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<small>Due to the length of this comic, a transcript is necessary. The transcript has been sectioned into smaller story events for convenience.</small>
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! class="header" | Page 1-29: Introduction- Miss Pauling Reawakens
|[''The story begins with [[Miss Pauling]] lying face-down in the middle of a golden desert, covered in sand and with vultures around her. She wakes up with a start, spitting sand out of her mouth.'']
'''Miss Pauling''': "Hck! Pfff! Pff! Where the hell...?"
[''A single unlocked door stands in front of her, seemingly in the middle of nowhere'']
[''Cut to Miss Pauling opening the door and peering in'']
'''Miss Pauling''': Um. Hello?
'''Voice''': Oh, it's you. Well, you might as well come in.
[''The voice is the [[Administrator]], who is sitting in the middle of a control room lit green by multiple monitors. All of them eerily show live footage of her face'']
'''Miss Pauling''': Where are we?
'''Administrator''': Mm. You know, nobody's ever dropped by that I've been able to ask. This is where I wake up when I die. All the cameras face ''inward'', you see. So all you can look at is yourself. For eternity, presumably. ''Very'' poetic. I'm only ever here for an hour or so. Usually I just read magazines and smoke.
[''Miss Pauling moves closer'']
'''Miss Pauling''': None of this is ''real'', is it? You're just... this is all in my head.
'''Administrator''': If you like. Maybe I'm not here at all. Maybe I'm just a flickering memory in your dying brain.
[''The Administrator flicks her cigarette slightly, still facing the monitors'']
'''Administrator''': Or maybe I ''am'' real, and we're discussing the nature of reality in my own private hell. In which case, congratulations. You've somehow figured out how to make eternity ''more'' boring. Honestly, pick one. I've never had much patience for the abstract. What ''matters'' is you've '''died'''. And that means you've '''failed'''.
[''Miss Pauling scowls a bit, but keeps talking'']
'''Miss Pauling''': Okay, yes. I failed. The [[Australium]] you sent me to get? It's gone. It's gone, ma'am.
[''The Administrator rests her hand on her forehead, looking frustrated'']
'''Administrator''': *Sigh* And of course you just ''gave'' up, didn't you. You have no idea how ''important'' this is...
[''Miss Pauling speaks with more desperation'']
'''Miss Pauling''': So ''tell'' me! Administrator, I know you're planning something big. I've always known. And I've never asked. Not once. Because I ''trusted'' you. That when we ''got'' here, you'd have a ''place'' for me.
[''The Administrator takes a whiff from her cigarette'']
'''Administrator''': Tell me, Miss Pauling... if you've never questioned my intentions, in a ''decade'' under my employ... because you ''"trusted"'' me...
[''The Administrator turn around on her chair and faces Miss Pauling'']
'''Administrator''': Why are you asking ''now''?
[''Silence. Miss Pauling poses a single question'']
'''Miss Pauling''': What is it you ''want''?
[''The monitors behind her are mysteriously turned off. Suddenly, the Administrator gives a grim look, her fingers touching and her face turning dark.'']
'''Administrator''': '''Blood.'''
[''The monitors turn on one-by-one. Miss Pauling's eyes begin to show on each screen.'']
''Administrator''': '''It's not enough.'''
[''All monitors are turned on, filled with Miss Pauling's horrified expression.'']
'''Administrator''': '''I need more.'''
[''Comic suddenly cuts to a different scene. Miss Pauling is lying in bloody dirt outside of the [[Team Fortress Classic|TFC]] base, regaining consciousness. The previous events were all a hallucination.'']
'''Voice''': ''I need more blood!''
[''The comic's name flashes at the bottom of the page'': '''THE NAKED and the DEAD''']
[Miss Pauling finally awakens] '''Miss Pauling''': Medic?
[''[[Medic]] is seen rushing about with a bucket full of blood, while [[Non-playable characters#RED Heavy's Family|Zhanna]] collects blood from the ground using a piece of cloth.'']
'''Medic''': ''More blood! She's coming around!''
[''Medic sits on his knee beside Miss Pauling, collecting blood with a cloth'']
'''Miss Pauling''': What happened? I thought we all...
'''Medic''': Died? ''Ha ha ha'', heavens, NO! ...well, yes.
[''Medic squeezes the blood-soaked cloth into his bucket, smiling at Miss Pauling. Miss Pauling looks a bit disturbed'']
'''Medic''': But only momentarily! Your hearts barely had time to stop beating! The robots merely drained out all of your ''blood''.
[''Medic pours the bucket of dirty blood and debris straight into the [[Soldier]]'s open chest, who is lying on the ground and smiling. Miss Pauling looks disgusted.'']
'''Medic''': SO! I just put the blood back ''in''!
'''Miss Pauling''' (Grimacing): I refuse to believe it's that easy.
'''Medic''': I ''know'', ja? Why do people even go to Medical school?
'''Miss Pauling''': Wait, how'd you separate out all the blood types?
[''A bandaged Soldier sits up and smiles'']
'''Soldier''': HAR! "''Different types of blood''"! Miss Pauling came back stupid!
[Looking at Soldier] '''Medic''': Ha! Yes. What foolishness.
[''Medic quickly and sternly glares at a surprised Miss Pauling while Soldier digs his nose'']
'''Medic''' (Quietly): Miss Pauling, I've been using my ''own underwear'' to sponge blood out of puddles. Trust me, the type is the ''least'' of your problems.
[''Miss Pauling looks as if she was about to cry'']
'''Miss Pauling''': Oh god. Are we going to be okay...?
'''Medic''' (Thinking): I would drink plenty of water. Oh, and blood, if you can find any.
