Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/common strings"
m (Auto: Your friendly neighborhood dictionary updater (Review RC#3176472)) |
(russian translation of another 100 facts (ported some facts from Previously featured) (x2)) |
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dyk-mp-190: | dyk-mp-190: | ||
en: ...that if you turn on subtitles in the [[Meet the Pyro]] video, the [[Scout]] says "He's not here, is she?" when referring to the [[Pyro]]? | en: ...that if you turn on subtitles in the [[Meet the Pyro]] video, the [[Scout]] says "He's not here, is she?" when referring to the [[Pyro]]? | ||
− | ru: ...если включить субтитры в видеоролике «[[Meet the Pyro/ru|Знакомьтесь, Поджигатель]]», то [[Scout/ru|разведчик]] говорит «He's not here, is she?» (рус. «Его или её здесь нет, не так ли?»), обращаясь к [[Pyro/ru|поджигателю]]? | + | ru: ...если включить англоязычные субтитры в видеоролике «[[Meet the Pyro/ru|Знакомьтесь, Поджигатель]]», то [[Scout/ru|разведчик]] говорит «He's not here, is she?» (рус. «Его или её здесь нет, не так ли?»), обращаясь к [[Pyro/ru|поджигателю]]? |
dyk-mp-191: | dyk-mp-191: | ||
Line 24,440: | Line 24,440: | ||
dyk-mp-201: | dyk-mp-201: | ||
en: ...that, as a [[Soldier]], when activating the [[Buff Banner]], [[Battalion's Backup]] and the [[Concheror]], the buff can be held by holding down the fire button, and be used in the moment when you let go of it? | en: ...that, as a [[Soldier]], when activating the [[Buff Banner]], [[Battalion's Backup]] and the [[Concheror]], the buff can be held by holding down the fire button, and be used in the moment when you let go of it? | ||
+ | ru: ...играя за [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] и активировав [[Buff Banner/ru|Вдохновляющее знамя]], [[Battalion's Backup/ru|Поддержку батальона]] или [[Concheror/ru|Завоеватель]], можно удерживать нажатой левую кнопку мыши и отпустить её в момент, когда потребуется способность предмета? | ||
dyk-mp-202: | dyk-mp-202: | ||
en: ...that if two [[Huntsman]] arrows hit each other in mid air, they are both destroyed? | en: ...that if two [[Huntsman]] arrows hit each other in mid air, they are both destroyed? | ||
+ | ru: ...если две стрелы [[Huntsman/ru|Охотника]] заденут друг друга в воздухе, они обе уничтожатся? | ||
dyk-mp-203: | dyk-mp-203: | ||
en: ...that if you successfully taunt kill a player with the [[Ubersaw]] you are granted with 100% ubercharge? | en: ...that if you successfully taunt kill a player with the [[Ubersaw]] you are granted with 100% ubercharge? | ||
+ | ru: ...если вы успешно убьёте игрока с помощью [[Ubersaw/ru|Убер-пилы]], вы получите 100% убер-заряд? | ||
dyk-mp-204: | dyk-mp-204: | ||
en: ...that you can't upgrade Dispensers or Teleporters in the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Team Fortress 2? | en: ...that you can't upgrade Dispensers or Teleporters in the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Team Fortress 2? | ||
+ | ru: ...в версии Team Fortress 2 для Xbox 360 и PS3 нельзя улучшать раздатчики и телепорты? | ||
dyk-mp-205: | dyk-mp-205: | ||
en: ...that the number displayed when [[Multiplayer_options#Advanced_multiplayer_options|Display damage done as text over your target]] is enabled, the most damage that can appear is −32,767, which is one more than the lower bound of a 16 bit value? | en: ...that the number displayed when [[Multiplayer_options#Advanced_multiplayer_options|Display damage done as text over your target]] is enabled, the most damage that can appear is −32,767, which is one more than the lower bound of a 16 bit value? | ||
+ | ru: ...максимальный урон, который может быть показан при включении настройки «[[Multiplayer_options/ru#Advanced_multiplayer_options|Показывать урон, нанесенный врагу]]», равен -32.767, что на единицу меньше нижней границы 16-битной переменной? | ||
dyk-mp-206: | dyk-mp-206: | ||
en: ...that when you taunt right before you fall off a ledge it looks like you are taunting and moving around? | en: ...that when you taunt right before you fall off a ledge it looks like you are taunting and moving around? | ||
+ | ru: ...при выполнении насмешки прямо перед падением с уступа, кажется, что вы выполняете насмешку и при этом двигаетесь? | ||
dyk-mp-207: | dyk-mp-207: | ||
en: ...that the Engineer's [[Pip-Boy]] changes the look of your construction and destruction tools' menu? | en: ...that the Engineer's [[Pip-Boy]] changes the look of your construction and destruction tools' menu? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Pip-Boy/ru|Пип-бой]] инженера меняет внешний вид меню постройки и разрушения? | ||
dyk-mp-208: | dyk-mp-208: | ||
en: ...that you can survive your [[Equalizer]]'s [[Kamikaze]] taunt by equipping the [[Rocket Jumper]], while your enemies won't? | en: ...that you can survive your [[Equalizer]]'s [[Kamikaze]] taunt by equipping the [[Rocket Jumper]], while your enemies won't? | ||
+ | ru: ...можно пережить насмешку [[Equalizer/ru|Уравнителя]], [[Kamikaze/ru|Камикадзе]], если вооружиться [[Rocket Jumper/ru|Тренировочным ракетомётом]], а враг рядом - нет? | ||
dyk-mp-209: | dyk-mp-209: | ||
en: ...that the hospital in the [[Meet the Medic]] short was based on the [https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=47.594139,-122.316939&spn=0.004471,0.011458&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=47.594203,-122.31679&panoid=DmFqiuzDJkxVJ8ge-z9ejw&cbp=12,165.68,,0,-3.2 Pacific Medical Center] near the Valve offices? | en: ...that the hospital in the [[Meet the Medic]] short was based on the [https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=47.594139,-122.316939&spn=0.004471,0.011458&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=47.594203,-122.31679&panoid=DmFqiuzDJkxVJ8ge-z9ejw&cbp=12,165.68,,0,-3.2 Pacific Medical Center] near the Valve offices? | ||
+ | ru: ...больница, показанная в видео «[[Meet the Medic/ru|Знакомьтесь, Медик]]», основана на [https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=47.594139,-122.316939&spn=0.004471,0.011458&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=47.594203,-122.31679&panoid=DmFqiuzDJkxVJ8ge-z9ejw&cbp=12,165.68,,0,-3.2 Pacific Medical Center], находящемся рядом с офисом Valve? | ||
dyk-mp-210: | dyk-mp-210: | ||
