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(Created page with "<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{type|{{{1|}}}}}} | name = 2Fort{{if lang}} | display = {{lang | en = 2Fort }} | image = File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|100px }}|right|link=2Fo...")
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| display = {{lang
| display = {{lang
  | en = 2Fort
  | en = 2Fort
| es = 2Fort
| fr = 2Fort
| it = 2Fort
| ko = 2Fort
| pl = 2Fort
| ru = 2Fort
| zh-hans = 要塞战争
| image  = [[File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|100px
| image  = [[File:Ctf 2fort bridge ss.png|100px|right|link=2Fort{{if lang}}|alt={{lang
}}|right|link=2Fort{{if lang}}|alt={{lang
  | en = 2Fort
  | en = 2Fort]]
| es = 2Fort
| fr = 2Fort
| it = 2Fort
| ko = 2Fort
| pl = 2Fort
| ru = 2Fort
| zh-hans = 要塞战争
| text    = {{lang
| text    = {{lang
  | en = '''2Fort''' is a [[Capture the Flag]] map and is the subsequent remake of the [[Team Fortress Classic]] [[2Fort (Classic)|map of the same name]]; these maps are both based on the ''[[Team Fortress]]'' map "2fort5." 2Fort was the first official [[CTF]] map for ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. It was one of the six initial maps included with the game's release.<br><br>Two similar forts oppose each other, which are separated by a [[water]]-filled moat.  A covered bridge spans the moat and battlements on each fort provide excellent positions to assault oncoming players.
  | en = '''2Fort''' is a [[Capture the Flag]] map and is the subsequent remake of the [[Team Fortress Classic]] [[2Fort (Classic)|map of the same name]]; these maps are both based on the ''[[Team Fortress]]'' map "2fort5." 2Fort was the first official [[CTF]] map for ''[[Team Fortress 2]]''. It was one of the six initial maps included with the game's release.
Two similar forts oppose each other, which are separated by a [[water]]-filled moat.  A covered bridge spans the moat and battlements on each fort provide excellent positions to assault oncoming players.
| es = '''2Fort''' es un mapa de [[Capture the Flag/es|Captura la Bandera]]. Es un remake del mapa de [[Team Fortress Classic/es|Team Fortress Classic]] con el mismo nombre; estos mapas están ambos basados en el mapa "2fort5". 2Fort fue el primer mapa oficial de [[Capture the Flag/es|Captura la Bandera]] para [[Team Fortress 2/es|Team Fortress 2]]. Fue uno de los seis primeros mapas incluidos con el juego.
Hay dos puestos similares opuestos, separados por un embalse lleno de agua. Un puente cubierto cubre el embalse y puestos de combate, situados por igual en cada fuerte, ofrecen excelentes posiciones para asaltar a los jugadores atacantes, particularmente para Snipers.
| fr = '''2Fort''' est une carte de type [[Capture the Flag/fr|Capture de drapeau]], il s'agit d'une version remaniée de la [[2Fort (Classic)/fr|carte du même nom]] sur [[Team Fortress Classic/fr|Team Fortress Classic]]. 2Fort était la première carte [[Capture the Flag/fr|CTF]] pour [[Team Fortress 2/fr|Team Fortress 2]] et elle fit partie d'une des six premières cartes inclues lors de la sortie du jeu.
Deux forts similaires s’opposent l'un à l'autre, séparés par une fosse rempli d'eau. Un pont recouvert traverse la fosse et des remparts apportent d'excellentes positions d'attaque aux joueurs, particulièrement pour les [[Sniper/fr|Snipers]].
| it = '''2Fort''' è una mappa [[Capture the Flag/it|Cattura la Bandiera]] ed è il remake della [[2Fort (Classic)|mappa dallo stesso nome]] utilizzata in [[Team Fortress Classic/it|Team Fortress Classic]] ; entrambe le mappe sono basate sulla mappa "2fort5" di ''[[Team Fortress/it|Team Fortress]]'' , ed è stata la prima mappa [[CTF/it|CTF]] ufficiale per ''[[Team Fortress 2/it|Team Fortress 2]]''. Era una delle sei mappe inizialmente incluse nel gioco al rilascio ufficiale.
Due forti simili tra loro ed opposti, separati da una fossa piena d'[[water/it|acqua]]. Un ponte coperto che si estende tra la fossa e le barricate su ogni forte fornisce un eccellente posizione per assalire giocatori in arrivo.
| ko = '''2Fort'''는 [[Capture the Flag/ko|깃발 탈취전]] 맵으로 [[Team Fortress Classic/ko|Team Fortress Classic]]에 존재하는 [[2Fort (Classic)/ko|같은 이름의 맵]]을 리메이크한 것입니다. 이 두 맵은 ''[[Team Fortress/ko|Team Fortress]]'' 맵인 "2fort5"를 기반으로 한 것입니다. 2Fort는 ''[[팀 포트리스 2]]''의 첫 공식 [[CTF/ko|깃발 탈취전]] 맵입니다. 이 맵은 게임이 출시될 당시부터 존재하던 6개의 맵 중 하나입니다.
두 개의 서로 비슷하게 생긴 요새는 [[water/ko|물]]로 채워진 해자로 분리되어 있습니다. 해자 위에는 다리가 놓여 있고 각 요새의 흉벽은 다가오는 플레이어를 공격할 때 적절하게 사용할 수 있습니다.
| pl = '''2Fort''' jest mapą do trybu gry [[Capture the Flag/pl|Capture The Flag]] i kolejną odsłoną mapy z [[Team Fortress Classic/pl|Team Fortress Classic]], która posiadała tą samą nazwę. 2Fort jest pierwszą oficjalną mapą [[Capture The Flag/pl|CTF]] do [[Team Fortress 2/pl|Team Fortress 2]] i jest jedną z sześciu pierwszych map w TF2.
Dwa podobne budynki stoją naprzeciw siebie, oddzielone wypełnioną [[water/pl|wodą]] fosą.  Okryty most łączy oba brzegi fosy, a balkony na każdym z fortów zapewniają świetną pozycję do ataku na nadchodzących graczy, szczególnie dla [[Sniper/pl|Snajperów]].
| ru = '''2Fort''' — первая официальная карта режима CTF для Team Fortress 2, которая вошла в состав шести начальных карт.
По строению карта практически симметрична, с небольшими отклонениями, несущими, скорее, косметический характер, на каждой из сторон. Два одинаковых форта стоят друг напротив друга, разделённые рвом, наполненным [[water/ru|водой]]. Мост пересекает ров, а стены, защищающие форты, хорошо подходят для [[Sniper/ru|снайперов]].
| zh-hans = '''要塞战争'''是一幅仿照[[Team Fortress Classic/zh-hans|军团要塞经典版]]中的[[2Fort (Classic)/zh-hans|同名地图]]制作的[[Capture the Flag/zh-hans|夺旗模式]]地图。这两幅地图均参考自[[Team Fortress/zh-hans|军团要塞一代]]中的地图 2fort5。要塞战争是[[Team Fortress 2/zh-hans|军团要塞2]]中的第一幅[[CTF/zh-hans|夺旗模式]]地图,也是游戏发布时仅有的六幅地图之一。
}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{doc begin}}
}}}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{doc begin}}
{{ts|en, es, fr, it, ko, pl, ru, zh-hans}}

Revision as of 19:57, 10 February 2022

Documentation for FeaturedArticle/article/2Fort