Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements/dazed and defused-desc"
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements for string "dazed and defused-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/mann vs. machievements for string "dazed and defused-desc".) |
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Stun 50 robots while upgraded with rocket specialist.|en=Stun 50 robots while upgraded with rocket specialist.|cs=Vylepšenými raketami omrač 50 robotů.|da=Lam 50 robotter med raketspecialist-opgraderingen.|de=Betäuben Sie 50 Roboter, während Sie das Upgrade Raketenspezialist besitzen.|es=Aturde 50 robots con la mejora especialista en cohetes.|fi=Tainnuta 50 vihollista, kun rakettimestari-päivitys on käytössä.|fr=Faites freezer 50 robots avec la compétence spécialiste de la roquette.|hu=Béníts meg 50 robotot, mialatt rakéta specialista fejlesztésed van.|it=Stordisci 50 robot mentre sei sotto l'effetto del potenziamento "Specialista dei razzi".|ja=ロケットスペシャリストでアップグレード中に 50 体のロボットを機能不全にする。|ko=로켓 특화 항목을 개선한 상태에서 로봇 50대를 기절시키십시오.|nl=Verdoof 50 robots terwijl je de raketspecialist-upgrade hebt.|no=Svimeslå 50 roboter mens du har oppgraderingen som rakettspesialist.|pl=Ogłusz 50 robotów, mając ulepszenie | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Stun 50 robots while upgraded with [[Upgrade Station#Primary|rocket specialist]].|en=Stun 50 robots while upgraded with [[Upgrade Station#Primary|rocket specialist]].|cs=Vylepšenými raketami omrač 50 robotů.|da=Lam 50 robotter med [[Upgrade Station/da#Primær|raketspecialist]]-opgraderingen.|de=Betäuben Sie 50 Roboter, während Sie das Upgrade [[Upgrade Station/de#Primär|Raketenspezialist]] besitzen.|es=Aturde 50 robots con la mejora [[Upgrade Station/es#Principal|especialista en cohetes]].|fi=Tainnuta 50 vihollista, kun [[Upgrade Station/fi#Ensisijainen|rakettimestari]]-päivitys on käytössä.|fr=Faites freezer 50 robots avec la compétence [[Upgrade Station/fr#Principale|spécialiste de la roquette]].|hu=Béníts meg 50 robotot, mialatt [[Upgrade Station/hu#Elsődleges|rakéta specialista]] fejlesztésed van.|it=Stordisci 50 robot mentre sei sotto l'effetto del potenziamento "[[Upgrade Station/it#Primary|Specialista dei razzi]]".|ja=ロケットスペシャリストでアップグレード中に 50 体のロボットを機能不全にする。|ko=[[Upgrade Station/ko#주무기|로켓 특화]] 항목을 개선한 상태에서 로봇 50대를 기절시키십시오.|nl=Verdoof 50 robots terwijl je de [[Upgrade Station/nl#Primair|raketspecialist]]-upgrade hebt.|no=Svimeslå 50 roboter mens du har oppgraderingen som [[Upgrade Station/no#Primary|rakettspesialist]].|pl=Ogłusz 50 robotów, mając ulepszenie „[[Upgrade Station/pl#Podstawowa|Specjalista od rakiet]]”.|pt=Atordoa 50 robots enquanto tens a melhoria '[[Upgrade Station/pt#Primary|Especialista em rockets]]'.|pt-br=Atordoe 50 robôs após comprar a melhoria "[[Upgrade Station/pt-br#Primárias|Especialista em foguetes]]".|ro=Năucește 50 de roboți folosind îmbunătățirea de [[Upgrade Station/ro#Primary|specialist al rachetelor]].|ru=Оглушить 50 роботов, используя улучшение "[[Upgrade Station/ru#Основное|Специалист по ракетам]]".|sv=Bedöva 50 robotar medan du har uppgraderingen [[Upgrade Station/sv#Primary|raketspecialist]].|tr=[[Upgrade Station/tr#Primary|Roket uzmanı]] geliştirmesi açıkken 50 robot sersemlet.|zh-hans=购买[[Upgrade Station/zh-hans#主武器|火箭专家]]升级之后,击晕 50 个机器人。|zh-hant=使用[[Upgrade Station/zh-hant#主要武器|火箭專家]]升級功能震暈 50 台機器人。}} |
Latest revision as of 14:30, 1 July 2024
Stun 50 robots while upgraded with rocket specialist.