en: ...that the inspiration for the [[Flare Gun]] came from the stock [[Incendiary Cannon (Classic)|Incendiary Cannon]] in Team Fortress Classic and Quake Team Fortress? | en: ...that the inspiration for the [[Flare Gun]] came from the stock [[Incendiary Cannon (Classic)|Incendiary Cannon]] in Team Fortress Classic and Quake Team Fortress? | ||
+ | ru: ...идея создания [[Flare Gun/ru|ракетницы]] пришла с [[Incendiary Cannon (Classic)/ru|Поджигающей ракетницы]] из Team Fortress Classic и Quake Team Fortress? | ||
dyk-mp-211: | dyk-mp-211: | ||
en: ...that a "decapitation" is actually the model's head shrunk so small that it cannot be seen, and instead spawns a [[gibbed]] head? | en: ...that a "decapitation" is actually the model's head shrunk so small that it cannot be seen, and instead spawns a [[gibbed]] head? | ||
+ | ru: ...«обезглавливание» на самом деле является сокращением головы с модели, настолько небольшим, что его нельзя заметить, и в результате этого создаётся голова от [[gibbed/ru|останков]]? | ||
dyk-mp-212: | dyk-mp-212: | ||
en: ...that the [[Eyelander]], the [[Nessie's Nine Iron]] and the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]] occasionally whisper "heads"? | en: ...that the [[Eyelander]], the [[Nessie's Nine Iron]] and the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker]] occasionally whisper "heads"? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Eyelander/ru|Одноглазый горец]], [[Nessie's Nine Iron/ru|Железная девятка Несси]] и [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/ru|Секира Пешего всадника без головы]] иногда шепчут «heads» (''англ.'' головы). | ||
dyk-mp-213: | dyk-mp-213: | ||
en: ...that the [[voice actors|voice actor]] for the [[Sniper]], John Patrick Lowrie, is married to Ellen McLain, who voices the [[Administrator]]? | en: ...that the [[voice actors|voice actor]] for the [[Sniper]], John Patrick Lowrie, is married to Ellen McLain, who voices the [[Administrator]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...Джон Патрик Лоури, [[voice actors/ru|озвучивший]] for the [[Sniper/ru|снайпера]] в англоязычной версии игры, женат на Эллен Маклейн, озвучившей там же [[Administrator/ru|Администратора]]? | ||
dyk-mp-214: | dyk-mp-214: | ||
en: ...that the [[Spy-cicle]] instantly regenerates in Medieval Mode when the Spy gets ignited? | en: ...that the [[Spy-cicle]] instantly regenerates in Medieval Mode when the Spy gets ignited? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Spy-cicle/ru|Сосулька]] мгновенно восстанавливается в режиме «Средневековья», если шпион был подожжён? | ||
dyk-mp-215: | dyk-mp-215: | ||
en: ...that the [[Scout]] wears a left-handed [[Batter's Helmet]], and he wields the [[Wrap Assassin]] with his left hand in ''[[A Smissmas Story]]'', even though he is right-handed? | en: ...that the [[Scout]] wears a left-handed [[Batter's Helmet]], and he wields the [[Wrap Assassin]] with his left hand in ''[[A Smissmas Story]]'', even though he is right-handed? | ||
+ | ru: ...в комиксе «[[A Smissmas Story/ru|Шмождественской истории]]» [[Scout/ru|разведчик]] носит [[Batter's Helmet/ru|Бейсбольный шлем]] для левшей и держит [[Wrap Assassin/ru|Обёрточного убийцу]] в левой руке, хотя он правша? | ||
dyk-mp-216: | dyk-mp-216: | ||
en: ...that a Spy using the [[Invisibility Watch]] or the [[Dead Ringer]] can stay cloaked permanently if he is standing near a Level 3 [[Dispenser]]? | en: ...that a Spy using the [[Invisibility Watch]] or the [[Dead Ringer]] can stay cloaked permanently if he is standing near a Level 3 [[Dispenser]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...шпион, использующий [[Invisibility Watch/ru|часы невидимости]] или [[Dead Ringer/ru|Звон смерти]], может оставаться невидимым бесконечно, если находится рядом с [[Dispenser/ru|раздатчиком]] 3-го уровня? | ||
dyk-mp-217: | dyk-mp-217: | ||
en: ...that a [[Spy]] doesn't need to be [[Disguise|disguised]] to take an enemy [[Teleporter]]? | en: ...that a [[Spy]] doesn't need to be [[Disguise|disguised]] to take an enemy [[Teleporter]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Spy/ru|шпиону]] не обязательно [[Disguise/ru|маскироваться]], чтобы воспользоваться вражеским [[Teleporter/ru|телепортом]]? | ||
dyk-mp-218: | dyk-mp-218: | ||
en: ...that the [[Engineer]] can use the [[Wrangler]] to shoot himself with his own [[Sentry]] to get to hard to reach areas? | en: ...that the [[Engineer]] can use the [[Wrangler]] to shoot himself with his own [[Sentry]] to get to hard to reach areas? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Engineer/ru|инженер]] может воспользоваться [[Wrangler/ru|Поводырём]], чтобы нанести урон себе своей [[Sentry/ru|турелью]], и, таким образом, попасть в труднодоступные места? | ||
dyk-mp-219: | dyk-mp-219: | ||
en: ...that a picture of [[Saxton Hale]] can be seen on a board on the background of [[Meet the Spy]]? | en: ...that a picture of [[Saxton Hale]] can be seen on a board on the background of [[Meet the Spy]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...изображение [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]] можно увидеть на настенной доске в видео «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]»? | ||
dyk-mp-220: | dyk-mp-220: | ||
en: ...that the Burst style on the [[Reggaelator]] bears the icon of the Quit button from the [[main menu]]? | en: ...that the Burst style on the [[Reggaelator]] bears the icon of the Quit button from the [[main menu]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...узор взрывного стиля [[Reggaelator/ru|Рэггилятора]] состоит из одинаковых иконок, взятых из кнопки выхода в [[main menu/ru|главном меню игры]]? | ||
dyk-mp-221: | dyk-mp-221: | ||
en: ...that the [[Gunboats]] were given to the [[Soldier]] after he won a competition against the [[Demoman]] in the [[WAR! Update]]? | en: ...that the [[Gunboats]] were given to the [[Soldier]] after he won a competition against the [[Demoman]] in the [[WAR! Update]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Gunboats/ru|Штурмботинки]] были даны [[Soldier/ru|солдату]] после того, как он выиграл соревнование против [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]] в [[WAR! Update/ru|обновлении «Война!»]]? | ||
dyk-mp-222: | dyk-mp-222: | ||
en: ...that the [[Flamethrower]] could not originally perform airblasts before the [[Pyro Update]]? | en: ...that the [[Flamethrower]] could not originally perform airblasts before the [[Pyro Update]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Flamethrower/ru|огнемёт]] не мог использовать сжатый воздух до выхода [[Pyro Update/ru|обновления Поджигателя]]? | ||
