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{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|A Bygone Century
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|A Bygone Century
| obtain-level = Easy
| obtain-level = Easy
| obtain-text  = This is similar to Chippin' In, an achievement in Mannhattan. There is a pit in the lower path in Rottenburg; all you have to do is push robots into it 100 times over the course of your MvM career, regardless of whether or not they're carrying the bomb. The Pyro's airblast and the Heavy's Knockback Rage upgrade for his Minigun are good ways of doing this.
| obtain-text  = There is a bottomless pit in the lower path of Rottenburg. Use the Pyro's compression blast or the Heavy's knockback upgrade to push robots into their doom.
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Balls-E
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Balls-E
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{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Bot-Buster
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Bot-Buster
| obtain-level = Hard
| obtain-level = Hard
| obtain-text  = When playing as the Engineer, Sentry Busters will chase after you if you're currently [[haul]]ing your Sentry Gun away. You can use this to your advantage by luring the Sentry Busters into a horde of bots, dropping your Sentry Gun, and letting the explosion take them out. Don't use the Rescue Ranger for this achievement as hauling your Sentry will cause you to take mini-crits, increasing how much damage you take.
| obtain-text  = When playing as the Engineer, Sentry Busters will chase after you if you're currently [[haul]]ing your Sentry Gun away. You can use this to your advantage by luring the Sentry Busters into a horde of bots, dropping your Sentry Gun, and letting the explosion take them out.
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Brotherhood of Steel
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Brotherhood of Steel
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{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Chippin' In
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Chippin' In
| obtain-level = Medium
| obtain-level = Medium
| obtain-text  = This is similar to A Bygone Century in Rottenburg. After the first gate there is a pit with rotating blades close to the gate's exit that is a guaranteed kill on anything. Work as a team to trap 10 bots in the pit. The Pyro's airblast and the Heavy's Knockback Rage upgrade for his Minigun are good ways of doing this.
| obtain-text  = In Mannhattan, there is a pit with rotating sawblades close to the first gate's exit. Work as a team to trap 10 bots in the pit. The Pyro's compression blast and the Heavy's knockback upgrade are particularly useful.
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Clockwork Carnage
{{Show achievement|Mann vs. Machievements|Clockwork Carnage

Revision as of 17:48, 27 July 2014

In a single wave, kill 15 bomb-carrying robots in a row before they level up.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: A robot will "level up" by taunting while carrying the bomb, bestowing upon it a series of buffs that make surrounding robots harder to kill. If a robot picks up the bomb, immediately kill it before it taunts. If the round has a relatively small number of robots to kill, consider just singling out the carrier so that other robots can pick up the bomb.

A Bygone Century
A Bygone Century
Pit 100 enemies in Rottenburg.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: There is a bottomless pit in the lower path of Rottenburg. Use the Pyro's compression blast or the Heavy's knockback upgrade to push robots into their doom.

Destroy the tank during the final seconds of the bomb being deployed.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As a loose rule, a tank should be at least halfway destroyed by the time it reaches the halfway point of the map. Should the tank manage to maneuver past your defenses to the drop-off point, it will enter an arming animation; you must destroy it after it takes out and readies the bomb. If your team has been doing fairly well, you can keep the tank at a sliver of health and let it reach the bomb hatch. If not, use Kritzkrieg or Crit Boost Canteens in a last-ditch effort to destroy it.

Bank On It
Bank On It
As a Sniper collect $500 in a mission without running over the currency packs.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Robots that you kill with a headshot or the explosion from a headshot on a nearby robot will drop money with red dollar signs. The money can still be picked up and will still give healing to Scouts, but it counts as already collected. Since you need to kill a large volume of robots to collect this much money, the Explosive Headshot upgrade is essential. For best results, try missions like Calignous Caper or Cataclysm, where Sniper is particularly powerful.

Kill 5 robots in a single explosion from detonating a sentry buster.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: When playing as the Engineer, Sentry Busters will chase after you if you're currently hauling your Sentry Gun away. You can use this to your advantage by luring the Sentry Busters into a horde of bots, dropping your Sentry Gun, and letting the explosion take them out.

Brotherhood of Steel
Brotherhood of Steel
Complete a mission with 5 people on your Friends List.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: Before beginning the first round, make sure your entire team consists of players found on your friend list. Don't have anyone leave partway through the mission.

Chippin' In
Chippin' In
As a team, pit 10 guys in a single wave in Mannhattan.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: In Mannhattan, there is a pit with rotating sawblades close to the first gate's exit. Work as a team to trap 10 bots in the pit. The Pyro's compression blast and the Heavy's knockback upgrade are particularly useful.

