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| class="small" align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | [[Image:Engineer.png|100x100px|link=Engineer]]<br>[[Engineer match-ups/zh-hant|Engineer]]
| class="small" align="center" valign="center" style="padding:0.5em" | [[Image:Engineer.png|100x100px|link=Engineer]]<br>[[Engineer match-ups/zh-hant|Engineer]]
| Usually taking out other Engineers is a job for your other teammates.  It is very rare to find yourself in a one-on-one encounter with an enemy [[Engineer/zh-hant]], though it can happen in Sudden Death or Arena mode.  You can try to blast him with your Shotgun before he can take you down with his, but more often than not you will both have Sentry Guns and also Dispensers up that prevent this sort of quick resolution.  Usually this matchup comes down to how well you manage your buildings.  If your Sentry Gun is destroyed and the enemy's is still functional, you're usually in big trouble.  Try to use a Scout corner creeping Pistol strategy on your enemy's Sentry Gun if it is unattended.  Your enemy will respond by either repairing using metal from his Dispenser, or attacking your Sentry Gun in turn.  If the latter, then it's a race!  If he repairs, it might be possible to continue shooting until he runs out of metal from his Dispenser, but this might take awhile.  If this doesn't seem to be working, consider picking up and moving your Sentry Gun to a position where it can surprise your foe or even hit him while he repairs his own Sentry Gun.  Since this match-up is often a stalemate, be as proactive and unpredictable as possible to try to force your opponent to make a mistake, but be careful of losing patience and making one yourself!  
| 通常把其他工程師幹掉是你隊友的工作。和敵人的[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]處在一對一的狀態一般來說是很罕見的,不過在驟死戰或競技場模式中有可能會發生。在少數的狀況中,你可以試著在他用他的散彈槍把你幹掉之前先用你的把他幹掉;但在多數狀況中,因為你們兩人都各有自己的步哨和補給器,所以這種快速分出勝負的狀況都會被避免。在這種對抗狀態下,你管理自己建築物的技巧就是勝負的關鍵。如果你的步哨被摧毀而敵人的依然屹立著,那你就有大麻煩了。嘗試使用Scout corner creeping Pistol strategy來攻擊無人看守的敵方步哨。在這種情況下,你的敵人會試著用他補給器的金屬去維修他的步哨,抑或是復仇性的也攻擊你的步哨。如果是後者,就會演變成一場競賽!如果是前者,那就可以持續射擊直到他補給器中的金屬耗盡,但這可能會比較耗時。如果這戰術看起來沒什麼用,你也可以嘗試把自己的步哨搬到可以驚嚇甚至射擊你的對手的位置。因為這種對戰通常會演變成僵局,所以盡可能的變得主動和不可預測來迫使你的敵手犯下錯誤,但千萬不要失去耐心而自己犯錯。  
The various Engineer unlockable weapons can add a lot of variation to this scenario.  Revenge Crits from the Frontier Justice can be used to quickly finish an enemy Engineer even if he is being guarded by a Sentry Gun -- remember if your enemy is the last person left alive on his team killing him will end the round and shut down his Sentry Gun.  If your opponent is using Combat Mini-Sentry Guns, try moving your Level 2 or 3 Sentry Gun and unloading it in range of the mini-Sentry and then tanking it a little with your self and repairing as needed.  Due to its low damage, you can beat a mini-Sentry with a regular Sentry Gun in this way, forcing your opponent back or even killing him.  Going up against Wrangler users can be tough, as they can often prevent you from killing their Sentry Guns through "corner creeping" however there are some weaknesses you can exploit.  The lack of auto-targeting means you might be able to sneak into range of the Engineer himself without him noticing you.  If you can get close enough, finish him with Revenge Crits!
The various Engineer unlockable weapons can add a lot of variation to this scenario.  Revenge Crits from the Frontier Justice can be used to quickly finish an enemy Engineer even if he is being guarded by a Sentry Gun -- remember if your enemy is the last person left alive on his team killing him will end the round and shut down his Sentry Gun.  If your opponent is using Combat Mini-Sentry Guns, try moving your Level 2 or 3 Sentry Gun and unloading it in range of the mini-Sentry and then tanking it a little with your self and repairing as needed.  Due to its low damage, you can beat a mini-Sentry with a regular Sentry Gun in this way, forcing your opponent back or even killing him.  Going up against Wrangler users can be tough, as they can often prevent you from killing their Sentry Guns through "corner creeping" however there are some weaknesses you can exploit.  The lack of auto-targeting means you might be able to sneak into range of the Engineer himself without him noticing you.  If you can get close enough, finish him with Revenge Crits!