dyk-mp-223: | dyk-mp-223: | ||
en: ...that the [[Original]] is based off of the Rocket Launcher from ''Quake''? | en: ...that the [[Original]] is based off of the Rocket Launcher from ''Quake''? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Original/ru|Прародитель]] основан на ракетомёте из ''Quake''? | ||
dyk-mp-224: | dyk-mp-224: | ||
en: ...that the Pyro's [[Detonator]] can be used to perform jumps similar to [[Rocket jumping#Detonator jump|rocket jumping]]? | en: ...that the Pyro's [[Detonator]] can be used to perform jumps similar to [[Rocket jumping#Detonator jump|rocket jumping]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...с [[Detonator/ru|Детонатором]] можно выполнять [[Rocket jumping/ru#Detonator jump|прыжки]] также как и с ракетомётом? | ||
dyk-mp-225: | dyk-mp-225: | ||
en: ...that the [[Sandvich]] originally healed 120 health and could be reused immediately? | en: ...that the [[Sandvich]] originally healed 120 health and could be reused immediately? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Sandvich/ru|Бутерброд]] ранее восстанавливал 120 ед. здоровья и сразу же мог быть использован ещё раз? | ||
dyk-mp-226: | dyk-mp-226: | ||
en: ...that when [[disguise kit|disguising]] as a different class, [[hitscan|hitboxes]] aren't completely accurate? | en: ...that when [[disguise kit|disguising]] as a different class, [[hitscan|hitboxes]] aren't completely accurate? | ||
+ | ru: ...если [[disguise kit/ru|замаскироваться]] под другой класс, то [[hitscan/ru|области попадания]] не совсем точны? | ||
dyk-mp-227: | dyk-mp-227: | ||
en: ...that the Sniper has a mug in [[Meet the Sniper]] that says '#1 Sniper?' | en: ...that the Sniper has a mug in [[Meet the Sniper]] that says '#1 Sniper?' | ||
+ | ru: ...у снайпера в видео «[[Meet the Sniper/ru|Знакомьтесь, Снайпер]]» есть кружка с надписью «'#1 Sniper'» («'Снайпер №1'») | ||
dyk-mp-228: | dyk-mp-228: | ||
en: ...that you can see a short clip of Meet the Pyro teased in Valve's video [[portal:Perpetual Testing Initiative (video)|"Perpetual Testing Initiative"]]? | en: ...that you can see a short clip of Meet the Pyro teased in Valve's video [[portal:Perpetual Testing Initiative (video)|"Perpetual Testing Initiative"]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...в трейлере «[https://youtu.be/b7rZO2ACP3A Perpetual Testing Initiative]» можно увидеть короткий отрывок из трейлера «Знакомьтесь, Поджигатель»? | ||
dyk-mp-229: | dyk-mp-229: | ||
en: ...that for all the [[Weapons#demomanmelee|Demoman's swords]], during decapitations, the animation shows a vertical swing but the neck is cut horizontally? | en: ...that for all the [[Weapons#demomanmelee|Demoman's swords]], during decapitations, the animation shows a vertical swing but the neck is cut horizontally? | ||
+ | ru: ...анимацией [[Crit/ru|крита]] всех [[Weapons/ru#demomanmelee|мечей подрывника]] является вертикальный удар, хотя убитые этим ударом противники обезглавливаются горизонтально? | ||
dyk-mp-230: | dyk-mp-230: | ||
en: ...that if a [[Engineer]] is stunned while he is selecting a place to put down his [[Buildings]], he can still see the blueprint model in thirdperson? | en: ...that if a [[Engineer]] is stunned while he is selecting a place to put down his [[Buildings]], he can still see the blueprint model in thirdperson? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Engineer/ru|инженер]], оглушённый во время попытки установить свою [[Buildings/ru|постройку]], всё ещё будет видеть чертёж установки в виде от третьего лица? | ||
dyk-mp-231: | dyk-mp-231: | ||
en: ...that in [[Trailer 1]], the [[Medic]] is seen with a stethoscope that was later removed, but brought back as the [[Surgeon's Stethoscope]]? | en: ...that in [[Trailer 1]], the [[Medic]] is seen with a stethoscope that was later removed, but brought back as the [[Surgeon's Stethoscope]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...в [[Trailer 1/ru|первом трейлере]] можно увидеть [[Medic/ru|медика]] со стетоскопом, который был позже удалён, но возвращён обратно как [[Surgeon's Stethoscope/ru|Врачебный стетоскоп]]? | ||
dyk-mp-232: | dyk-mp-232: | ||
en: ...that originally, the [[Scout]] was planned to have a [[Nail Gun]] as a primary weapon? | en: ...that originally, the [[Scout]] was planned to have a [[Nail Gun]] as a primary weapon? | ||
+ | ru: ...первоначально основным оружием [[Scout/ru|разведчика]] был [[Nail Gun/ru|гвоздомёт]]? | ||
dyk-mp-233: | dyk-mp-233: | ||
en: ...that it is possible for two [[Huntsman]] [[Sniper]]s to use the [[Skewer]] taunt on each other indefinitely, appearing stunned in front of each other? | en: ...that it is possible for two [[Huntsman]] [[Sniper]]s to use the [[Skewer]] taunt on each other indefinitely, appearing stunned in front of each other? | ||
+ | ru: ...два [[Sniper/ru|снайпера]] с [[Huntsman/ru|Охотниками]] могут неограниченно долго применять друг на друге насмешку [[Skewer/ru|Шампур]], что будет выглядеть как будто бы они оба оглушены? | ||
dyk-mp-234: | dyk-mp-234: | ||
en: ...that a [[Medic]] will fill his [[ÜberCharge]] faster if the heal target is hurting himself? | en: ...that a [[Medic]] will fill his [[ÜberCharge]] faster if the heal target is hurting himself? | ||
+ | ru: ...скорость накопления [[ÜberCharge/ru|убер-заряда]] [[Medic/ru|медика]] будет выше, если пациент будет наносить урон самому себе? | ||
dyk-mp-235: | dyk-mp-235: | ||
en: ...that you can combine the [[Atomizer]] and the [[Force-A-Nature]] to perform four jumps in mid-air? | en: ...that you can combine the [[Atomizer]] and the [[Force-A-Nature]] to perform four jumps in mid-air? | ||
+ | ru: ...вместе с [[Atomizer/ru|Расщепителем]] и [[Force-A-Nature/ru|Неумолимой силой]] можно выполнить четвёртый прыжок? | ||
dyk-mp-236: | dyk-mp-236: | ||
en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Demoman]] and [[BLU]] [[Soldier]] became friends after meeting at a Projectile Weapons Expo? | en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Demoman]] and [[BLU]] [[Soldier]] became friends after meeting at a Projectile Weapons Expo? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Demoman/ru|подрывник]] [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] и [[Soldier/ru|солдат]] [[BLU/ru|СИНИХ]] стали друзьями после Projectile Weapons Expo? | ||