[''They are both interrupted by the sound of the [[Demoman]], who was in a frenzy and taking on a hoard of blood-sucking robots all by himself. Destroyed robots litter the area.'']
'''Miss Pauling''': Wait. Aren't those the robots that killed all of us in ''five seconds''?
'''Medic''': Oof. Yes, I saw. Very embarrassing of you.
'''Miss Pauling''': Right, so... How the hell is Demo doing ''that''?
[''Medic picks up the arm of a busted robot'']
'''Medic''': Yes, I was pleasantly surprised as well. If I had to guess... I'd say drinking Demo's blood is giving them all alcohol poisoning.
'''Miss Pauling''': But he hasn't had a drop of liquor since we got to the island! How is he...?
[''A small speech bubble interrupts Miss Pauling'']
'''Voice''': Heart! Status report!
[''The scene cuts to what seems to be a hallucination experienced by the Demoman. Demoman is giving orders to his various anthropomorphic organs behind a control panel, with his eyepatch-wearing heart saluting and announcing reports.'']
'''Demoman's Heart''': We managed to convert the stomach into a distillery, sir!
'''Demoman''' (Shouting): Convert the lungs too! If it's hollow and it's in me body, put it to work!
'''Voice''': Tavish?
[''Demoman's eyepatch-wearing liver returns after leaving since [[Old Wounds]]. Demoman answers condescendingly, without turning his back.'']
'''Demoman''': Ach. Look who came crawling back. Hello, liver. Get bored of yer champagne parties and golden shrimp forks, did ye?
'''Demoman's Liver''': Tavish... I never even left your rectum.
[''Demoman grabs his liver and embraces it, giving a romantic kiss within a heart-shaped comic bubble''.]
'''Demoman''': I know.
[''Demoman's liver blushes and stands next to a happy Demoman, behind their control panel''.]
'''Demoman''': Ach, we'll have plenty o' time for that later. We should get back t'work. While you were gallivantin' around in me colon havin' a fine oul' time, me and the lads invented a way to ferment bone marrow.
[''Two eyepatch-wearing bones are seen with pickaxes beside them; one of them is smoking''.]
'''Demoman''': Look sharp there, boys!
'''Demoman's Bones''': I hate this job.
[''Scene suddenly cuts to pure black'']
'''Voice''': These guys are ''morons''. ''Lunatics''. They're the ''laughing stock'' of the mercenary world. How the ''hell'' are they-
[''A frustrated [[Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)|TFC Heavy]] is seen watching the events unfold on a large blue screen. The [[Engineer (Classic)|TFC Engineer]] approaches from behind him and interrupts his thoughts.'']
'''TFC Engineer''': Uh... boss? Me and the boys were talkin', and uh... we were wonderin' how we're gonna get ''paid''.
[''TFC Heavy doesn't turn around. He is seen holding something.'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Do I look like I'm in the mood to ''talk'' about this, Fred? You ''always'' get paid. Why bring it up ''now''?
'''TFC Engineer''': Well, for one, you never ''killed'' the guy payin' us before. Two, I've been standin' here ten minutes watchin' you yell at his spine.
[''TFC Heavy turns around menacingly and thrusts the item he is holding towards the TFC Engineer, showing that it was [[Gray Mann]]'s Life-Extender machine''.]
'''TFC Heavy''': You worried about ''MONEY''? I'm holding a machine that will let us live ''forever'', Fred.
[''TFC Engineer backs away a bit'']
'''TFC Engineer''': Yeah, ''about'' that. I ''also'' can't help noticing you ain't holding ''five'' of 'em.
'''TFC Heavy''': SO MAKE MORE! You're an ''Engineer'', aren't you?
'''TFC Engineer''': Well, sure, but- this aint' exactly upgrading a ''Turret'' here. Come on man, immortality machines? Magic rocks? That damn thing's more Biology that Engineering...
[''TFC Heavy turns away again'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Just so we're not here all day... what ''can'' you do, Fred?
[''TFC Engineer counts his fingers'']
'''TFC Engineer''': Well, I've been lookin' at the old man's [[Robots]]. I could probably get the [[Sentry Buster]]s up and running, or maybe...
[''TFC Heavy immediately turns around and grabs the TFC Engineer's collar, screaming directly into his face.'']
'''TFC Engineer''': Get them ''ALL'' up and running! ''Now!'' '''I WANT THESE IDIOTS DEAD!'''
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! class="header" | Page 30-55: Heavy, Scout, and Saxton Hale reunite with the Team
|[''The comic cuts back to outside of the base. After jumping from [[Saxton Hale]]'s airplane, the [[Heavy]] and the [[Scout]] parachute and land next to Miss Pauling. Scout lands first, and is elated to see Miss Pauling again.'']
'''Scout''': ''Miss Pauling!''
'''Miss Pauling''': ''Scout! Heavy!'' Thank god!
'''Scout''': You're alive!
'''Miss Pauling''': You-
'''Scout''': And you look ''terrific''! Have you lost weight?
'''Miss Pauling''': I... lost most of my blood?
'''Scout''': ''Nice!'' Your hair looks great too!
'''Miss Pauling''': Thanks. It's... covered in my blood.
[''Scout takes off his parachute and gets close to Miss Pauling'']
'''Scout''': Miss Pauling, I'm... you know what? I'm just glad you're okay.
[''Scout embraces Miss Pauling - this forces blood to spurt out of her eyes, knocking her glasses off. Miss Pauling looks exhausted while a disgusted-looking Scout lets go of her.'']
'''Medic''': Ah, yes. Miss Pauling, you might not want to get squeezed by anyone for... well... ever, I suppose. That blood is going to be sloshing around in there for a while.
[''Meanwhile, Zhanna happily reunites with a surprised Heavy and embraces him.'']
'''Zhanna''' ''Misha!'' I am so happy to see you!
'''Heavy''' (Surprised, looking at her hand stump): Zhanna, where is your ''hand''?
