak
Pictogram minus.png Drain 4 health points every second when cloaked
Pictogram info.png Can be cloaked up to 31 seconds before dying

Leaderboard class soldier.pngSoldier, Leaderboard class pyro.pngPyro, Leaderboard class heavy.pngHeavy and Leaderboard class engineer.pngEngineer Shotgun IMG.png

Primary and Secondary
Loose Screw

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram plus.png Infinite ammo
Pictogram plus.png Instant reload
Pictogram minus.png Reload time increased by +55%

Leaderboard class pyro.pngPyro and Leaderboard class medic.pngMedic Wrench IMG.png

Engi's Assistant

MasterOfTheXP (Weapon)

Pictogram minus.png Damage decreased by -25%
Pictogram minus.png Damage against building decreased by -25%
Pictogram info.png Cannot upgrade and repair building. Can only destroy Sapper.


MasterOfTheXP - Author and Main Developer.
Nergal - Creator of the Nergalpak Attributes Pack.
Theray070696 - Creator of the (WIP)Advanced Weaponiser 2 Attributes Pack.
Orion™ - Creator of the Orion's Attributes Pack, More Advanced Weaponiser 2 Attributes Pack and Dota 2 Attributes Pack.
KarmaCharger - Team Fortress 2 Wiki Contributor and Weapon Demonstrator.


Crafting's Custom Weapons 2 Server :: Crafting's Custom Weapons 2 Steam Group.


BETA 2 March 12, 2014
  • Added support for Arena
  • Added 9 natives for other plugins to use
  • Added 3 more cvars to configure the plugin
  • Added error message for when there are no custom weapons for the player's class
  • Added warning message to server console for when there are no custom weapons installed at all
  • Added simple output for typing "custom" into the server console
  • Added version cvar (whoops!)
  • "nobots" "1" may now be placed in weapon configs to prevent bots from equipping them
  • Fixed weapons that changed maximum health not having health updated upon equip
  • Fixed being able to equip weapons that players already had equipped
  • Released the WIP Weapons Pack! Contains a few unbalanced/unfinished weapons. Try 'em, and see if you can get them working/balanced!
  • Starter Weapons Pack
    • Hell-Sap
      • Increased damage bonus to 80% (up from 65%)
      • Decreased length of both effects (cooldown and rage) to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds)
  • HL2 Weapons
    • Annabelle
      • Reversed self-aimpunch (now recoils upwards instead of downwards)
  • Custom Attributes
    • Fixed the effects of "sapper causes rage" never ending (the user would take crits from the victim for the rest of the match)
    • "fires lasers" now accepts a value, which will set the base damage of the laser (formerly always 25)
    • Added missing documentation for a few attributes to the top of the .sp

External link