dyk-mp-237: | dyk-mp-237: | ||
en: ...that [[Demoman]]'s [[Non-player characters#Mr. & Mrs. DeGroot|dad]] walked 15 miles in the rain to blow up the Queen of England for a nickel? | en: ...that [[Demoman]]'s [[Non-player characters#Mr. & Mrs. DeGroot|dad]] walked 15 miles in the rain to blow up the Queen of England for a nickel? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Non-player characters/ru#Мистер_и_Миссис_ДеГрут|отец]] [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]] прошагал 15 миль под дождём, чтобы взорвать Королеву Англии за 5 центов? | ||
dyk-mp-238: | dyk-mp-238: | ||
en: ...that on the day before the [[Über Update]] was officially announced, the [[TF2 Official Website]] was covered with [[:File:TF2blog-doves.png|doves and bird excrement]]? | en: ...that on the day before the [[Über Update]] was officially announced, the [[TF2 Official Website]] was covered with [[:File:TF2blog-doves.png|doves and bird excrement]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...что за день до объявления «[[Über Update/ru|Убер-обновления]]» на [[TF2 Official Website/ru|официальном сайте]] появились [[:File:TF2blog-doves.png|голуби и их экскременты]]? | ||
dyk-mp-239: | dyk-mp-239: | ||
en: ...that the [[Huntsman]] can be drawn mid-air, but can't be fired until the Sniper touches the ground? | en: ...that the [[Huntsman]] can be drawn mid-air, but can't be fired until the Sniper touches the ground? | ||
+ | ru: ...раньше можно было натянуть тетиву [[Huntsman/ru|Охотника]], находясь в воздухе, но выстрелить было возможно только после касания земли? | ||
dyk-mp-240: | dyk-mp-240: | ||
en: ...that in [[Meet the Engineer]], his camp-fire is actually a [[fire|burning]] [[BLU]] [[Sniper]]? | en: ...that in [[Meet the Engineer]], his camp-fire is actually a [[fire|burning]] [[BLU]] [[Sniper]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...в трейлере «[[Meet the Engineer/ru|Знакомьтесь, Инженер]]» костер является [[fire/ru|горящим]] [[Sniper/ru|снайпером]] [[BLU/ru|СИНИХ]]? | ||
dyk-mp-241: | dyk-mp-241: | ||
en: ...that whenever a [[Golden Wrench]] or a [[Saxxy]] is destroyed, a message is sent to all active players regarding which user has destroyed the item? | en: ...that whenever a [[Golden Wrench]] or a [[Saxxy]] is destroyed, a message is sent to all active players regarding which user has destroyed the item? | ||
+ | ru: ...после удаления [[Golden Wrench/ru|Золотого гаечного ключа]] или [[Saxxy/ru|Сакси]] из рюкзака всем активным игрокам посылается сообщение о том, кто разрушил этот предмет? | ||
dyk-mp-242: | dyk-mp-242: | ||
en: ...that the [[Shortstop]] shares ammo with the [[Pistol]], the [[Lugermorph]], and the [[Winger]]? | en: ...that the [[Shortstop]] shares ammo with the [[Pistol]], the [[Lugermorph]], and the [[Winger]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Shortstop/ru|Прерыватель]] раньше использовал те же патроны, что [[Pistol/ru|пистолет]] и [[Lugermorph/ru|Люгерморф]], но не те же, что [[Winger/ru|Окрылённый]]? | ||
dyk-mp-243: | dyk-mp-243: | ||
en: ...that the [[Bottle]] is dated 1808 and the [[Scottish Handshake]] is dated 1680? | en: ...that the [[Bottle]] is dated 1808 and the [[Scottish Handshake]] is dated 1680? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Bottle/ru|бутылка]] датирована 1808 годом, а [[Scottish Handshake/ru|Шотландское рукобитие]] — 1680-м? | ||
dyk-mp-244: | dyk-mp-244: | ||
en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Demoman]]'s father lost both eyes before he was 30, yet maintained 26 jobs until he died? | en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Demoman]]'s father lost both eyes before he was 30, yet maintained 26 jobs until he died? | ||
+ | ru: ...отец [[Demoman/ru|подрывника]] [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] потерял оба глаза до 30 лет, однако работал на 26 работах до своей смерти? | ||
zh-hans: …[[RED/zh-hans|红方]][[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]的父亲在30岁之前就失去了双眼,而他直到去世之前都还干着26份工作? | zh-hans: …[[RED/zh-hans|红方]][[Demoman/zh-hans|爆破手]]的父亲在30岁之前就失去了双眼,而他直到去世之前都还干着26份工作? | ||
dyk-mp-245: | dyk-mp-245: | ||
en: ...that you gain [[kill assist]]s on friendly [[Sentry Gun]]s that you help build and maintain? | en: ...that you gain [[kill assist]]s on friendly [[Sentry Gun]]s that you help build and maintain? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Engineer/ru|инженер]] получит [[kill assist/ru|очки помощи]], если он помогал строить или чинить [[Sentry Gun/ru|турель]] союзника? | ||
dyk-mp-246: | dyk-mp-246: | ||
en: ...that with perfect timing, the [[Scout]] can [[stun]] an enemy and [[Homerun|taunt kill]] them before they can dodge the hit? | en: ...that with perfect timing, the [[Scout]] can [[stun]] an enemy and [[Homerun|taunt kill]] them before they can dodge the hit? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Scout/ru|разведчик]], точно подгадав время, может [[stun/ru|оглушить]] врага и [[Homerun/ru|убить его насмешкой]] до того, как тот сможет как-либо уклониться? | ||
dyk-mp-247: | dyk-mp-247: | ||
en: ...that you can survive the [[Train]] in [[Well]] with the [[Dead Ringer]]? | en: ...that you can survive the [[Train]] in [[Well]] with the [[Dead Ringer]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...раньше можно было пережить наезд [[Train/ru|поезда]] на карте [[Well/ru|Well]] с помощью [[Dead Ringer/ru|Звона смерти]]? | ||
dyk-mp-248: | dyk-mp-248: | ||
en: ...that the [[Soldier]] shares an apartment with [[Merasmus the Magician]]? | en: ...that the [[Soldier]] shares an apartment with [[Merasmus the Magician]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Soldier/ru|солдат]] живёт вместе с [[Merasmus the Magician/ru|чародеем Маразмусом]]? | ||
dyk-mp-249: | dyk-mp-249: | ||
en: ...that the [[Soldier]] and [[Engineer]]'s [[voice actors]] (Rick May and Grant Goodeve, respectively) have both voiced the character Wolf O'Donnel from the ''Star Fox'' game series? | en: ...that the [[Soldier]] and [[Engineer]]'s [[voice actors]] (Rick May and Grant Goodeve, respectively) have both voiced the character Wolf O'Donnel from the ''Star Fox'' game series? | ||
+ | ru: ...актёры, [[voice actors/ru|озвучившие]] [[Soldier/ru|солдата]] и [[Engineer/ru|инженера]] (Рик Мейс и Грант Гудив соответственно), озвучивали персонажа Вульфа О'Доннела из серии игр ''Star Fox''? | ||
