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{{Map infobox
| game-type=Control Point
| file-name=cp_junction_final
| map-image=Junct 01.jpg
| developer=[http://steamcommunity.com/id/sean_c Sean "Heyo" Cutino]
| map-stamp-link=http://steamcommunity.com/stats/TF2/leaderboards/30384
| map-environment = Spytech
| map-setting = Indoor
| map-health-pickups-small = 8
| map-health-pickups-medium = 1
| map-health-pickups-large =
| map-ammo-pickups-small =
| map-ammo-pickups-medium = 7
| map-ammo-pickups-large =
{{Quotation|[http://www.teamfortress.com/scoutupdate/watchtower_and_junction.htm Scout Update page for Junction]| A Gravel Pit style map. Junction is a sharp contrast to [[Watchtower]]. It’s full of tight spaces and short sight lines, which create combat opportunities dominated by ambushes and explosive weaponry.}}
'''Junction''' este o hartă în stil Atac/Defensivă cu [[Control Point/ro|Puncte de Control]]. A fost inclusă împreună cu [[The Scout Update/ro|Actualizarea Scout]] ca o hartă oficială dezvoltată de comunitate mulțumită calității acesteia. Design-ul este similar cu cel de pe [[Gravel Pit/ro|Gravel Pit]].
Scopul echipei BLU este de a ataca și trebuie să captureze toate cele trei puncte de control pentru a câștiga jocul. A și B trebuie capturate înainte ca C să se poată captura. Pentru ca echipa RED să câștige, ei trebuie să prevină echipa BLU să captureze ultimul punct de control C. Dacă echipa BLU captureaza ori punctul A ori B se adaugă timp pentru a câștiga mai mult timp în capturarea ultimului punct.
[[Image:Junction overview.jpg|thumb|top|Privire în ansamblu a hărți.(fișier mare)]]
Junction este o hartă strâmtă, cu multe holuri și pasaje care duc către cele trei puncte de control. Folosirea claselor Demoman și Soldier duce la rezultate optime atât în defensivă cât și în ofensivă.
===Punctul de Control A===
Punctul A se află într-o cameră mică pe o platformă ridicată cu două seturi de scări care duc sus. Scările sunt sub punct, unul în față, alăturată de camera de spawn a echipei BLU și una pe lateral.
*'''A Lobby:''' A Lobby este o zonă mică imediat după ieșirea din camera de spawn a echipei BLU, sub punct. Aceasta face conexiunea cu holurile A/B, scări și holurile A/C.
*'''Stairs:''' Dedesubtul punctului se află un set mic de scări care duc direct în spatele punctului.
*'''Platform:''' Platforma e zona ridicată de la capătul scărilor, cea pe care se află punctul de control.
*'''A/B Flank:''' Flancul A/B este conectat către Lobby. Acesta este un hol care duce direct către punctul de control B. De asemenea conectează flancul A/C.
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_01.jpg|Cap Point A
Image:junction_cp_04.png|Cap Point A
File:junctionA01.png| Stairwell
File:junctionA02.png| A/C & A/B Flank
===Control Point B===
Point B is located in a larger room with a balcony that covers two walls within it. B is in the corner where the two balconies meet, and it is only accessible through two side doorways. The point itself is covered by an indestructible window, preventing enemy fire directly on the point. Two stairways border and lead up to the point.
*'''B Lobby:''' The B Lobby is the other lobby outside BLU's spawn. It is larger than the A lobby, and has crates scattered about it. It connects to the A/B flank and leads up to the balconies.
*'''Balconies:''' The balconies lay atop the stairs in the lobby and run along the outer walls. Both of them lead to the control point room. The far balcony connects to the B/C flank.
*'''Point Room:''' The point room is located at the end of the balconies and houses the control point. It is sealed off by windows which overlook the balcony,
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_02.jpg|Cap Point B
Image:junction_cp_05.png|Cap Point B
File:junctionB01.png| A/B Flank
File:junctionB02.png| Balcony
===Control Point C===
Point C is located on a platform that rests on an elevated area that is, again, only accessible by stairs. The point itself has a small balcony surrounding it's front side and two side doors. Stairs lead from the point down to the elevated area. The elevated area also has stairs leading down to ground level. There are three entrances to C, two from A and one from B. The entrance from B is at the bottom of a flight of stairs, and the two from A are small doorways.
*'''A/C Flank:''' From Point A is a hallway which forks into two entrances to C. Both of these are located near each other at the bottom of the stairwell.
*'''B/C Flank:''' From Point B is another hallway which leads to an entrance at the other end of the stairwell. Next to the hallway is a room with two open windows viewing the area around the point.
*'''Balcony:''' Surrounding the point room, at the top of the stairs is a balcony from which the entire stairwell area can be seen. This area gives height advantage against any attackers.
*'''Battlements:''' Next to the point near the A/C flank is a small hallway and set of stairs. At the end of them is a tight area with a window all along the wall facing the point. This spot overlooks most of the area and is very useful as a [[Sentry Gun]] placement spot.
*'''Point Room:''' The point room is located in the center of the area, right outside the spawn, and on top of the stairs. It is shaped like a box with two entrances on each side of the balcony. Each side also has large windows along the walls.
<gallery widths=130px heights=90px>
Image:junction_cp_06.png|Cap Point C
Image:junction_cp_03.jpg|Cap Point C
File:junctionC01.png| A/C Flank
File:junctionC02.png| Battlements
{{hatnote|See [[Community Junction strategy]]}}
== Control Point Timing ==
{{Control Point Timing/Official Map}}
== Update history ==
'''[[March 5, 2009 Patch]]'''
* Fixed an exploit where Engineers could build a teleporter exit in an invalid area.
* Fixed a few bad overlay assignments and other minor issues.
'''[[April 20, 2009 Patch]]'''
* Updated Junction to score per-capture instead of per-round. This fixes the map not working correctly with Tournament mode and the stopwatch.
== Trivia ==
*Junction's control points have the same name as the control points from Gravel Pit (i.e. Point C is still called "The Laser Gun")
== External links ==
*[http://www.teamfortress.com/scoutupdate/watchtower_and_junction.htm ''The Scout Update'': Maps - Watchtower + Junction]
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Revision as of 19:05, 3 April 2011