[''Zhanna lets go of Heavy. Heavy rests an arm on her shoulder'']
'''Zhanna''': I sawed it off with scrap of metal to kill woman torturing me (the [[Pyro (Classic)|TFC Pyro]]).
'''Heavy''': Yes, of course. Good. Wait, what is this?
[''Heavy notices Zhanna's necklace of ears and holds it'']
'''Heavy''': Where did you get this necklace of... human ears...
[''Heavy gives a horrified look to his sister'']
'''Heavy''': Sister, '''NO.'''
[''Soldier happily comes over and punches Heavy in the chest; Heavy glares at him disappointingly'']
'''Soldier''': Hello, brother-in-law! Good news! You're going to be a grandfather!
'''Zhanna''': He's going to ''impregnate'' me, brother!
[''Cut to Scout giving Miss Pauling a rather self-centered breakdown of the events back at Ayers Rock'']
'''Scout''': ...and then I punched Ayers Rock real hard and it moved like ten feet and Heavy was like "Holy crap you're super strong!" And I was like "Shut up for a second and let me think 'cause all the Australium's gone..."
[''Miss Pauling looks away, thinking'']
'''Miss Pauling''': I ''knew'' it.
'''Scout''': Wait, you always knew I was super strong? 'Cause... that's a thing... we could explore.
'''Miss Pauling''': What about the Australium? Did you find out who took it?
'''Scout''': Oh, uh... not as such, no, ''vis a vis'' <small>(vis-à-vis: with regard to)</small> the rock in question... But oh! We ''did'' find Saxton Hale though!
'''Miss Pauling''' (Looks at Scout): Really? Great, we could use the help! Where is he?
'''Scout''' (Points behind himself): He's right... Huh. That's funny. Him and his big mean girlfriend were right behind us.
[''Scout turns around. Both him and Miss Pauling give a concerned look at what they see.'']
'''Scout''': Oh. That is...
[''A battalion of whirring robots mercenaries were standing right behind them the entire time, filling the air with robotic rumbling'']
'''Scout''': ''That'' is not Saxton Hale behind us.
[''A small speech bubble interrupts the scene'']
'''Voice''': We were inside that whale for ''four days'' looking for that cougar!
[''Cut to Saxton Hale and [[Non-playable characters#Maggie|Maggie]] in their plane, laughing hysterically at the memories of their old escapades'']
'''Saxton Hale''' (Laughing): But we found him in the end, didn't we, Mags?
'''[[Non-playable characters#Jerry|Jerry]]''' (Piloting the plane): Mister Hale?
'''Saxton Hale''': Beat the ''crap'' out of him too!
[''Maggie makes a silly face with her hands up, Saxton Hale roaring with laughter'']
'''Maggie''': Remember there was that boat full of hippies trapped in there?
'''Jerry''': ''Mister Hale?''
'''Saxton Hale''' (Laughing): ''Ha ha ha!'' When'll those dimwits learn? They just look like a boat full of ''sausages'' to a ''whale''.
'''Jerry''' (Shouting now): Mister Hale!!
[''Saxton Hale and Maggie calm down slightly, smiling at each other'']
'''Maggie''': Remember what we did in that whale, Sax?
'''Saxton Hale''': Do I. On everything, Mags. The stomach. The liver. The heart, The cougar corpse...
[''They are interrupted by the shouts of Jerry, who opens the cabin door and notifies them loudly.'']
'''Jerry''': '''''MISTER HALE!''''' If you're going to jump, it needs to be ''now'', we are ''out'' of fuel.
[''Maggie brushes her hair, and Saxton Hale nudges her with his muscular arm'']
'''Maggie''': Sheesh Sax, how long've we been jawing on for?
'''Saxton Hale''': That big fella and the rat-boy jumped an hour ago. Time flies with you Mags. Always did. Y'know, I've been thinking... Once we get that Australium off Gray Mann...
[''Maggie and Saxton Hale both put on parachutes. Saxton Hale gets his on first, and pushes several crates of cargo off the open rear of the plane for dropoff.'']
'''Saxton Hale''' (Looking back and smiling): ...[[Non-playable characters#Charles Darling|Darling]] promised he'd get me [[Mann Co.]] back! Mags! You should come ''run'' it with me!
[''Maggie faces away, and shows sadness as she puts on her parachute'']
'''Saxton Hale''': Just the two of us! Wouldn't that be great?
[''Still no answer from Maggie'']
'''Saxton Hale''' (Still pushing cargo): Mags?
[''Back outside the base, Miss Pauling, Zhanna, Demoman, Heavy, Soldier and Scout are seen bunched up in a circle in the middle of a bridge. They are surrounded on both sides by hoards of robots, with torrents of water under the bridge trapping them entirely.'']
'''Soldier''': Do not worry, men! I have ''crapped'' my way out of tougher jams than this! Surrounded on ''one side''? ''HA!'' These tin cans couldn't surround their own metal asses with both hands! I'll-
[''Soldier looks towards the other end of the bridge'']
'''Soldier''': Oh. They are on ''both'' sides of us. Men, we are going to die.
'''Scout''': It's a good thing we ain't got any guns, Soldier...
[''Zoom in to Scout and the group'']
'''Scout''' (Tense, with fists up): ...'cause I'd shoot you right ''now'' before these robots kill us.
'''Heavy''': Where did ''Hale'' go?
'''Scout''': I ''toldja'' we couldn't trust that smelly bagga muscles... Just a big hairy coward, if ya ask m-
[''Scout is interrupted mid-sentence by a crate hitting him squarely on the head.'']
'''Scout''': Ow.
[''Parachuted crates begin to rain from the sky; one hits Soldier on the head as well. Scout is seen holding a crate labeled ''Mann Co. Submachine Guns'', trying his best to read it.'']
'''Scout''': Sub... Submack... mackeen... No, wait. Lemme start over. Subm-
'''Miss Pauling''': Scout, read faster.
[''Camera focuses above the team, with everyone looking upwards. The Scout smiles widely'']
'''Scout''': Naw, I got the gist. Holy ''crap'', you guys! Look who just showed up with a bunch of ''Submakeens!''