Revision as of 22:18, 16 February 2011

兵種 戰略
vs 偵察兵

偵察兵有很多點和你相似:同樣的彈著區和相似的武器。 但偵察兵速度快、敏捷、能跳得很高和很難打中他...很顯然你並不能。 試著拉開距離,並在閃躲雙管散彈槍的子彈時用自己的散彈槍反擊。 如果你使用機械槍手的話,放置一個迷你戰鬥步哨就可提供你立擊的火力支援或分散偵察兵的注意,殺掉他或是選擇逃走。

最好避免和有經驗的偵查兵對戰,因為他們能用雙管散彈槍對你造成比散彈槍更大的傷害。 不過你如果在步哨防禦槍附近的話,情況就會不一樣了,因為步哨防禦槍可以輕鬆地把來犯的偵察兵撲殺掉。 雖然偵察兵躲不掉步哨的子彈(拜見偵察兵video?那只是影片...),在一定的距離下他們還是能在步哨對準他們前找到掩護。 這種狀況可以在擺放步哨在正確位置下解決。如果放在小房間或轉角處,就能擋住偵察兵,使他必須要另尋支援。

使用Bonk! 原子擊的偵察兵會是個威脅,他們可以用無敵的那段時間跑到你或者是補給器後面,造成步哨把你殺死、甚至會因為補給器阻擋了視線而不攻擊。只要專心等到偵察兵無敵效用一退去時立刻幹掉他以去掉不必要的麻煩。 偵察兵使用原子擊時,很可能是個誘敵戰術,造成你的步哨轉向去攻擊他,讓其他敵方趁機摧毀你的步哨。 如果你有牧馬遙控器,你可以手動瞄準那些攻擊你步哨的敵人,讓他們的誘敵戰術失效。

vs 火箭兵

保護步哨時請注意:火箭兵能連續發射他們的火箭發射器毀掉你的建築,甚至是在很遠、很遠很遠的距離摧毀你的步哨。 隨時維修你的步哨,也請讓自己待在步哨後面以盡量避免火箭的爆炸傷害。如果可以的話,在步哨攻擊火箭兵時一起用散彈槍或手槍攻擊他。

拿著"直擊火箭"的火箭兵威脅比較大,因為他們能一發就把你炸死,兩發就能毀掉一台完全升級、完好的步哨。 要步哨撐過兩發"直擊火箭"火箭的轟炸,是不太可能的。在這種"直擊火箭"火箭發射器轟炸的情況下,你最好請求你的隊友的支援,使火箭兵比較沒辦法打中你,因為爆炸範圍小的"直接命中"需要更精準的瞄準。

vs 噴火兵


vs 爆破兵


vs 重裝兵
重裝兵可以用他那高射速的格林機槍毀掉一個等級1步哨,如果搭配醫護兵,甚至能毀掉更高等級的。要防止這點,當重裝兵攻擊步哨時請待在步哨旁邊隨時修理它,直到重裝兵和他的搭擋被殺掉為止。Some Heavies may try to shoot at your Sentry Gun while remaining safely around a corner, if this is the case, just keep it repaired until he runs out of ammo, then go at him with your Shotgun or Pistol (if he has the Sandvich equipped instead of his Shotgun, he will be almost completely helpless as long as you keep out of range of his Fists). If they are ÜberCharge/zh-hantd, do your best to keep your Sentry Gun repaired until the charge wears off. Your best bet is to use your Sentry Gun as a shield as you repair it with a nearby supply of metal. Coordinate with teammates to push the Heavy back with explosions or Compression blasts. Due to the Heavy's slow move speed, it will take him a while to move back, giving you more time to repair. If it is clear that you cannot save your Sentry Gun, it's better to run, and live to fight another day. In a one-on-one encounter, it is best to flee, as a Heavy will likely mow you down before you can take him out with your Shotgun. On the other hand you could be able to win against a Heavy after he mowed down your Sentry Gun if you have the Frontier Justice equipped as long as he isn't being healed by a Medic and you got enough Sentry Gun kills.
vs Engineer.png
通常把其他工程師幹掉是你隊友的工作。和敵人的工程師處在一對一的狀態一般來說是很罕見的,不過在驟死戰或競技場模式中有可能會發生。在少數的狀況中,你可以試著在他用他的散彈槍把你幹掉之前先用你的把他幹掉;但在多數狀況中,因為你們兩人都各有自己的步哨和補給器,所以這種快速分出勝負的狀況都會被避免。在這種對抗狀態下,你管理自己建築物的技巧就是勝負的關鍵。如果你的步哨被摧毀而敵人的依然屹立著,那你就有大麻煩了。嘗試使用Scout corner creeping Pistol strategy來攻擊無人看守的敵方步哨。在這種情況下,你的敵人會試著用他補給器的金屬去維修他的步哨,抑或是復仇性的也攻擊你的步哨。如果是後者,就會演變成一場競賽!如果是前者,那就可以持續射擊直到他補給器中的金屬耗盡,但這可能會比較耗時。如果這戰術看起來沒什麼用,你也可以嘗試把自己的步哨搬到可以驚嚇甚至射擊你的對手的位置。因為這種對戰通常會演變成僵局,所以盡可能的變得主動和不可預測來迫使你的敵手犯下錯誤,但千萬不要失去耐心而自己犯錯。

