Difference between revisions of "User:Nero388"

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(Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Forel}}")
Line 1: Line 1:
{{User infobox
| title = Forel
| infoboxcolour = SlateBlue
| image = User_Forel_Profile_Image.png
| icon = [[Image:Leaderboard class spy.png]]
| type = Offensive
| gender = Female
| health = 175
| speed = 100%
| birthplace = ?
| language = ?
| age = ?
| tf2info = no
| favmap =
| favclass =
| favweap =
| favhat =
| contactinfo = no
| site =
| steampage =
| email =
| skype =

Revision as of 21:11, 24 August 2011

Basic information
Icon: Leaderboard class spy.png
Type: Offensive
Gender: Female
Health: 175
Speed: 100%
Birth place: ?
Native language: ?
Age: ?