[''Saxton Hale is seen parachuting down along with his crates, with Maggie right beside him. Jerry clings onto Maggie for dear life.'']
'''Saxton Hale''': '''SAXTON HAAAALE!'''
'''Jerry''': ''AAAAAAAaaaaaaa...''
[''A crate lands and bursts open beside the Heavy, who glances down at it. His trusty [[Minigun]] rolls out of the broken crate. He smiles, picks it up, and revs his Minigun, hearing it sing again.'']
'''Heavy''': Ahhh, Sasha. I have missed your voice.
[''Cut to a picture of the team finally having firearms to fight back, with them beginning to blast, shoot and punch their way through the hoard of Gray Mann's robots.'']
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! class="header" | Page 56-86: Sniper VS Spy... VS Sniper
|[''Scene of Miss Pauling's team fighting suddenly cuts to black, sans a telescopic sight aimed directly at the Heavy's head. A voice can be heard muttering to himself.'']
'''Voice''': Okay, fat man...
[''Cut to the [[Sniper (Classic)|TFC Sniper]], standing at a vantage point within a building. His Sniper Rifle is pointed out through the window, and he is about to take the shot.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': How about you go first?
[''Several knocks on the room's door interrupt his focus. The TFC Sniper lifts his head from the scope and swears.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': ''Damn'' it all!
[''The TFC Sniper rests his rifle against the windowsill and faces the door'']
'''TFC Sniper''': Whoever that is, your knockin' just cost me a headshot.
'''Voice''' (Outside door): Virgil, it's me! Let me in!
'''TFC Sniper''': Uh huh. And how do I ''know'' its you?
'''Voice''' (More frantically): Virg, three of us are ''dead'' and the boss is ''PISSED'', now let me in!
'''TFC Sniper''': Ah, goddamnit. "''Apricot''".
[''The codeword opens up the door, revealing the TFC Engineer. He walks in.'']
'''TFC Engineer''': Pack it up. Boss wants you back in the Comm room.
[''TFC Sniper lays his rifle beside the window'']
'''TFC Sniper''': ''Now''? Has he lost his damn mind? I've got 'em dead to rights down there. They've got ''guns'' now, Fred.
[''Camera moves out of the room as the two converse. Outside the door, the [[Sniper]] is seen holding a wooden plank in the shadows; the TFC Engineer is, in fact, the [[Spy]], who was attempting to run the TFC Sniper into an ambush.'']
'''"TFC Engineer"''': Wait, what? When?
'''TFC Sniper''': Just now. Some naked guy fell out of the sky with a load of weapon crates.
[''Sniper overhears this and hesitates slightly'']
'''Sniper''' (quietly): Aw, bloody hell...
[''"TFC Engineer" points out the door with his thumb'']
'''"TFC Engineer"''': Well, maybe that's what the boss wants to talk about. I know he's got ''something'' planned, anyway.
'''TFC Sniper''': Yeah, fine. Let's go. ..."''Apricot''".
[''The codeword shuts the door as the TFC Sniper pulls out a {{Botignore|revolver}}, shooting the "TFC Engineer" in the knee. Spy's disguise fades, and Sniper is seen hurrying away from the door, panicking.'']
'''Sniper''': Bugger. ''Bugger.'' '''Bugger'''.
[''Spy lies sprawled on the floor, one hand clutching his injured knee. He frantically begins to shout the door's codeword as the TFC Sniper sits down on his knees beside him.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': Why would the boss want his ''Sniper'' out a ''Sniper's nest'' durin' the middle of a firefight...
'''Spy''' (Towards the door): ''Nngh!'' Apricot!
'''TFC Sniper''': ...just so he can tell me to go ''back'' to my Sniper's nest to start shootin' people?
'''Spy''' (In a panic): Apricot! ''Apricot!''
'''TFC Sniper''': Heh. Yeah, that's not gonna work. You might wanna come up with some better last words.
[''Meanwhile, the Sniper crashes through a wooden door with difficulty. He falls down, bleeding and weak from his stitches.'']
'''Sniper''': *Hff* *Hff*
[''There is a window inside the room he broke into. Sniper grabs into the windowsill and smashes through it; a piece of the broken window manages to accidentally catch onto his pants, leaving him stark naked once he is out of the window.'']
'''Sniper''': Bugger. Bugger. ''Aggh.'' Bugger...
[''Scene shifts back to the TFC Sniper and Spy'']
'''TFC Sniper''': Fred and I been workin' together since before the war. For what its worth? That was a good Fred.
'''Spy''' (Holding his knee in pain): '''Nngh!''' Not good enough, evidently.
'''TFC Sniper''': Nah, it woulda fooled me. Thing is, I know Fred so well...
[''The TFC Sniper taps his {{botignore|revolver}} against his right eye; it has a robotic appearance, and makes a metallic sound'']
'''TFC Sniper''': ...I ''trusted him''. To pluck my eyes out and replace 'em with ''these''. Damn things see through ''everything''. Can't sleep at night. They see through my ''eyelids''. But lemme tell you... it is ''worth'' it to see you rat@#$% ''Spies'' coming.
'''Spy''': ''Ngh!'' Well. Before you kill me.
[''Spy seems to give up, reaching into his suit and pulling out a cigarette while giving a half-smile'']
'''Spy''': Would you mind... if I had a cigarette?
[''Camera pans to face the Spy's back. The TFC Sniper's back is turned away from the room's windows, preventing him from seeing Sniper inching his way towards the room's open window from the outside.'']
'''TFC Sniper''' (pointing his {{botignore|revolver}} at the Spy): Sure. But take one of ''mine''.
[''TFC Sniper gets on one knee and lights one of his cigarettes for the Spy, lifting his hat with his gun. Sniper is halfway there, a trail of blood left against the windows.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': I don't want you smokin' one of them ''cyanide'' cigarettes you boys like so much.