dyk-mp-250: | dyk-mp-250: | ||
en: ...that in all of the [[Meet the Team]] videos, the [[BLU]] [[Scout]] is never shown being killed? | en: ...that in all of the [[Meet the Team]] videos, the [[BLU]] [[Scout]] is never shown being killed? | ||
+ | ru: ...во всех трейлерах «[[Meet the Team/ru|Знакомьтесь...]]» [[Scout/ru|разведчик]] [[BLU/ru|СИНИХ]] никогда не был убит? | ||
dyk-mp-251: | dyk-mp-251: | ||
en: ...that if a player has [[friendly fire]] enabled, they can hurt themselves with the [[Third Degree]] by attacking a [[Medic]] [[heal|healing]] them? | en: ...that if a player has [[friendly fire]] enabled, they can hurt themselves with the [[Third Degree]] by attacking a [[Medic]] [[heal|healing]] them? | ||
+ | ru: ...при включённом [[friendly fire/ru|огне по своим]] игрок может поранить самого себя, атакуя [[heal/ru|лечащего]] его [[Medic/ru|медика]] [[Third Degree/ru|Третьей степенью]]? | ||
dyk-mp-252: | dyk-mp-252: | ||
en: ...that in [[Meet The Sandvich]], it says "COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM" on the bottom right corner instead of the usual "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL"? | en: ...that in [[Meet The Sandvich]], it says "COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM" on the bottom right corner instead of the usual "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL"? | ||
+ | ru: ...в трейлере «[[Meet The Sandvich/ru|Знакомьтесь, Бутерброд]]» вместо обычного «COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL» написано «COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM»? | ||
zh-hans: …在《[[Meet The Sandvich/zh-hans|拜见三明治]]》的封面右下角写着“COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM”而非该系列常用的“COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL”? | zh-hans: …在《[[Meet The Sandvich/zh-hans|拜见三明治]]》的封面右下角写着“COPYRIGHT OMNOMNOM”而非该系列常用的“COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL”? | ||
dyk-mp-253: | dyk-mp-253: | ||
en: ...that the [[Market Gardener]] also crits while rocket jumping using enemy rockets? | en: ...that the [[Market Gardener]] also crits while rocket jumping using enemy rockets? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Market Gardener/ru|Землекоп]] даёт криты и во время прыжка от вражеской ракеты? | ||
dyk-mp-254: | dyk-mp-254: | ||
en: ...that in [[Foundry]], behind the glass in the main [[RED]] spawn, is a room guarded by a [[RED]] [[Soldier]] with a [[Scout]] and [[Heavy]] inside looking at photos of the [[team]]? | en: ...that in [[Foundry]], behind the glass in the main [[RED]] spawn, is a room guarded by a [[RED]] [[Soldier]] with a [[Scout]] and [[Heavy]] inside looking at photos of the [[team]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...на карте [[Foundry/ru|Foundry]] за стеклом на базе [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] есть комната, охраняемая [[Soldier/ru|солдатом]] [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]], в которой [[Scout/ru|разведчик]] и [[Heavy/ru|пулемётчик]] разглядывают фотографии [[team/ru|команды]]? | ||
dyk-mp-255: | dyk-mp-255: | ||
en: ...that the [[Mmmph]]'s damage reduction will allow the [[Pyro]] to survive the [[Payload]]'s detonation, headshots, and any taunt-kill? | en: ...that the [[Mmmph]]'s damage reduction will allow the [[Pyro]] to survive the [[Payload]]'s detonation, headshots, and any taunt-kill? | ||
+ | ru: ...снижение урона во время выполнения насмешки заряда «[[Mmmph/ru|МММФХ]]» позволит [[Pyro/ru|поджигателю]] пережить взрыв [[Payload/ru|вагонетки]], выстрелы в голову и любую убийственную насмешку? | ||
dyk-mp-256: | dyk-mp-256: | ||
en: ...that the [[Soldier]] speaks some [[Soldier responses|responses]] like a robot when he has the entire [[The Tin Soldier]] set equipped? | en: ...that the [[Soldier]] speaks some [[Soldier responses|responses]] like a robot when he has the entire [[The Tin Soldier]] set equipped? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Soldier/ru|солдат]] произносит некоторые [[Soldier responses/ru|фразы]] как робот, когда у него есть весь набор «[[The Tin Soldier/ru|Оловянный солдатик]]»? | ||
dyk-mp-257: | dyk-mp-257: | ||
en: ...that the [[Sandvich]] has [[Meet The Sandvich|its own Meet the Team video]]? | en: ...that the [[Sandvich]] has [[Meet The Sandvich|its own Meet the Team video]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...у [[Sandvich/ru|бутерброда]] есть [[Meet The Sandvich/ru|его собственное видео в «Знакомьтесь, Команда»]]? | ||
dyk-mp-258: | dyk-mp-258: | ||
en: ...that the [[Engineer]] is seen holding the [[Frontier Justice]] in the [[Mac Update trailer]] video before it was officially announced? | en: ...that the [[Engineer]] is seen holding the [[Frontier Justice]] in the [[Mac Update trailer]] video before it was officially announced? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Engineer/ru|инженер]] держит в руках [[Frontier Justice/ru|Самосуд]] в трейлере [[Mac Update trailer/ru|«Mac против PC»]] до официального объявления? | ||
dyk-mp-259: | dyk-mp-259: | ||
en: ...that the [[Announcer]] only has annual one hour vacations? | en: ...that the [[Announcer]] only has annual one hour vacations? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Announcer/ru|Диктор]] имеет только ежегодный часовой отпуск? | ||
dyk-mp-260: | dyk-mp-260: | ||
en: ...that the [[Soldier]]'s voice actor also voiced General Pepper, the Narrator, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and Andross from the popular Nintendo 64 game, ''StarFox 64''? | en: ...that the [[Soldier]]'s voice actor also voiced General Pepper, the Narrator, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and Andross from the popular Nintendo 64 game, ''StarFox 64''? | ||
+ | ru: ...актёр, озвучивающий [[Soldier/ru|солдата]], также озвучивал генерала Пеппера, рассказчика, Вольфа О'Доннелла, Леона Повальски и Андросса из популярной игры для Nintendo 64 ''StarFox 64''? | ||
dyk-mp-261: | dyk-mp-261: | ||
en: ...that a #101 [[Golden Wrench]] and a #11112 [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal]] were given to the winner of a charity auction for Child's Play? | en: ...that a #101 [[Golden Wrench]] and a #11112 [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal]] were given to the winner of a charity auction for Child's Play? | ||
