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(Created page with "Commanderp is a TF2 wiki finnish translator. He is registered to TF2 wiki because he wants to help translate the wiki's articles. He's steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id...")
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Commanderp is a TF2 wiki finnish translator.
{{Quotation|'''The Soldier'''|If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!|sound=Soldier_taunts07.wav}}
He is registered to TF2 wiki because he wants to help translate the wiki's articles.
He's steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tasokingi
If you want to know, translation to finnish of that voice line above would be: ''Jos Jumala olisi halunnut sinun elää, hän ei olisi luonut minua!''
Commanderp thanks you for reading this!
I'm a TF2 wiki finnish translator.
I like beards.
Current steam user name: Hospappa
{{Item infobox
| type              = TF2 wiki user
| image              = HeavySoldierbeard.png
| used-by            = Me
| equip-region      = Whole Body
| contributed-by    = http://steamcommunity.com/id/tasokingi
| released          = [[Australian Christmas 2011]]
| availability      = {{avail|crate36|drop|craft|purchase}}
| trade              = yes
| gift              = yes
| paint              = yes
| rename            = yes
| numbered          = yes
| loadout            = yes
  | level            = Level 1500 TF2 Wiki user
  | item-description = Hospappa has been Steam user since 2011, but since 2012 he has come to translate TF2 wiki to finnish! Thanks to TF2 wiki to let me help translating!
  | loadout-name    = The TF2 wiki user Hospappa

Revision as of 08:45, 23 February 2013

If you want to know, translation to finnish of that voice line above would be: Jos Jumala olisi halunnut sinun elää, hän ei olisi luonut minua!

I'm a TF2 wiki finnish translator. I like beards. Current steam user name: Hospappa

{{Item infobox | type = TF2 wiki user | image = HeavySoldierbeard.png | used-by = Me | equip-region = Whole Body | contributed-by = http://steamcommunity.com/id/tasokingi | released = Australian Christmas 2011 | availability = Uncrate #36, Drop, Craft or Purchase | trade = yes | gift = yes | paint = yes | rename = yes | numbered = yes | loadout = yes

 | level            = Level 1500 TF2 Wiki user
 | item-description = Hospappa has been Steam user since 2011, but since 2012 he has come to translate TF2 wiki to finnish! Thanks to TF2 wiki to let me help translating!
 | loadout-name     = The TF2 wiki user Hospappa