Clockwork Carnage
Clockwork Carnage
Destroy two tanks within 5 seconds of each other.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: In certain scenarios, two tanks will spawn in relatively short succession. There is relatively little distance to cover in most Mann vs. Machine maps, so set up your line of defense close to where the robots spawn. Lower the first tank to a critical level of health without destroying it, do the same to the second tank, then have your team split up to simultaneously destroy both at once. You may have to let the damaged first tank bypass your line of defense so that you can engage the second tank the moment it spawns.

Clockwork Conqueror
Clockwork Conqueror
Destroy a tank within 20 seconds of its arrival.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Once a tank spawns, your team should concentrate on destroying it, making use of Kritzkrieg or Crit Boost Canteens. Placing a Sentry Gun or Stickybombs near its spawn point can help deal extra damage at the beginning of the round.

Crasher Crusher
Crasher Crusher
Play an advanced wave in Rottenburg without the bomb entering the town.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: You and your team must play skillfully in order to get this achievement. Maintaining the barrier will increase the distance the robots will need to travel.

Ctrl + Assault + Delete
Ctrl + Assault + Delete
Destroy a sentry buster before it reaches its target.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: A Sentry Buster has a great amount of health, so get help from your teammates to take it down. Deal as much damage as possible and make use of weapons with slowdown or knockback, such as upgraded Mad Milk, upgraded Jarate, and the compression blast, to prevent it from reaching the Sentry Gun. It's possible to place the Sentry Gun away from the battlefield to buy time, but the Sentry Gun itself will need to contribute to the battle to cause a Sentry Buster to appear. If you need to buy time, you can haul your building and run, letting the Sentry Buster pursue you until your team destroys it.

Deus Ex Machina
Deus Ex Machina
Defeat a wave in an advanced difficulty mission without dying once.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: This can be accomplished by playing conservatively during the first wave of a mission, especially if you're not in the heat of the fray.

Dazed and Defused
Dazed and Defused
Stun 50 robots while upgraded with rocket specialist.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: To more easily stun robots as the Soldier, upgrade your projectile speed, target giant robots, and stay at a moderate range.

Do Androids Dream?
Do Androids Dream?
As a Scout, use the Sandman to mark 15 robots for death in a single wave.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Scout, you can hit a robot with the Sandman or its ball to mark them for death, causing all damage they take to be mini-crits. Because the Scout regains health upon collecting cash piles, you'll be able to remain at the front lines for as long as your teammates can efficiently destroy the waves of robots, allowing you to safely swing away. If you can't safely approach a horde of robots, use the Sandman's baseball to fire from afar; recollect used baseballs and upgrade its ammunition capabilities so that you can fire more often. Multiple hits on a single giant robot will all count towards this achievement.

Engine Block
Engine Block
Prevent the bomb from ever reaching an alarm zone during the final wave of an advanced difficulty mission.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Use weapons with knock back, slowdown, and high firepower to contain bomb-carrying robots back near the spawn area, where they won't be as spread out. It's acceptable to let other robots past your line of defense as long as the bomb isn't with them.

Fast Cache
Fast Cache
Pick up a credit pile that is about to expire.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: A cash pile that is about to expire is indicated by its flickering, so pick it up before it disappears.

Frags to Riches
Frags to Riches
Earn all credit bonuses in an advanced difficulty mission.
Difficulty: Very Hard
How to obtain: Collect every single pile of cash dropped by the robots in one wave to receive a credit bonus. Having your team run a Scout as a specialized collector and containing the robots in one area, such as near the spawn point or drop-off point, may make this easier.

German Engineering
German Engineering
Use a canteen charged with 'ÜberCharge' to destroy 15 robots.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: You can use an Übercharge Canteen to freely attack a large group of robots if feeling overwhelmed. A class that can damage many enemies at once, such as the Heavy or Pyro, is recommended. The Übercharge Canteen only lasts for five seconds, so this is best performed against a group of numerous weaker robots, such as Scouts.

Get Off My Lawn
Get Off My Lawn
Play an advanced mission without losing a single gate in Mannhattan.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: In order to obtain this achievement, focus on the two gates and destroy any robot that's attempting to capture them. A Medic with the projectile shield upgrade can make this easier, as projectile deflection means your team can focus less on dodging and maintaining ground.

Ghost in the Machine
Ghost in the Machine
Use a canteen charged with 'Teleport to Spawn' and then kill the bomb carrier within 5 seconds.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: If the bomb carrier makes it past your team and is near the drop-off point, using a Return to Base Canteen can let you catch it in time.

