Difference between revisions of "User:Shine/valve.js"

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Line 30: Line 30:
//A bookmarking tool for Wikipedia.
//By User:Twinzor on enwp.
//Bookmark popup window functionality copied from
//User:Js/popupBookmarks.js with some modifications
//If you improve my sloppy code, I would
//appreaciate it if you could drop me
//a line on my talkpage. Thanks!
//Reading configuration or setting defaults if not present:
if(typeof WikimarkConfigWikimarksPage == 'undefined') {
    var wikimarkspage = "/WikiMarks";
else {
    var wikimarkspage = "/"+WikimarkConfigWikimarksPage;
if(typeof WikimarkConfigKeepSection == 'undefined') {
    var wikimarksect = 0;
else {
    var wikimarksect = WikimarkConfigKeepSection;
if(typeof WikimarkConfigListType == 'undefined') {
    var listtype = "*";
else {
    var listtype = WikimarkConfigListType;
if(typeof WikimarkConfigAddMenu == 'undefined') {
    var addMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefix = "ca-";
else if( WikimarkConfigAddMenu == "cactions" ) {
    var addMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefix = "ca-";
else if( WikimarkConfigAddMenu == "personal" ) {
    var addMenulocation = "p-personal";
    var menuPrefix = "pt-";
else if( WikimarkConfigAddMenu == "toolbox" ) {
    var addMenulocation = "p-tb";
    var menuPrefix = "t-";
else if( WikimarkConfigAddMenu == "navigation" ) {
    var addMenulocation = "p-navigation";
    var menuPrefix = "n-";
else {
    var addMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefix = "ca-";
if(typeof WikimarkConfigPopup == 'undefined') {
    var wmPopup = 0;
else if( WikimarkConfigPopup == 1 ) {
    var wmPopup = 1;
if(typeof WikimarkConfigViewMenu == 'undefined') {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefixV = "ca-";
else if( WikimarkConfigViewMenu == "cactions" ) {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefixV = "ca-";
else if( WikimarkConfigViewMenu == "personal" ) {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-personal";
    var menuPrefixV = "pt-";
else if( WikimarkConfigViewMenu == "toolbox" ) {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-tb";
    var menuPrefixV = "t-";
else if( WikimarkConfigViewMenu == "navigation" ) {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-navigation";
    var menuPrefixV = "n-";
else {
    var viewMenulocation = "p-cactions";
    var menuPrefixV = "ca-";
if(typeof WikimarkConfigWikimarksUsername == 'undefined') {
    var wikimarkEncodedUserName = encodeURIComponent(wgUserName);
else {
    var wikimarkEncodedUserName = WikimarkConfigWikimarksUsername;
var myBkmShowOnHover = WikimarkConfigPopShow;   
var myBkmHideOnHover = WikimarkConfigPopHide;
var wikimarklinkprefix = wgServer+wgScript;
function WikiMarkInit () {
    if(typeof WikimarkConfigViewNextTo == 'undefined') {
        var viewNextto = '';
    else {
        var viewNextto = document.getElementById(menuPrefixV+WikimarkConfigViewNextTo);
    if(typeof WikimarkConfigAddNextTo == 'undefined') {
        var addNextto = '';
    else {
        var addNextto = document.getElementById(menuPrefix+WikimarkConfigAddNextTo);
    addPortletLink (addMenulocation, 'javascript:doAddWikiMark()', 'WikiMark', menuPrefix+'addwikimark', 'WikiMark this page', '', addNextto);
    if(wmPopup == 0) {
        addPortletLink (viewMenulocation, wikimarklinkprefix+"?title=User:"+wikimarkEncodedUserName+wikimarkspage, 'My WikiMarks', menuPrefixV+'showwikimark', 'Open your WikiMarks', '', viewNextto);
    else {
function doAddWikiMark () {
    var wikimarkNewpage = wgPageName.replace(/_/g, " ");
    if(wikimarkNewpage.indexOf("File:")==0) {
        wikimarkNewpage = ":" + wikimarkNewpage;
    else if(wikimarkNewpage.indexOf("Category:")==0) {
        wikimarkNewpage = ":" + wikimarkNewpage;
    var wikimarkNewpageName = wikimarkNewpage;
    if(wikimarksect == 1) {
        var newpageURL = location.href;
        if(newpageURL.indexOf("#")) {
            anchor = newpageURL.split("#");
            newpageSect = anchor[1];
            var wikimarkNewpageLink = wikimarkNewpage;
            wikimarkNewpage = wikimarkNewpage + "#" + newpageSect;
            wikimarkNewpage = wikimarkNewpage.replace(/_/g, " ");
            wikimarkNewpageName = wikimarkNewpageLink + " (Section: " + newpageSect + ")";
    var f;
    if(wikimarkNewpageName == wikimarkNewpage) {
        var wikimarkLinktext = wikimarkNewpage;
    else {
        var wikimarkLinktext = wikimarkNewpage+"|"+wikimarkNewpageName;
    f.onload=function() {
        var wikimark_cmt = "Adding [["+wikimarkNewpage+"]] to my WikiMarks list. (Using [[User:Twinzor/Wikimark|WikiMark]])";
        var iframe = document.getElementById('WikiMarksLoader');
        jsMsg("'''"+wikimarkNewpageName+"''' has been added to your WikiMarks.");
//Everything below here came from User:Js/popupBookmarks.js
//with some modifications to make it compatible with WikiMark
var myBkmPage = wikimarkspage;
myBkmPage = 'User:' + wikimarkEncodedUserName + myBkmPage;
var myBkmURL = wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace('$1','') + myBkmPage;
