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一編在[[Mac_Update/zh-hant|麥金塔更新]]時發放的一篇[http://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/comic/ 非經典漫畫]中出現了薩克斯頓海爾。在此漫畫中薩克斯頓海爾撞穿了蘋果商店的窗戶,他宣稱他將會把這商店燒成地上的灰燼。
薩克斯頓海爾出現了在一編[[Mac_Update/zh-hant|麥金塔更新]]時發放的一篇[http://www.teamfortress.com/macupdate/comic/ 非經典漫畫]中。在此漫畫中薩克斯頓海爾撞穿了蘋果商店的窗戶,他宣稱他將會把這商店燒成地上的灰燼。薩克斯頓拿起了一個接近他的裝置,按了一個按鈕,然後用蘋果商店的產品"iBlewupthemoon"把月亮炸開。這產品使薩克斯頓留下深刻印象,甚至使他決定去購買了蘋果公司。
不過,一位穿黑毛線衣的角色(由他標誌性的高領毛衣看出應該是蘋果公司首席執行官[http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B2%E8%92%82%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E4%B9%94%E5%B8%83%E6%96%AF 史蒂夫·賈伯斯])出現並拒絕了該交易。薩克斯頓即刻認出了那男人和侮辱了他的曲線設計。漫畫以下一期標題'''當泰坦衝突時'''為結束標題。
不過,一位穿黑毛線衣的角色(由他標誌性的高領毛衣看出應該是蘋果公司首席執行官[http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B2%E8%92%82%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E4%B9%94%E5%B8%83%E6%96%AF 史蒂夫·賈伯斯])出現並拒絕了該交易。薩克斯頓即刻認出了那男人和侮辱了他的曲線設計。漫畫以下一期標題'''當泰坦衝突時'''為結束標題。

Revision as of 06:08, 12 April 2014


薩克斯頓.海爾是位勇敢的澳洲人,曼恩企業的總裁兼首席執行官,還在許多漫畫系列中擔任主角. 他被認為是第四名最富貴的美國人.他曾是第六名最富貴的美國人, 但是他的財富超越了第五名並在一場魚叉決鬥中殺死了第四名。他最喜愛的消遣包括打鬥、喝酒和與凶猛的動物搏鬥.實際上,大部份小孩在晚上睡覺時都會陪著一個泰迪熊玩偶,但薩克斯頓.海爾卻陪著一隻他被在巴西叢林馴服的真熊睡覺.他的外表特徵包括一把小鬍子、蕩漾的肌肉、一頂戰利品腰帶帽和被修剪成澳洲形狀的胸毛.而且他因為"一些明顯的理由"而抗拒穿上衣服。

因為薩凡尼亞.尼哥德慕.曼恩在他的遺囑中讓其忠實的助手及跟隨者巴拿巴.海爾承繼其擁有權,因此海爾家族裡的長子薩克斯頓繼承及掌管了曼恩企業. 他哄然的存在在公司任何一個範圍都能感受到,由口號"我們販賣產品和戰鬥加入"到大猩猩摔跤星期五–他的企圖激勵員工士氣的建設. 他還用勾號箱填滿了客戶總類,以恐嚇產品偷竊者或鼓勵發明者提交新的產品理念。他鼓舞人心的形像還是眾多曼恩企業目錄和宣傳材料的特徵。因他的正式福利政策:"如果你不是100%滿意我們的產品線,你能直接把那產品給了我!",他在客戶問題處理服務上的個人信念已經被知名(和已被恐懼)。