+ | ru: ...№101 [[Golden Wrench/ru|Золотой гаечный ключ]] и №11112 [[Gentle Manne's Service Medal/ru|Медаль за службу Джентль Манна]] были вручены победителю благотворительной акции «Child's Play»? | ||
dyk-mp-262: | dyk-mp-262: | ||
en: ...that the spawn rooms for both [[RED]] and [[BLU]] on [[Coldfront]] were inspired by the [https://static.open.salon.com/files/strangelove_war_room1217603526.jpg war room] from the 1964 film ''[[w:Dr. Strangelove|Dr. Strangelove]]''? | en: ...that the spawn rooms for both [[RED]] and [[BLU]] on [[Coldfront]] were inspired by the [https://static.open.salon.com/files/strangelove_war_room1217603526.jpg war room] from the 1964 film ''[[w:Dr. Strangelove|Dr. Strangelove]]''? | ||
+ | ru: ...при создании комнат возрождения [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] и [[BLU/ru|СИНИХ]] на карте [[Coldfront/ru|Coldfront]], создатели были вдохновлены дизайном [https://static.open.salon.com/files/strangelove_war_room1217603526.jpg военной комнаты] из фильма 1964 года ''[[Wikipedia:ru:Доктор_Стрейнджлав,_или_Как_я_перестал_бояться_и_полюбил_бомбу|Доктор Стрейнджлав]]''? | ||
dyk-mp-263: | dyk-mp-263: | ||
en: ...that the [[Übersaw]] and the [[Vita-Saw]] both have a vial that will fill with a blue or red liquid when an [[ÜberCharge]] is being built, and drain while the ÜberCharge is being used? | en: ...that the [[Übersaw]] and the [[Vita-Saw]] both have a vial that will fill with a blue or red liquid when an [[ÜberCharge]] is being built, and drain while the ÜberCharge is being used? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Übersaw/ru|Убер-пила]] и [[Vita-Saw/ru|Вита-пила]] имеют пузырёк, который наполняется синей или красной жидкостью при накоплении [[ÜberCharge/ru|убер-заряда]] и сливается во время его использования? | ||
dyk-mp-264: | dyk-mp-264: | ||
en: ...that the [[Pistol]] is similar to the [[w:Makarov pistol|Makarov]], a Russian handgun? | en: ...that the [[Pistol]] is similar to the [[w:Makarov pistol|Makarov]], a Russian handgun? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Pistol/ru|пистолет]] похож на русский пистолет [[Wikipedia:ru:Пистолет_Макарова|Макарова]]? | ||
dyk-mp-265: | dyk-mp-265: | ||
en: ...that the hilt of the [[Persian Persuader]] has the [[w:Loch Ness Monster|Loch Ness Monster]] forged on it? | en: ...that the hilt of the [[Persian Persuader]] has the [[w:Loch Ness Monster|Loch Ness Monster]] forged on it? | ||
+ | ru: ...на конце рукоятки [[Persian Persuader/ru|Персидского заклинателя]] выковано [[Wikipedia:ru:Лох-несское_чудовище|Лох-несское чудовище]]? | ||
dyk-mp-266: | dyk-mp-266: | ||
en: ...that the road sign in [[Meet the Sniper]] sports the head shot death icon? | en: ...that the road sign in [[Meet the Sniper]] sports the head shot death icon? | ||
+ | ru: ...на дорожном знаке в трейлере «[[Meet the Sniper/ru|Знакомьтесь, Снайпер]]» изображена иконка убийства в голову? | ||
dyk-mp-267: | dyk-mp-267: | ||
en: ...that the [[Ghastly Gibus]] originally belonged to [[Zepheniah Mann]]? | en: ...that the [[Ghastly Gibus]] originally belonged to [[Zepheniah Mann]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Ghastly Gibus/ru|Жуткий шапокляк]] изначально принадлежал [[Zepheniah Mann/ru|Зефенайе Манну]]? | ||
dyk-mp-268: | dyk-mp-268: | ||
en: ...that the [[Engineer]] wears his default hard hat backwards? | en: ...that the [[Engineer]] wears his default hard hat backwards? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Engineer/ru|инженер]] носит свою каску задом наперёд? | ||
dyk-mp-269: | dyk-mp-269: | ||
en: ...that the [[Medic]] plays his "violin" on the wrong shoulder in his melee taunt? | en: ...that the [[Medic]] plays his "violin" on the wrong shoulder in his melee taunt? | ||
+ | ru: ...при насмешке с оружием ближнего боя [[Medic/ru|медик]] играет на воображаемой скрипке не на том плече? | ||
dyk-mp-270: | dyk-mp-270: | ||
en: ...that the closing portcullis on [[DeGroot Keep]] can kill you even when you have the [[Dead Ringer]] out? | en: ...that the closing portcullis on [[DeGroot Keep]] can kill you even when you have the [[Dead Ringer]] out? | ||
+ | ru: ...опускающиеся врата на карте [[DeGroot Keep/ru|DeGroot Keep]] могут убить вас даже с активированным [[Dead Ringer/ru|Звоном смерти]]? | ||
dyk-mp-271: | dyk-mp-271: | ||
en: ...that the [[Huntsman]], [[Jarate]], and an unpacked crate marked "[[Razorback]]" can all be seen in the [[Meet the Spy]] video? | en: ...that the [[Huntsman]], [[Jarate]], and an unpacked crate marked "[[Razorback]]" can all be seen in the [[Meet the Spy]] video? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Huntsman/ru|Охотник]], [[Jarate/ru|Банкате]] и открытый ящик с надписью «[[Razorback/ru|Бронепанцирь]]» можно увидеть в трейлере «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]»? | ||
dyk-mp-272: | dyk-mp-272: | ||
en: ...that being killed by either of the Halloween [[boss]]es counts as an environmental death? | en: ...that being killed by either of the Halloween [[boss]]es counts as an environmental death? | ||
+ | ru: ...смерть от любого хеллоуинского [[boss/ru|босса]] засчитывается как смерть от окружения? | ||
dyk-mp-273: | dyk-mp-273: | ||
en: ...that the [[RED]] spawn room of [[Mann Manor]] contains a room with a desk and an ominous person sitting at it, revealed to be [[Redmond Mann]] next to his life-extension machine? | en: ...that the [[RED]] spawn room of [[Mann Manor]] contains a room with a desk and an ominous person sitting at it, revealed to be [[Redmond Mann]] next to his life-extension machine? | ||
+ | ru: ...в комнате возрождения [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] на карте [[Mann Manor/ru|Mann Manor]] есть комната со столом и сидящим за ним зловещим человеком, коим является [[Redmond Mann/ru|Редмонд Манн]], сидящий за машиной, продлевающей жизнь? | ||
dyk-mp-274: | dyk-mp-274: | ||
en: ...that the [[Backburner]] couldn't originally perform airblasts? | en: ...that the [[Backburner]] couldn't originally perform airblasts? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Backburner/ru|Дожигатель]] изначально не мог использовать сжатый воздух? | ||
dyk-mp-275: | dyk-mp-275: | ||
en: ...that the [[Aladdin's Private Reserve]] was spelled with an extra "L" when it was first released? | en: ...that the [[Aladdin's Private Reserve]] was spelled with an extra "L" when it was first released? | ||
+ | ru: ...английское название [[Aladdin's Private Reserve/ru|Неприкосновенного запаса Аладдина]] содержало лишнюю букву «L» после выхода? | ||
