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* A [[w:public enemy|public enemy]] is a term used to describe a person considered to be an extreme threat to society.
* A [[w:public enemy|public enemy]] is a term used to describe a person considered to be an extreme threat to society.
** This set particularly refers to the ones pursued by American [[w:Federal Bureau of Investigation|Federal Bureau of Investigation]] during the 1930s, including those who were mentioned in the set items' names, such as [[w:John Dillinger|John Dillinger]], [[w:Baby Face Nelson|Baby Face Nelson]], [[w:Pretty Boy Floyd|Pretty Boy Floyd]], and Bonnie of the [[w:Bonnie and Clyde|Bonnie and Clyde]] duo, on whose Shotgun Baby Face's Blaster was based.
** This set particularly refers to the ones pursued by American [[w:Federal Bureau of Investigation|Federal Bureau of Investigation]] during the 1930s, including those who were mentioned in the set items' names, such as [[w:John Dillinger|John Dillinger]], [[w:Baby Face Nelson|Baby Face Nelson]], [[w:Pretty Boy Floyd|Pretty Boy Floyd]], and Bonnie of the [[w:Bonnie and Clyde|Bonnie and Clyde]] duo, on whose Shotgun Baby Face's Blaster was based.

Revision as of 13:51, 30 December 2013

Public Enemy article img.png
使用的兵種: 偵察兵
釋出時間: Pyromania Update
物品: 型男霰彈槍, 俊男掌心雷, 酷男軟呢帽, 惡男搶錢袋
額外特殊能力: None
Menace to society raids local banks; intercepts hat shipments
頭號公敵 宣傳內容
主條目: 套裝
Item icon Public Enemy Bundle.png


頭號公敵(The Public Enemy)是專屬於偵察兵的套裝, 於縱火狂更新時釋出。



武器 圖示 彈藥上膛數量 彈藥攜帶數量 傷害值 備註/特殊能力
Baby Face's Blaster
Killicon baby face's blaster.png 4 32 基本: 60

爆擊: 180
[每發子彈傷害為 6 ,共 10 發]

Pictogram info.png 用任一種武器擊中敵人都能增加武器的衝刺計量提升移動速度,最多可加到 173%。
Pictogram minus.png 彈匣容量 -34%。
Pictogram minus.png 裝備者初始移動速度減少 10%(從 133% 下降至 123%)。
Pictogram minus.png  空中跳躍會減少衝刺量表。

Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
Killicon pretty boy's pocket pistol.png 12 36 基本: 15

爆擊: 45

[4.7 發/秒]

Pictogram plus.png 裝備者最大生命值增加 15 單位。
Pictogram plus.png 不需要承受摔落傷害。
Pictogram minus.png 開火速度減少 25%。
Pictogram minus.png 需多承受 50% 的火焰傷害。