[''Sniper is right next to the window, where TFC Sniper's rifle rests. TFC Sniper is still oblivious.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': Don't want you goin' quick. I'm gonna take my ''time'' with this.
[''TFC Sniper finally turns around from the sound of his rifle getting cocked. Sniper has crawled into the room, aiming TFC Sniper's own rifle towards him. TFC Sniper sighs, and puts both hands up in an act of surrender.'']
'''TFC Sniper''': *sigh* Right. Now just think this through for a second, son. I'm sittin' on a-
[''Without a moment of hesitance, Sniper delivers a fatal [[headshot]] to the TFC Sniper, silencing him and killing him instantly. TFC Sniper's body drops onto the ground in a puddle of blood.'']
[''Spy rests himself against a wall, fingers holding his cigarette as Sniper walks towards him'']
'''Spy''': If I forgot to mention it before now... You Snipers are the ''worst people on the planet''.
'''Sniper''': He wasn't a Sniper. He was a ''sadist''. There's a difference. Snipers don't muck about with gutshots and monologues. We just take the shot.
[''Both men rest painfully against the wall, Spy bleeding from his leg, and Sniper's stitches leaving blood all over the wall'']
'''Spy''' (condescendingly): Yes, you're credit to the institution of shooting people from far away. Some of us would have ''enjoyed'' torturing him first, by the way.
'''Sniper''': Yeah, well... next time speak up before I blow his head off. Let's have one of them cigs.
[''Spy takes a whiff from his cigarette, and passes a lit one to Sniper. Both do not lock eyes.'']
[''Short pause'']
'''Sniper''': So... how do you reckon we get ''outta'' here?
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! class="header" | Page 87-123: You Killed Doctor
|[''Scene changes to outside of the TFC base. Medic and Demoman are sitting in front of the rubble of a [[Tank Robot]]. Medic is stitching up Demoman's leg, while Demoman drinks from what seems to be a bottle of [[Bottle|scrumpy]].'']
'''Demoman''': So after ye ''shot'' Sniper...
'''Medic''' (working): Technically I was only ''present''.
'''Demoman''': ...ye brought him back from the dead.
'''Medic''': Ingeniously so, yes.
'''Demoman''': Ach, well... tha's all right then.
'''Medic''' (gets up slightly): Could I trouble you with the hydrogen peroxide?
[''Demoman hands him the bottle he was drinking from; he was drinking hydrogen peroxide the entire time'']
'''Demoman''' Aye, here ya go.
'''Medic''': ''Danke''. This won't take a moment.
[''Zoom in on Demoman'']
'''Demoman''': Y'know, Doc, I always ''wondered''... ye can bring a man back t'life... why can't ye grow me another eye?
[''Medic hands Demoman the bottle of hydrogen peroxide, smiles, and prepares another string for stitching'']
'''Medic''': Oh, of course I can. The procedure is quite simple, really.
[''Medic starts to hum as he begins stitching up Demoman's leg again. Demoman takes a swig from the {{botignore|bottle}}, and takes some time to process what he just heard'']
'''Demoman''' (After a moment of thought): ''What.''
[''Demoman gets up, raising his voice to the Medic in slight anger'']
'''Demoman''': Ye mean ta tell me, ''all these years''... '''Ye could have put me eye back in any time ye bloodly liked'''?
'''Medic''' (flabbergasted): ''Could'' have?
[''Medic points a finger at Demoman, lecturing him'']
'''Medic''': My friend, I've given you your eye back at least eight times. And ''every'' time it functions normally until [[Halloween]] night. At which point it grows batwings and attacks us. We've fought a [[MONOCULUS|''giant'' your eye]], a ''brain-in-a-jar'' your eye, a ''knife-wielding ventriloquist dummy'' your eye. One year it traveled back in time and tried to be our parents.
[''Zooms in to Medic, who gives a grim expression and points at Demoman'']
'''Medic''': The point is: in my medical opinion... and as a man of science I do noy say this lightly... That eye socket is ''haunted''.
[''Medic turns around to pack up his supplies. Demoman looks at him suspiciously'']
'''Demoman''': Wait, why don't I ''remember'' any o' this?
'''Medic''': Oh, that. I scooped that part of your brain out so you'd stop asking me.
[''Demoman points a finger forward with a dumbfounded look for a moment, but then washes his questions away with a swig from his hydrogen peroxide {{botignore|bottle}}'']
'''Demoman''': ...Aye, fair enough.
[''Demoman stands up suddenly'']
'''Demoman''': Hold on. I ''did'' just ask you.
'''Medic''' (Shrugging): *Sigh* I know. Sadly, brain-scooping is not an exact science.
[''Medic puts a hand on Demoman's back'']
'''Medic''': My advice would be to try not to remember things.
[''Demoman puts a finger to his head, focusing'']
'''Demoman''': Don't remember things. Got-
[''Demoman suddenly gets a nosebleed and leans back, seemingly stunned as Medic watches. He suddenly runs off happily, apparently forgetting everything that had happened, even the Medic's name itself. Medic waves a hand in the air and smiles.'']
'''Medic''': That's the spirit! Also, your leg is fixed. I even gave it its own little brain! So get out there and let's see what that does.
'''Demoman''' (Smiling but oblivious): You've ''got'' it, kindly stranger!
[''With Demoman gone, Medic gets on his knees and packs up his supplies in a [[Health|large health pack]], whistling. Suddenly, two pair of feet appear behind him.'']
'''Voice''': '''''Frankenstein'''''.
[''Medic turns around as the the large frame of the TFC Heavy approaches from behind him, Gray Mann's Life-Extender machine in his hand'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Here's what's gonna happen. We're going back to your lab. And we're gonna figure out how to stitch this thing into me.
