Difference between revisions of "March 15, 2012 Patch/it"

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Line 2: Line 2:
{{Patch layout
{{Patch layout
| before  = {{patch name|3|8|2012/it}}
| before  = {{patch name|3|8|2012/}}
| after  = N/A
| after  = N/A

Revision as of 08:33, 16 March 2012

Contenuti dell'aggiornamento

Cambiamenti al Source Engine (TF2, DoD:S, HL2M)

  • Sistemati i ban IP non applicati all'accesso RCON

Team Fortress 2

  • Aggiunto il Cozy Camper
  • Aggiunto un nuovo sottoforum per TF2: Competitive Team Play e League discussion[1]
  • Sistemati i Buff e la Rabbia del Soldato che non venivano correttamente resettati
  • Aggiornato il Black Rose che ora è regalabile
  • Aggiornato il Phlogistinator:
    • Sistemato un bug in cui le fiamme Mmmph-critiche facevano ricaricare così velocemente la barra Mmmph da permetterne un utilizzo infinito
    • Danno diretto ridotto del 10%. Bruciatura inalterata
    • Tempo di buff dei Critici ridotto da 12 secondi a 10 secondi
  • Aggiornato arena_nucleus
    • sistemato un bug z-fighting sulla piattaforma più bassa
  • Richieste della Comunità
    • Aggiunto player_carryobject e player_dropobject come eventi di gioco
  • Blog entry 7535 QR code.png[2]


  1. Competitive Team Play and League discussion
  2. QR code per "Aggiornati i file di localizzazione."

File modificati

Nota: Il seguente log dei cambiamenti è generato da una diff tra due revisioni del gioco.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Cambiamenti della revisione
Modified: team fortress 2 client content.gcf/tf/bin/client.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 client content.gcf/tf/bin/client.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dll
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.dylib
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/bin/server.so
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/maps/arena_nucleus.bsp
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption_czech.dat
Added: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption_greek.dat
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption_korean.dat
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption_koreana.dat
Modified: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption_schinese.dat
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/backpack/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack_large.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack_blue.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack_jar.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack_phongmask.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/materials/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack_phongmask_jar.vtf
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.dx80.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.dx90.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.mdl
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.phy
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.sw.vtx
Added: team fortress 2 materials.gcf/tf/models/player/items/sniper/xms_sniper_commandobackpack.vvd