This user has professional knowledge of English.
Este utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
This user is Portuguese.
This user is a Sniper. “Wave goodbye ta yer ’ead, wanker!”
This user is an employee of RED.
This user is dominating you! HUNT HIM DOWN.
If you were from where this user was from, you'd be f#&kin' dead.
This user is a piss sniper. "Jarate!"
This user has earned 38 of the 42 Sniper achievements. That's 90%!
This user drinks too much Coca-Cola.
This user drinks far too much Pepsi.
This user dreams of making his own games.
This user is an active Portal 2 test subject.
This user has gotta catch 'em all!
This user has succumbed to Minecraft addiction.
This user enjoys watching Doctor Who. "Allons-y Alonso!"
This user uses Microsoft Windows and does not know what version they are running.
This user uses Google Chrome as his web browser.
This user can talk on Skype all day long. And they do.