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Yo, I am a student who is yet to get too seriously into The worlds formost war-themed hat simulator (I have never used a strangifier),
Yo, I am a student who is yet to get too seriously into The worlds formost war-themed hat simulator (I have never used a strangifier),
but the more I know the better, right? RIGHT?
but the more I know the better, right? RIGHT?
((User infobox
| title = Minecraftmann
| title = Minecraftmann
| infoboxcolor = red
| infoboxcolor = red

Revision as of 21:38, 6 April 2014

Yo, I am a student who is yet to get too seriously into The worlds formost war-themed hat simulator (I have never used a strangifier), but the more I know the better, right? RIGHT? ((User infobox | title = Minecraftmann | infoboxcolor = red | image = x | imagewidth = 174 X 154

| gender = male | birthplace = a wolf den somewhere in Ohio, the land of bordom | language = english/wolf | age = 13

| favemap = Turbine | faveclass = Engie | faveweap = Sandman. Yeah, I'm that guy. | favehat = Ooh, a tough one. Let's say... backwards ballcap

| email = endermanisepic@gmail.com ))