[''Medic brings a hand down near his health pack, careful not to make sudden movements'']
'''Medic''': Of course. Let's get you on an operating table and-
'''TFC Heavy''': -And you'll put me under and you'll kill me. I ain't stupid. No, you're gonna tell ''my'' guy how to do it.
'''Medic''' (keeping his eyes on TFC Heavy): Please. ''I am a Doctor''. You will not die on my table.
[''The comic panel reveals what Medic was reaching for: his [[Ubersaw]].'']
'''Medic''': I'll just kill you here.
[''Medic gets up and uses his Ubersaw to slash at the TFC Heavy's face. TFC Heavy stumbles and clutches his face, bleeding from a deep gash. It has started to rain.'']
'''TFC Heavy''': '''AGH!''' What...
[''TFC Heavy looks defeated, but suddenly glares at Medic, blood pouring from his wound'']
'''TFC Heavy''': ''What'' the ''HELL'' did you just do.
[''Before TFC Heavy can react, Medic stabs him in the left side of his stomach, leaving his Ubersaw deeply embedded in his chest. He bravely keeps his gaze on the surprised TFC Heavy.'']
'''Medic''': Here. Let me show you.
[''TFC Heavy falls onto the muddy floor; Medic adjusts his glasses, seemingly winning the fight. To his surprise and horror, TFC Heavy grabs onto the Ubersaw and pulls it out of his stomach while standing up.'']
'''Medic''': Dear god...
[''TFC Heavy throws the bloodied Ubersaw on the ground, and menacingly walks towards Medic with a air of rage. The rain bounces off his shoulders.'']
'''TFC Heavy''': You've been a coward since the day I hired you. I gotta say... I did '''NOT''' see that comin'. But now? Now you got my full attention.
[''TFC Heavy dashes forward and clotheslines Medic with a flexed arm, knocking his glasses off and forcing him straight onto the muddy ground.'']
'''TFC Heavy''': '''''RRRRAGGH!'''''
[''TFC Heavy sits on Medic and pins him to the ground, one arm pressed hard against his face. Medic begins to beg for his life while TFC Heavy keeps a crazed smile on his face.'']
'''Medic''': ''Wait, WAIT! THE MACHINE!'' You still ''NEED ME! I'm'' the only one-
'''TFC Heavy''': Nah. You were just the closest. The old woman. ''She knows''. And now I know where she is. Hirin' you was the biggest mistake I ever made, Doc. You been sewin' god-knows-what into us for ''MONTHS''... '''Now it's my turn'''. How about I start by sawing your '''@#$%ing arms''' off?
[''Zoom in onto TFC Heavy's bleeding face, spitting blood from his wound as he talks'']
'''TFC Heavy''': And sewing 'em up your-
[''He is interrupted by a Minigun barrel nudging his face - Heavy stands behind him, revved-up Minigun ready to fire'']
'''Heavy''': Do not hit Doctor.
[''TFC Heavy looks back, barely turning his head'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Ah, the ''big'' guy. ''Finally''. Heard a lot about you, big man.
[''TFC Heavy turns around and shrugs with a goofy smile'']
'''TFC Heavy''': I ain't gonna lie. I've been lookin' ''forward'' to this.
[''TFC Heavy closes his eyes and covers his head, apparently surrendering'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Y'got me dead to rights here. Go on then. Do it.
[''Heavy responds by dropping his still-spinning Minigun, standing akimbo with his preferred weapons: his [[Fists]].'']
'''Heavy''': You want a good death? I can give this to you.
[''While Heavy talks, TFC Heavy pulls out a {{botignore|pistol}} from his clothes and stands up'']
'''Medic''' (Still on the foor): ...He has a gun...
'''Heavy''': Coward. I should have known you would not want fair fight.
'''TFC Heavy''': See, here's the thing...
[''TFC Heavy grins and, without looking away from Heavy, fires two fatal shots into Medic's chest'']
'''TFC Heavy''': That's ''EXACTLY what I want.
[''Heavy stares at his dying Doctor with a blank expression'']
'''Heavy''': You... you killed Doctor.
[''TFC Heavy flings his empty firearm away, fist clenched'']
'''TFC Heavy''': Yeah, you caught that, huh? Two on one. That sound ''fair'' to you? You want a fair fight, big man? Now you got one.
[''The words seem to fall on Heavy's empty ears - his expression turns angier with each word he utters'']
'''Heavy''': You... ''KILLED...''
[''Heavy delivers a full hook onto the TFC Heavy, completely enraged'']
'''Heavy''': '''''... DOCTOR!'''''
== Pages ==
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== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* Parts of several classes' names are mentioned for the first time.
* Parts of several classes' names are mentioned for the first time.
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* The scene in which [[Saxton Hale]] jumps out of his plane with [[Non-playable characters#Jerry|Jerry]] clinging onto [[Non-playable characters#Maggie|Maggie]] and screaming on the way down is similar to Page 7 of [[Ring of Fired]].
* The scene in which [[Saxton Hale]] jumps out of his plane with [[Non-playable characters#Jerry|Jerry]] clinging onto [[Non-playable characters#Maggie|Maggie]] and screaming on the way down is similar to Page 7 of [[Ring of Fired]].
* On Page 256, the Medic is seen cradling a bandana-wearing baby baboon in the background, seemingly hinting at the success of his "Baboon Pregnancy Inducer" and the [[Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)|TFC Heavy]]'s fate.
* On Page 256, the Medic is seen cradling a bandana-wearing baby baboon in the background, seemingly hinting at the success of his "Baboon Pregnancy Inducer" and the [[Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic)|TFC Heavy]]'s fate.
* The pages with the Engineer were later edited to change the color of his clothes from blue to red.
=== Cover page ===
=== Cover page ===