function myBookmarksLoad() {
var obj_id = viewMenulocation
var obj = document.getElementById(obj_id)
if (!obj) return
var bkmLink
if (obj.className && obj.className == 'portlet') {
  if(typeof WikimarkConfigViewNextTo == 'undefined') {
      var viewNextto = '';
  else {
      var viewNextto = document.getElementById(menuPrefixV+WikimarkConfigViewNextTo);
    if(typeof WikimarkConfigAddNextTo == 'undefined') {
      var addNextto = '';
  else {
      var addNextto = document.getElementById(menuPrefix+WikimarkConfigAddNextTo);
  addPortletLink(viewMenulocation, myBkmURL, 'my wikimarks', menuPrefixV+'bkmmenu', 'Open your WikiMarks', '', viewNextto)
  obj = document.getElementById(menuPrefixV+'bkmmenu')
if (window.myBkmShowOnHover != 2) addHandler(obj, 'click', myBookmarks)
if (window.myBkmShowOnHover) addHandler(obj, 'mouseover', myBookmarks)
function myBookmarks(e){
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); else e.returnValue = false //do not follow the link
if (!window.bkmMenu) myBookmarksIni()
return false
function myBookmarksIni(){
  var ht = sajax_init_object() 
  ht.open('GET', myBkmURL + '?action=render', false) 
  bkmMenu = new mnuObj('papka', ht.responseText,
    (window.myBkmHideOnHover!=2), window.myBkmHideOnHover)
  if (window.myBkmNewWin){
    var links = bkmMenu.div.getElementsByTagName('a')
    for (var i=0; i<links.length; i++)
      links[i].target = '_blank'
  bkmMenu.div.innerHTML += '<div style="text-align:right">[<a href="' + myBkmURL + '">page</a>]'
  + ' [<a href="' + myBkmURL + '?action=edit">edit</a>]</div>'
/* MENU */
function mnuObj(id, html, isMouseUp, isMouseOut) {
var d = document.createElement('div')
d.className = 'menudiv'
d.style.border='3px outset'
d.style.zIndex = '50'
this.div = d
this.div.obj = this //backlink
this.Hide = function (){
  this.div.style.display = 'none'
this.ShowHide = function (e){
  if (this.div.style.display == 'block') this.Hide()
  else this.Show(e)
this.Show = function (e){
  this.div.style.display = 'block'
  var e = e || window.event
  if (!e) return
  var coords = getMousePos(e)
  var posx = coords[0], posy = coords[1]
  this.div.style.top = posy + 5 + 'px'
  posx -= elementWidth(this.div)/2
  if (posx + elementWidth(this.div) > windowWidth())  posx = windowWidth() - elementWidth(this.div) - 20
  else if (posx < 0)  posx = 10
  this.div.style.left = posx + 'px'
this.hideOnMouseUp = function (e){
var e = e || window.event
if ((e.which && e.which == 3) || (e.button && e.button == 2)) return //except right-click
  var targ = e.srcElement || e.target
  while (targ && (!targ.className || targ.className != 'menudiv')) targ = targ.parentNode
  if (!targ) return
  targ.style.display = 'none'
this.hideOnMouseOut = function(e){
  var e = e || window.event
  var targ = e.srcElement || e.target
  while (targ && (!targ.className || targ.className != 'menudiv')) targ = targ.parentNode
  if (!targ) return
  var toEl = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget
  while (toEl && toEl != targ && toEl.nodeName != 'BODY') toEl = toEl.parentNode
  if (toEl == targ) return
  targ.style.display = 'none'
if (isMouseUp) addHandler(this.div, 'mouseup', this.hideOnMouseUp)
if (isMouseOut) addHandler(this.div, 'mouseout', this.hideOnMouseOut)
/*API  */
function windowWidth(){
if (self.innerWidth) // all except Explorer
return self.innerWidth
else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth)// Explorer 6 Strict Mode
return document.documentElement.clientWidth
else if (document.body) // other Explorers
return document.body.clientWidth
else return 0
function elementWidth(el){
return Math.max(el.scrollWidth, el.offsetWidth)
function getMousePos(ev){
var posx = 0; var posy = 0
if (ev.pageX) 
  return [ev.pageX, ev.pageY]
else if (ev.clientX)
  return  [ev.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
            ev.clientY + document.body.scrollTop  + document.documentElement.scrollTop]
else return null
// </nowiki>

Revision as of 01:37, 8 August 2010

// addPurge
addOnloadHook(function () {
    var hist; var url;
    if (!(hist = document.getElementById('ca-history') )) return;
    if (!(url = hist.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] )) return;
    if (!(url = url.href )) return;
    addPortletLink('p-cactions', url.replace(/([?&]action=)history([&#]|$)/, '$1purge$2'),
                   'Purge', 'ca-purge', 'Purge server cache for this page', '0');


// Adds a "Replace" tab which pops up two prompt boxes; one for a regexp and one for a replacement
function wpTextboxReplace()
    var s = prompt("Search regexp:");
        var r = prompt("Replace /"+s+"/ with:");
        if(!r && r != '') return;
        var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
        txt.value = txt.value.replace(new RegExp(s, "mg"), r);
addOnloadHook(function () {
    if (document.forms.editform) {
        addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:wpTextboxReplace()', 'Replace', 'ca-replace',
                       'Regexp replace for the edit window', 'R', document.getElementById('ca-history'));