  • 在"靈長地獄"中創出他的道路.
  • 教導了他的女童軍隊"薩克斯頓埃特斯"防火提示,例如"燃燒灰熊"。
  • 當在剪頭髮的同時和一隻獅子打鬥.
  • 以單手殲滅印尼狂暴鯊魚(還讓牠們哭了).
  • 儘管被Template:W,但還是從偷竊烏龜手中取回一個被盜取的冰球。
  • 發明了瓶手道,一種基於瓶子的空手道。
  • 成為西半球最富貴的人。
  • 成為第四位世界最富貴的人。
  • 從直升機上投下燃燒彈於胡士托音樂節場地.
  • 在沒解決方法的情況下參與了美國太空猴噗皮.喬的爆死, 但在那時候並不在任何接近發射場的地方.
  • 新增合成系統到紅隊藍隊,盡力阻止一場戰爭的發生.
  • 印刷一本特別發行的雜志(價格一本二十仙,即使這本來就是免費的)去回答一些由他的支持者的問題, 其中包括其它事項、在Mac上遊玩"絕地要塞2
  • 發現了網絡的存在並開啟了曼恩商店.
  • 購買了英格蘭.
  • 擁有一個表示完全、絕對真實的薩克斯頓海爾事實網頁.
  • 在AnagramYourName.com.上殺死了行為反常者。
  • 主辦第一屆薩氏金像獎.
  • 發明了"擊掌".
  • 吃掉了整隻鴕鳥.
  • '屠殺'了1593名醫生.
  • 在一場人氣比賽中擊敗了Dr. McNinja.

Mann Co. comics

Issue Comic Info

Saxton Hale's
Mail Storm

Saxton Hale's Mail Storm had its first and only issue published in March 1964 to help explain the new Federal recall of all 36 million Gold Coast-Tweed personal apple corers, due to their tendency to not only core apples, but fingers, lamps, and small furry animals. When the government demanded the comic be issued for free, Mann Co. responded by raising its usual price of twelve cents an issue to twenty, reasoning that if anyone was going to get something for free, they were going to pay for it.

Mailstorm large.jpg
Issue #1

Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales

As the youth movement of the 1960s escalated, manufacturers produced fewer and fewer products for the elderly. By 1963, only four items remained: hats, meat, caskets, and Saxton Hale's Mildly Thrilling Tales. Naked from the forehead down, lying in their coffins gumming Salisbury steak, an entire generation of despondent, forgotten consumers was left with just one thing on which to spend their government checks: Hale's tepid, senior-friendly tales of modest suspense. Saxton Hale Visits His Mother Monthly and Soothing Stories of Familiar Things soon followed. Hale quickly became the wealthiest man in the Western Hemisphere.

Saxton turtle.jpg
Issue #4

Girl's Adventure Starring Saxton Hale

Boy's Adventure with Saxton Hale came under fire from the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency in 1968 for teaching boys aged 6-16, among other things: moral turpitude, arson, vandalism, hippie assault, tax fraud, at-home laryngectomies, car theft, gorilla slaughter, and the Heimlich Maneuver (which had just been invented and was still considered controversial). Pressured by the Senate, Mann Co. changed the name to Girl's Adventure With Saxton Hale, as it was commonly thought at the time that girls couldn't do anything, so any lessons taught to them would be harmless.

Saxton fire.jpg
Issue #6

Saxton Hale's
Barbershop Action

Saxton Hale's Barbershop Action capitalized on the brief "haircut" fad of the early 60s. Its breakaway success would lead to the ancillary titles Saxton Hale's Barbershop Romance and Haircut Horrors Starring Saxton Hale's Ghost. By Issue #40, however, the Peacenik movement had gripped America in its filthy, tangled mane, and haircut fiction saw a steep decline. This would be the start of a lifelong feud between Hale and hippies, which would culminate in his firebombing Woodstock from a helicopter.

Saxton haircut.jpg
Issue #12

Saxton Hale's
Jungle Brawl

Saxton Hale's Jungle Brawl debuted in the U.S. in 1962, riding a wave of anti-gorilla sentiment following Russia's successful launch of the first monkey, Vladimir Bananas, into space. America's rage was not isolated to communist primates; that same year, monkeynaut Poopy Joe cruelly dashed the U.S.'s hopes of reaching the stars when its shuttle detonated on takeoff. Brawl was notorious for inflaming human-gorilla tensions during its ten-year run, most famously in issue #50, which was printed with gorillas' blood. Issue #50's print run of 17 million copies left only five gorillas on the planet.