Revision as of 12:17, 25 January 2017

The Naked and the Dead
Comic Strip Info
Released: January 10th, 2017
Number of pages: 274
Artist: Heather "makani" Campbell
Writer: Jay Pinkerton & Erik Wolpaw
Colorist: Maren Marmulla

The Naked and the Dead (also known as Team Fortress Comics #6) is a comic released on January 10th, 2017. It is the penultimate issue of a seven-part comic series, picking up where Old Wounds left off.


The comic begins with Miss Pauling's hallucination, while she is bleeding out and unconscious after the attack of the Classic Team's leech robots. She wakes up in a desert with a disembodied door before her, which she enters. Behind this door is the Administrator's control room. After a brief exchange, Miss Pauling admits her failure to obtain the final stash of Australium to the Administrator, and questions the Administrator about what she truly wants; however, Miss Pauling is revived abruptly by the Medic, who saves her by placing the blood drained from the robots back in her body, and then proceeds to revive Soldier in a similar manner. When Miss Pauling questions Medic on how he managed it, Demoman is seen fighting and destroying the rest of the robots, and the Medic responds that the robots have been poisoned and weakened by the high alcoholic content of Demoman's blood. In Demoman's own hallucination, he has successfully reassigned his body's organs to distill its own alcohol out of his vital fluids, and even his liver returns to reconcile.

Meanwhile, the Classic Mercenaries confront TFC Heavy about how they will receive their payment after he killed Gray Mann. TFC Heavy angrily persuades them that the Life-Extender device was worth going without pay, but the TFC Engineer is reluctant to agree. Frustrated, TFC Heavy commands the TFC Engineer to reactivate the rest of Gray's Robots to kill the current mercenaries, and he complies.

The comic cuts back to the original group, with Scout and Heavy parachuting down to Miss Pauling. As Scout hugs Pauling, Medic reveals that she should no longer be hugged as the action squeezes some of the replaced blood out of her eyes. Heavy greets his sister Zhanna, but is surprised that she had lost a hand, and then gets annoyed at the realization that she had become engaged with Soldier, and they plan to have children. Scout reveals to Pauling about the discovery of the Australium being stolen, and that Saxton Hale and his partner Maggie were on the island as well, presumably having jumped off the plane at the same time as him and Heavy. However, they are rudely interrupted upon turning around, a hoard of reactivated Gray Mann robots approaching and Saxton Hale and Maggie nowhere to be seen.

The comic cuts to Saxton Hale and Maggie in Hale's plane, who were too engrossed with reminiscing over their past adventures to follow Scout and Heavy, who had jumped off an hour ago. After their pilot Jerry notifies them that they were out of fuel, Hale and Mags drop Mann Co. ammunition and weapon crates to the mercenaries below, before jumping from the plane (along with Jerry) to aid them in fighting the robots. Unfortunately, TFC Sniper is watching the battle and preparing to shoot Heavy, before a knock at the door from the TFC Engineer distracts him. TFC Engineer claims that TFC Heavy has ordered him to pull back, while outside, Sniper is standing outside the door and ready to ambush his TFC counterpart. However, TFC Sniper shoots TFC Engineer in the knee, revealing that his best friend, the TFC Engineer, had already replaced his original eyeballs with mechanical ones that saw past the disguise. Sniper runs to another room, breaks the window and climbs around the building's exterior, while the Spy distracts TFC Sniper by asking him for a cigarette as a final request. This buys enough time for Sniper to enter a window, take TFC Sniper's rifle, and kill TFC Sniper with a headshot without any hesitation. Spy and Sniper share a moment to mock each other over their shared rivalry.

Back at the battleground, Demoman takes cover while Medic stitches up a wound in his leg. It is revealed that Demoman has a cursed eye socket which causes any replacement eye the Medic gives him to mutate on Halloween night, attacking the team in various ways. To prevent Demoman from questioning him, Medic also reveals that he had removed part of Demoman's brain which remembers the events. After promptly forgetting the recent events, Demoman walks away, giving TFC heavy an opportunity to threaten Medic into placing the Life-Extender device into him. Medic instead attacks him with his Ubersaw, but fails to kill him. Heavy attempts to save Medic, but TFC Heavy shoots Medic fatally with a Pistol. Enraged, Heavy attacks him.

The comic moves to TFC Soldier and TFC Scout in a weapons storage room, discussing the present nature of events. TFC Scout points out the futility of the situation, noting that TFC Heavy has gone insane, they are losing the battle, and the money they have accumulated has not bought them happiness. TFC Scout reminds TFC Soldier of the dream they shared to own an orphanage, but soon discovers they have been somehow coated in gasoline as the Pyro reveals his presence.

Outside, Scout and Ms. Pauling fight off robots, noting the absence of Spy and Pyro, until the loud explosion behind them from Pyro's attack indicates otherwise. They subsequently notice Soldier and Zhanna, who have inexplicably stripped down and covered themselves with honey to fight the robots, prompting Scout to retreat to somewhere "less naked". Saxton Hale and Maggie likewise fight off robots, albeit with their clothes on.

The comic cuts to a more violent side as Heavy, in a burst of outrage, starts brutally beating TFC Heavy, despite TFC heavy's efforts to negotiate his way through. As Heavy starts to finish the job and states that he doesn't care if he has an immortality machine; TFC heavy killed his friend the Medic. TFC Heavy suddenly recovers, revealing that he simply pushed the immortality machine into his body, which was apparently enough for it to work.

The comic takes a shift as Sniper and Spy come across some dead Spy-bots. Spy remarks on Sniper's nudity, but refuses to lend Sniper his expensive suit, and both come across a drastic discovery: Scout is close to death. Not knowing what to do, Spy disguises himself as Tom Jones and gives Scout his dream passing. Spy reveals that he is in fact Scout's father, and he tried to avoid Scout for 27 years, and he regrets that entirely. He is finally overall proud of what he believes Scout had become, as Scout peacefully passes away.

The comic cuts to black and comes back to Scout, who is now in Heaven. God (or at least Scout's interpretation of him) begins to lavish praises on Scout, but when he realizes that Scout is still a virgin, he decides to destroy all of humanity until Scout talks him into an alternative - to send him back to the world of the living until his time comes. In reality, Sniper and Spy discuss what to do with Scout's body, but discover that Scout has revived, much to Sniper's reassurance and Spy's horrified disgust.