dyk-mp-276: | dyk-mp-276: | ||
en: ...that every class has an item that will heal themselves? | en: ...that every class has an item that will heal themselves? | ||
+ | ru: ...у каждого класса есть предмет, которым можно вылечить себя? | ||
dyk-mp-277: | dyk-mp-277: | ||
en: ...that the [[Degreaser]] is made up of parts from a vintage gas station pump, car muffler, antique fire extinguisher, and stove top burner? | en: ...that the [[Degreaser]] is made up of parts from a vintage gas station pump, car muffler, antique fire extinguisher, and stove top burner? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Degreaser/ru|Чистильщик]] сделан из старого автозаправочного пистолета, автомобильного глушителя, старого огнетушителя и горелки от газовой плиты? | ||
dyk-mp-278: | dyk-mp-278: | ||
en: ...that the [[Powerjack]] is made up of a 1950s automobile jack and car battery? | en: ...that the [[Powerjack]] is made up of a 1950s automobile jack and car battery? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Powerjack/ru|Разъединитель]] сделан из автомобильных домкрата и аккумулятора 1950-х? | ||
dyk-mp-279: | dyk-mp-279: | ||
en: ...that the [[Spy]] can survive [[kill taunts]] with the [[Dead Ringer]] if his health is not too low? | en: ...that the [[Spy]] can survive [[kill taunts]] with the [[Dead Ringer]] if his health is not too low? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Spy/ru|шпион]] может пережить [[kill taunts/ru|убийственную насмешку]] с активированным [[Dead Ringer/ru|Звоном смерти]], если у него достаточно здоровья? | ||
dyk-mp-280: | dyk-mp-280: | ||
en: ...that in the [[Australian Christmas]] update, [[Saxton Hale]] had a [[Media:Store_xmas_sale_3.png|Christmas tree]] pictured on his chest instead of the usual Australia? | en: ...that in the [[Australian Christmas]] update, [[Saxton Hale]] had a [[Media:Store_xmas_sale_3.png|Christmas tree]] pictured on his chest instead of the usual Australia? | ||
+ | ru: ...во время [[Australian Christmas/ru|Австралийского Рождества]] волосы [[Saxton Hale/ru|Сакстона Хейла]] на груди были похожи на [[Media:Store_xmas_sale_3.png|ёлку]], а не на привычную Австралию? | ||
dyk-mp-281: | dyk-mp-281: | ||
en: ...that the design of the [[Administrator]] was not originally created by [[Valve]], but was instead purchased from the artist [https://buttfacemakani.livejournal.com/301005.html Makani] some time before December 9, 2009? | en: ...that the design of the [[Administrator]] was not originally created by [[Valve]], but was instead purchased from the artist [https://buttfacemakani.livejournal.com/301005.html Makani] some time before December 9, 2009? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Valve/ru|Valve]] не создавали, а купили внешний вид [[Administrator/ru|Администратора]] у художника [https://buttfacemakani.livejournal.com/301005.html Makani] за некоторое время до 9 декабря 2009 года? | ||
dyk-mp-282: | dyk-mp-282: | ||
en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] has a deeper voice than the [[BLU]] Spy in [[Meet the Spy]]? | en: ...that the [[RED]] [[Spy]] has a deeper voice than the [[BLU]] Spy in [[Meet the Spy]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...в английской версии трейлера «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]» у [[Spy/ru|шпиона]] [[RED/ru|КРАСНЫХ]] более глубокий тембр голоса, нежели у [[BLU/ru|СИНИХ]]? | ||
dyk-mp-283: | dyk-mp-283: | ||
en: ...that, in [[Meet the Sniper]], the bobble-head civilian is standing on the Team Fortress Classic logo? | en: ...that, in [[Meet the Sniper]], the bobble-head civilian is standing on the Team Fortress Classic logo? | ||
+ | ru: ...в трейлере «[[Meet the Sniper/ru|Знакомьтесь, Снайпер]]» гражданский с качающейся головой стоит на логотипе Team Fortress Classic? | ||
dyk-mp-284: | dyk-mp-284: | ||
en: ...that a mysterious figure resembling [[Miss Pauling]] can be seen in the [[Meet the Medic]] video? | en: ...that a mysterious figure resembling [[Miss Pauling]] can be seen in the [[Meet the Medic]] video? | ||
+ | ru: ...таинственный силуэт, похожий на [[Miss Pauling/ru|мисс Полинг]] можно увидеть в трейлере «[[Meet the Medic/ru|Знакомьтесь, Медик]]»? | ||
dyk-mp-285: | dyk-mp-285: | ||
en: ...that the [[Demoman]] was originally intended to be white-skinned? | en: ...that the [[Demoman]] was originally intended to be white-skinned? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Demoman/ru|подрывник]] изначально планировался быть белокожим? | ||
dyk-mp-286: | dyk-mp-286: | ||
en: ...that the [[Razorback]] originally had a -15% movement speed reduction on the wearer? | en: ...that the [[Razorback]] originally had a -15% movement speed reduction on the wearer? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Razorback/ru|Бронепанцирь]] первоначально уменьшал скорость передвижения на 15%? | ||
dyk-mp-287: | dyk-mp-287: | ||
en: ...that a [[Scout]] getting gibbed has a 1 in 100 chance of spawning a [[Doves|dove]] flying out of his body? | en: ...that a [[Scout]] getting gibbed has a 1 in 100 chance of spawning a [[Doves|dove]] flying out of his body? | ||
+ | ru: ...из [[Scout/ru|разведчика]], которого разорвало на куски, может вылететь [[Doves/ru|голубь]] с вероятностью 1 к 100? | ||
dyk-mp-288: | dyk-mp-288: | ||
en: ...that the [[Heavy]] is the only class with natural [[knock back]] damage resistance? | en: ...that the [[Heavy]] is the only class with natural [[knock back]] damage resistance? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Heavy/ru|пулемётчик]] — единственный класс, получающий меньший урон от [[knock back/ru|отбрасывания]]? | ||
dyk-mp-289: | dyk-mp-289: | ||
en: ...that the [[Huntsman]] cannot be drawn [[underwater]]? | en: ...that the [[Huntsman]] cannot be drawn [[underwater]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Huntsman/ru|Охотник]] нельзя натянуть [[underwater/ru|под водой]]? | ||
dyk-mp-290: | dyk-mp-290: | ||
en: ...that the [[Golden Wrench]] and [[Saxxy]] are made from [[Australium]], and both freeze their victims into golden statues? | en: ...that the [[Golden Wrench]] and [[Saxxy]] are made from [[Australium]], and both freeze their victims into golden statues? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Golden Wrench/ru|Золотой гаечный ключ]] и [[Saxxy/ru|Сакси]] сделаны из [[Australium/ru|австралия]] и превращают своих жертв в золотые статуи? | ||