Issue #44

Saxton Hale's
Thrilling Tales

Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales first arrived on newsstands in 1961 as part of a bold Mann Co. initiative to sidestep an increase on postage costs for their weapons catalogs. The first 64-page issue contained four pages of thrilling tales and sixty pages of ads for exciting new Mann Co. products. But Thrilling's editors quickly discovered that showing Mann Co. founder Saxton Hale using a product in the story itself tripled its sales. Ads were cut to 32 pages to accommodate longer, product placement-based stories.

Saxton sharks.jpg
Issue #55



薩克斯頓海爾出現了在一編麥金塔更新時發放的一篇非經典漫畫中。在此漫畫中薩克斯頓海爾撞穿了蘋果商店的窗戶,他宣稱他將會把這商店燒成地上的灰燼。薩克斯頓拿起了一個接近他的裝置,按了一個按鈕,然後用蘋果商店的產品"iBlewupthemoon"把月亮炸開。這產品使薩克斯頓留下深刻印象,甚至使他決定去購買了蘋果公司。 不過,一位穿黑毛線衣的角色(由他標誌性的高領毛衣看出應該是蘋果公司首席執行官史蒂夫·賈伯斯)出現並拒絕了該交易。薩克斯頓即刻認出了那男人和侮辱了他的曲線設計。漫畫以下一期標題當泰坦衝突時為結束標題。

Hale mail

Saxton Hale in combat with sharks.

The lucky few who sent in the Force-A-Nature order form[1] received an invoice from Saxton Hale himself, sadly informing them that the requested item was out of stock. For compensation, the sender received a signed photo of Saxton Hale standing in front of Template:W with the words "Thanks for writing, little fella!" and a keychain featuring a random Team Fortress 2 class. The letter also advised to keep an eye on their mailbox, as new products could be on the way.

Yet more lucky senders who mailed in the coupon[2] received a letter bearing the Mann Co. logo and the snarling face of Saxton Hale. Inside was a letter informing the recipient that the requested product(s) were out of stock and that they should continue to check their mailbox as new items/legislation could be on the way, as well as several postcards bearing random cover images from the Mann Co. comics.

At this point, Valve asked players not to send any more money due to legal reasons. Valve donated the money they had received to Template:W.

Related merchandise


Saxton Hale playing card
  • Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales is illustrated by comic artist Template:W.
  • Saxton Hale occasionally makes posts on the TF2 Official Website.
  • Saxton Hale's name is an anagram for a sexually explicit phrase that Valve may or may not have originally intended, as referenced in the Mann-Conomy Update.
  • Saxton Hale is implied to have been in a relationship with the Administrator some time ago, referring to her as a "chain-smoking seductress" and being on first name terms with her.
  • Saxton Hale has had a river named after his family.
  • In Template:W, Saxton Hale makes a cameo appearance as the Ace of Spades in the Team Fortress 2 deck of cards.
  • A server mod called VS Saxton Hale allows one player, taking on the role of Saxton Hale on the BLU team, to fight against the rest of the players, who are all on the RED team. And, rather ironically, he is most of the time equipped with strange fists that have reached the rank of "Hale's Own".
  • Saxton Hale's chest-hair changed shape into a Christmas tree during Australian Christmas.
  • Saxton Hale sent a letter to all Team Fortress 2 and Spiral Knights players on Steam requesting that the player go on a mission to reach the first Clockwork Terminal in Spiral Knights, in which if the player does, it leads to unlocking the Spiral Sallet hat.
  • Saxton had a moustache by the age of one, as seen in the poster for the Manniversary Update.
  • A child dresses as Saxton Hale during the Bombinomicon comic, in which the RED Heavy intimidates him until he cries.
  • While it is said that Saxton sleeps with a bear that he tamed on the Brazilian Jungles, there aren't any kind of bears of any species on Brazil.

See also


External links