Zhanna and Soldier prepare for another wave of robots. Soldier asks Zhanna for another jar of honey, but to their surprise, there is none. Instead, Zhanna finds gasoline and both of them consider lighting themselves on fire whilst fight the mass. This is cut short as Miss Pauling's phone starts to ring and Zhanna lifts her from underneath a pile of robot corpses. The person on the other end of the line is Engineer, whom states that he is with the Administrator and he asks for what's left of the Australium, to which Miss Pauling says there is none. She requests to talk to the Administrator, but Engineer explains that the Administrator has died and puts down the phone, promising to ask the Administrator to call back. Zhanna approaches Ms. Pauling to ask her who she was talking to, and Ms. Pauling admits the truth of the matter: she was talking with her boss over something her boss had planned for her whole life, but Ms. Pauling has "screwed it all up". Zhanna reassures her that the team will help, finally acknowledging Ms. Pauling as a part of the team and apologizes for the suspicion she regarded Ms. Pauling with. However, Zhanna warns Ms. Pauling to stay away from Soldier, who has been listening in and joins Zhanna in insinuating that Ms. Pauling was taking advantage of Soldier's nudity. Angry, Ms. Pauling is about to complain until she realizes that Sniper, still naked, has walked onto the scene, with Spy supporting Scout.

As TFC Heavy continues to beat up Heavy, Medic's soul is in Hell, having signed a contract with the Devil years prior. The Devil prepares to send Medic to Hell for eternity as per the terms of the contract, but Medic points out a clause written into it: he can only go to Hell if the Devil owns a majority of his soul, and reveals that he had additional souls (taken from his teammates) surgically grafted into himself, leaving the Devil with no claim. Medic negotiates with the Devil, asking to be allowed to return to Earth for an amount of time, enough for the Devil to claim his other eight souls. The Devil eventually agrees, and lets Medic trade one of his souls with the Devil's pen.

In the realm of the living, TFC Heavy prepares to kill Heavy, but is distracted by the Medic, who has revived and is holding the Devil's modified pen. Medic claims that the pen has been modified to instantly induce labor in the TFC Heavy, and cause the baboon fetuses developing inside the surgically grafted uterus to fully mature, tearing TFC Heavy apart from the inside. Stunned, TFC Heavy calls Medic's bluff, which Medic confirms - the entire exchange was a distraction for Heavy to rip out the immortality machine from TFC Heavy's abdomen, killing him. Heavy and Medic reunite, where Medic reveals that while the pen was a fake, he already had the real device in his medical kit, and activates it.

As the last of the robots are destroyed, Ms. Pauling despairs over the destroyed immortality machine, realizing that all possible sources of Australium on Earth have now been lost. In his dying moments, TFC Heavy expresses his bewilderment that his team lost, given the superiority of the Classic mercenaries. Ms. Pauling admits that she has no idea, but boldly declares that it doesn't matter: her team was victorious. Scowling, TFC Heavy dies, and Spy and Ms. Pauling share a moment over her giving a speech to a dying man before he passed away.

Elsewhere, the Administrator's immortality machine jumpstarts, reviving her. Engineer reveals that she has four hours before she dies again, and confirms that besides the small vial of Australium he's holding on for her, all global supplies of Australium have been exhausted. In denial and frustration, the Administrator punches the glass window, before calming down and asking Engineer to escort her to her private room. Handing her the vial, Engineer points out that she could still live for six months on her current supply, at which the Administrator brings up her vendetta. Engineer asks about her "old debt", pointing out that he'd never asked her in the long time his family had worked for her, and expresses his sympathy that the Administrator did not get to settle her debt before death, suggesting that she let go.

The Administrator acknowledges that she has been carrying her "debt" for a long time, since she was a child - and now she is nearing the end of her life, she has decided to end everything while "looking her best". The remark causes Engineer to realize that the Administrator has consume all of the Australium to restore her age to that of a young woman; horrified, the Engineer exclaims that the Administrator's reckless usage has left her with only an hour to live at best. With her eyes glowing from the effect of the element, the Administrator claims that she has more than enough time left, and promises to "end this, once and for all".


Due to the length of this comic, a transcript is necessary. The transcript has been sectioned into smaller story events for convenience.


All pages of the The Naked and the Dead comic.


  • Parts of several classes' names are mentioned for the first time.
    • The Spy calls the Scout "Jeremy" while he is disguised as Tom Jones.
    • The "Devil" addresses the Medic as Mr. Ludwig, a common German name.
  • Despite the TFC Sniper claiming that his eyes can see through everything (even his own eyelids), he was unable to see the Sniper hiding outside the room, and did not notice him running away and attempting to find another way into his room after the Spy's ambush failed. (Most likely due to a human's eye not being able to turn a full 360 degrees)
  • On Page 80, the Sniper is seen picking up his default Sniper Rifle from where the TFC Sniper was previously sitting, despite the TFC Sniper using a different Sniper Rifle (a jet-black one with a blue lens).
  • The Demoman is seen drinking from a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on Page 88. However, hydrogen peroxide is only safe to consume if highly diluted with water (3% per bottle) and in small amounts, as it can induce vomiting and foaming in the stomach.
  • On Page 155, the Spy mentions that his jacket is made by a brand named Louis Crabbemarché. Loosely translated, "Crabbemarché" is French for "crab walking", a homage to the Spycrab fad, while "Louis" is a reference to the designer brand Louis Vuitton.
  • There are several heavy hints that support the running gag and theory of the Spy being the Scout's biological father.
    • The Spy performs a genuine act of kindness by disguising as Tom Jones (the Scout's idol of sorts) and allowing the Scout to "pass on peacefully". He even mentions the Scout's real name for the first time, and calls him "son" before Scout loses consciousness.
    • When the Scout jokingly mentions that his father is Tom Jones, his personification of "God" interrupts his own sentence before unconvincingly correcting himself, hiding the true identity of the Scout's father.
  • The scene in which Saxton Hale jumps out of his plane with Jerry clinging onto Maggie and screaming on the way down is similar to Page 7 of Ring of Fired.
  • On Page 256, the Medic is seen cradling a bandana-wearing baby baboon in the background, seemingly hinting at the success of his "Baboon Pregnancy Inducer" and the TFC Heavy's fate.
  • The pages with the Engineer were later edited to change the color of his clothes from blue to red.

Cover page

See also

External links