dyk-mp-291: | dyk-mp-291: | ||
en: ...that the knife trick the [[Spy]] does in [[Trailer 2]] is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' video is called the "Y2K rollover"? | en: ...that the knife trick the [[Spy]] does in [[Trailer 2]] is called the "half twirl" and the one he does in the ''[[Meet the Spy]]'' video is called the "Y2K rollover"? | ||
+ | ru: ...трюк с ножом, который производит [[Spy/ru|шпион]] во [[Trailer 2/ru|втором трейлере]], называется «half twirl», а трюк в трейлере «[[Meet the Spy/ru|Знакомьтесь, Шпион]]» — «Zen Rollover»? | ||
dyk-mp-292: | dyk-mp-292: | ||
en: ...that in [[Meet the Sniper]], the [[Pyro]] can be seen wielding the [[Flare Gun]] before it was officially announced? | en: ...that in [[Meet the Sniper]], the [[Pyro]] can be seen wielding the [[Flare Gun]] before it was officially announced? | ||
+ | ru: ...в трейлере «[[Meet the Sniper/ru|Знакомьтесь, Снайпер]]» можно увидеть вооружённого [[Flare Gun/ru|ракетницей]] [[Pyro/ru|поджигателя]] до её официального объявления? | ||
dyk-mp-293: | dyk-mp-293: | ||
en: ...that the [[Pyro]] uses the same voice lines in all languages? | en: ...that the [[Pyro]] uses the same voice lines in all languages? | ||
+ | ru: ...озвучивание [[Pyro/ru|поджигателя]] одинаково во всех языковых версиях игры? | ||
dyk-mp-294: | dyk-mp-294: | ||
en: ...that in the beginning of [[Meet the Medic]], a slowed version of [[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)|Faster Than A Speeding Bullet]] plays? | en: ...that in the beginning of [[Meet the Medic]], a slowed version of [[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)|Faster Than A Speeding Bullet]] plays? | ||
+ | ru: ...в начале трейлера «[[Meet the Medic/ru|Знакомьтесь, Медик]]» играет медленная версия композиции «[[Faster Than A Speeding Bullet (Soundtrack)/ru|Faster Than A Speeding Bullet]]»? | ||
dyk-mp-295: | dyk-mp-295: | ||
en: ...that the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] and [[MONOCULUS]] were both developed from the Demoman's animations and sounds, respectively? | en: ...that the [[Horseless Headless Horsemann]] and [[MONOCULUS]] were both developed from the Demoman's animations and sounds, respectively? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Horseless Headless Horsemann/ru|Пеший всадник без головы]] и [[MONOCULUS/ru|ГЛАЗАСТУС]] были разработаны с использованием соответственно анимаций и звукового ряда подрывника? | ||
dyk-mp-296: | dyk-mp-296: | ||
en: ...that you can die from a [[telefrag]] even while wielding the [[Dead Ringer]]? | en: ...that you can die from a [[telefrag]] even while wielding the [[Dead Ringer]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...активированный [[Dead Ringer/ru|Звон смерти]] не спасёт от [[telefrag/ru|убийства телепортом]]? | ||
dyk-mp-297: | dyk-mp-297: | ||
en: ...that if an [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]] carrier falls off of a cliff to his death, the Intelligence will be instantly returned to the [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|capture zone]]? | en: ...that if an [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|Intelligence]] carrier falls off of a cliff to his death, the Intelligence will be instantly returned to the [[Capture the Flag#Intelligence|capture zone]]? | ||
+ | ru: ...если несущий [[Capture the Flag/ru#Intelligence|разведданные]] игрок упадёт со склона и умрёт, то разведданные вернутся обратно на [[Capture the Flag/ru#Intelligence|базу]]? | ||
dyk-mp-298: | dyk-mp-298: | ||
en: ...that when the [[Scout]] double or triple jumps with the [[Atomizer]], he will leave a purple smoke puff behind instead of his regular white trail? | en: ...that when the [[Scout]] double or triple jumps with the [[Atomizer]], he will leave a purple smoke puff behind instead of his regular white trail? | ||
+ | ru: ...[[Scout/ru|разведчик]], совершающий двойные и тройные прыжки с [[Atomizer/ru|Расщепителем]], оставляет после прыжков пурпурный клочок дыма вместо обычного белого? | ||
dyk-mp-299: | dyk-mp-299: | ||
en: ...that the idea for the [[Spy]] class arose from a glitch in the original ''[[Team Fortress]]''? | en: ...that the idea for the [[Spy]] class arose from a glitch in the original ''[[Team Fortress]]''? | ||
+ | ru: ...идея создания класса — [[Spy/ru|шпион]] возникла благодаря сбою в первой ''[[Team Fortress/ru|Team Fortress]]''? | ||
dyk-mp-300: | dyk-mp-300: | ||
en: ...that the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] comes in two flavors, Cherry Fission and BLUtonium Berry? | en: ...that the [[Bonk! Atomic Punch]] comes in two flavors, Cherry Fission and BLUtonium Berry? | ||
+ | ru: ...существуют две разновидности напитка [[Bonk! Atomic Punch/ru|Бонк! Атомный залп]]: «Радиоактивная вишня» и «Облучённые ягоды»? | ||
dyk-mp-301: | dyk-mp-301: |
Revision as of 15:02, 1 November 2022
List of translatable strings
Non-translatable strings
See also
![]() |
Important! It is strongly recommended not to edit this whole page at once, as the page size is very large. Use the [edit] section links and make multiple edits instead.
- 1 common_strings
- 1.1 achievement pack names
- 1.2 abilities
- 1.3 {{availability}} names
- 1.4 Module:Backpack item
- 1.5 campaigns / contract packs
- 1.6 class hat table header
- 1.7 class nav text
- 1.8 class weapons tables
- 1.9 comics
- 1.10 currency
- 1.11 date
- 1.12 event promotions
- 1.13 features
- 1.14 game mode names
- 1.15 game titles
- 1.16 generic nav text
- 1.17 hazard infobox
- 1.18 item timeline table
- 1.19 lod table
- 1.20 major update titles
- 1.21 blog post titles
- 1.22 Saxxy Awards titles
- 1.23 mann vs. machine
- 1.24 map locations (template)
- 1.25 map environment
- 1.26 map names
- 1.27 NPC names
- 1.28 patch names
- 1.29 promotional item table
- 1.30 Respawn Times strings
- 1.31 Saxxy Awards categories
- 1.32 tournament medal table
- 1.33 videos
- 1.34 {{weapon list}} names
- 1.35 contract names
- 1.36 Team Fortress Wiki
- 1.37 other
achievement pack names
, etc
Module:Backpack item
campaigns / contract packs
class hat table header
class weapons tables
day names
month names
event promotions
game mode names
game titles
hazard infobox
item timeline table
lod table
major update titles
blog post titles
- Translations taken from News Hub/Valve Crowdin. No self translations!