Difference between revisions of "User:Impressive"

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(Created page with "== '''I AM THE IMPRESSIVE''' == ...And hello! I am an average TF2 player and decided to join to give back to the community if I do please to. Although I'm not an expert on anyth...")
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{{Item infobox
| type            = weapon
| team-colors      = no
| used-by          = [[Soldier]]
| slot            = Psychical Being
| contributed-by  = My Mother
| released        = The 90s
| availability    = {{avail|}}
| craft            = no
| numbered        = no
| loadout          = yes
  | level          = Level 1 Member
  | att-1-positive = +60% Community Closeness
  | att-2-negative = No random critical edits
  | att-3-negative = -15 max health on wearer
...And hello! I am an average TF2 player and decided to join to give back to the community if I do please to. Although I'm not an expert on anything really, I hope to help to the growth of the community. :)
...And hello! I am an average TF2 player and decided to join to give back to the community if I do please to. Although I'm not an expert on anything really, I hope to help to the growth of the community. :)

Revision as of 05:36, 11 July 2012

The {{item infobox}} template MUST NOT be used on User pages. Please use Template:User item infobox instead.


...And hello! I am an average TF2 player and decided to join to give back to the community if I do please to. Although I'm not an expert on anything really, I hope to help to the growth of the community. :)