The various Engineer unlockable weapons can add a lot of variation to this scenario. Revenge Crits from the Frontier Justice can be used to quickly finish an enemy Engineer even if he is being guarded by a Sentry Gun -- remember if your enemy is the last person left alive on his team killing him will end the round and shut down his Sentry Gun. If your opponent is using Combat Mini-Sentry Guns, try moving your Level 2 or 3 Sentry Gun and unloading it in range of the mini-Sentry and then tanking it a little with your self and repairing as needed. Due to its low damage, you can beat a mini-Sentry with a regular Sentry Gun in this way, forcing your opponent back or even killing him. Going up against Wrangler users can be tough, as they can often prevent you from killing their Sentry Guns through "corner creeping" however there are some weaknesses you can exploit. The lack of auto-targeting means you might be able to sneak into range of the Engineer himself without him noticing you. If you can get close enough, finish him with Revenge Crits!

Finally, always remember the Revenge Crits of your opponent. Don't get caught by surprise!

vs Medic.png
Medic/zh-hants, alone, are cannon fodder for your Sentry Gun, but when using an ÜberCharge, they can spell danger for an Engineer. Simply keep your Sentry Gun repaired until the charge wears off and it will hopefully take out the Medic. Sentry Guns have very high pushing power, but a Medic can go in front of his patient to take up the push back and allow his patient to finish the Sentry Gun off. Should the Über-team come close enough to put you or your Sentry Gun in terminal danger, bail out immediately and prepare to rebuild when the action dies down. In a one-on-one fight, avoid their Syringe Gun/zh-hant shots and Bonesaw/zh-hant while blasting away with your Shotgun.
vs Sniper.png
With the Engineer update, Sniper become the second greatest threat to Engineers, due to the fact that when the Sentry Gun is on auto, it is rare for a Sniper/zh-hant to be in range of your Sentry Gun to be killed by it. This is especially true on more open maps, where he can stay out of range while damaging your Sentry Gun (or you if you are using Wrangler) with either a charged Sniper Rifle/zh-hant shots or Huntsman.

Thus, it is very important to stay with your Sentry Gun and help it unpack. When using an auto Sentry Gun, and it is certain that even the Sniper will be in range of the Sentry Gun, it's best to stay with with it and keep it repaired. If you have a Wrangler, use its shield to your advantage, and keep shoot firing at the Sniper to disrupte his shot while keeping yourself mobile. If you are using a Combat Mini-Sentry Gun, either use it as a distraction, or use the wrangler; feel free to use the Pistol to give yourself extras shots. At close range, blast the Sniper with your Shotgun or your melee, while avoiding his Kukri/zh-hant/Tribalman's Shiv/zh-hant and Submachine Gun/zh-hant shots.

The Level 3 Sentry Gun provides modest cover from headshots, but at times you benefit most from setting up in a spot safe from Sniper fire. Be sure to alert your team when a Sniper targets your Sentry Gun. Lastly, you can use your Pistol if your not under any other threat. When you are in an attack advantage position, be sure to keep flanking the Sniper nests/battlements with Wrangler to minimize a Sniper threat.

vs Spy.png
The Spy is the Natural predator of the Engineer. Engies really, really hate Spies. A skilled Spy/zh-hant in disguise and his Electro Sapper/zh-hants can act to counter you, but as long as your teammates are around you and you're alert, they shouldn't pose as great a threat as they would do. Spy-check anyone coming within range of your Sentry Gun, and listen carefully for the decloaking sound that Spies make. If a Spy places Sappers on your equipment, your top priority is to remove the Spy, either by yelling to your teammates for help or blasting him a few times with the Shotgun. When he saps your Sentry Gun, you can expect he'll attempt to backstab you to prevent you from removing it, as by the time you respawn, your buildings have a slim chance of still being around (unless an Engie or Pyro buddy saves them). Try to position yourself so that you can see the Spy as you are whacking the Electro Sapper. If you can see him, he can't backstab you. If you prevent him from backstabbing you long enough, help will have likely arrived. When the Spy is no longer a threat, remove the Electro Sapper immediately (by hitting it with your Wrench/zh-hant) to prevent further damage and repair. Be warned that a Spy can sap faster than you can repair, so if you don't take him out, he will eventually destroy your equipment. To prevent surprise stab-saps, it's useful to glance over your shoulder between Wrench-swings as you build or repair one of your buildings If a Spy saps a structure when you're too far to save it, inform your teammates and keep your guard. Remember that the Spy is much less effective when your team is actively pursuing him. Never stand on, or even near your Teleporters, even when you need to whack off an Electro Sapper, Spy's can telefrag you and sap the rest of your stuff. Ask a Pyro to protect your buildings as the Pyro is the best Spy Checker you can have.

Template:Engineer Nav/zh-hant