Hack of All Trades
Hack of All Trades
Play an entire mission as a single class, and do this for every class.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: You'll need to complete a full mission with all nine classes. You're not allowed to change classes from before the first wave to the end of the last.

Hard Reset
Hard Reset
As a Pyro, reset the bomb 3 times in a single wave.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Pyro, use the compression blast to launch the bomb carrier off the robots' intended path, marked by blue arrows, extending the length the bomb has to be transported. This can be performed by launching the carrier off ledges, bridges, or into the bottomless mineshafts in Coal Town; the bomb does not have to be fully reset. A successful reset will be indicated by an excited announcement from the Administrator.

Heavy Mettle
Heavy Mettle
During a wave, use rage as a Heavy to push a robot about to deliver the bomb.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Heavy, upgrade your primary weapon with Rage capabilities, which allow you to knock enemies back for a certain duration. A bomb carrier that makes it to the drop-off point will enter an arming animation, taking the bomb from its shoulders. At this point, activate Rage by taunting and use your knock back to prevent defeat. Taunting with a full meter of Rage skips the usual animation, so you don't have to worry about proper taunt timing.

Kritical Terror
Kritical Terror
Use a canteen charged with 'Crit Boost' to destroy a giant robot.
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
How to obtain: Combining a strong weapon with a Crit Boost Canteen is a great way to quickly take down a giant robot.

Maximum Performance
Maximum Performance
Max out all resistances on a single class.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: It costs 2700 credits to fully upgrade your resistances, meaning you'll lack a significant amount of firepower. In practice, upgrading all your resistances will make you the most useful player for grabbing the attention of all arriving robots on the front lines.

Metal Massacre
Metal Massacre
Destroy 1,000,000 robots.
Difficulty: Very Hard
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after playing Mann vs. Machine for a very, very long amount of time.

Negative Charge
Negative Charge
Kill 5 Medics that are ready to deploy an ÜberCharge in a wave.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: Like player characters, the Robot Medics also build towards an ÜberCharge as they heal allies, deploying it when they or their patient takes damage. Once you see a Robot Medic visually crackle, indicating a full ÜberCharge meter, destroy it in one hit to prevent the ÜberCharge from being activated. Upgraded explosive weapons or piercing Sniper shots can help you target Robot Medics that are behind their allies. Because many waves have only a maximum of ten Robot Medics, your team might need to temporarily stop dealing damage to allow an ÜberCharge to be built.

Kill a tank before it crashes through the barrier in Rottenburg.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: A combination of damage upgrades and crit boosts should allow your team to take down a tank quickly enough. There are several opportunities to obtain this achievement on the final wave of the Intermediate mission, which spawns 3 tanks with relatively low HP. Soldiers, Demomen, and Pyros are efficient at dealing massive damage against Tanks.

Raid Array
Raid Array
Complete the Crash Course, Doe's Drill, and Mann-euvers missions.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: If you're having trouble completing each mission, play with a coordinated team on Normal difficulty.

Real Steal
Real Steal
As an Engineer, escape with your sentry as a sentry buster is about to detonate.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: If your team can't destroy the Sentry Buster before it reaches your Sentry Gun, there is a grace period where the Sentry Buster will crouch and arm itself. You must pick up your building during the arming sequence and haul it out of the blast zone.

Reanimator 2
Reanimator 2
Use one ÜberCharge to quickly revive 2 teammates within 5 seconds.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: Upgrading the Healing Mastery upgrade will help earn this achievement. If you are still having trouble, try using the Quick-Fix, whose Ubercharge revives teammates faster than any other healing gun.

Robot Flush
Robot Flush
Kill 5 enemies with a single rocket while upgraded with rocket specialist.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Make use of crit boosts, as a crit-boosted direct shot on a group of robots bunched up together will deal enough damage to kill most standard bots with just the splash damage. Upgrading Rocket Specialist will increase the blast radius boost and make this achievement easier to obtain.

Shell Extension
Shell Extension
During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Ammo Reload' to refill an empty weapon slot.
Difficulty: Very Easy
How to obtain: An Ammo/Clip Refill Canteen can come in handy when using weapons that have a low maximum ammunition or are fired continuously, such as the Rocket Launcher, Minigun, or Huntsman.

Silicon Slaughter
Silicon Slaughter
Destroy 100,000 robots.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after spending a decent amount of time playing Mann vs. Machine.

Sly Voltage
Sly Voltage
As a Spy, sap 10 robots at once.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Spy, your Sapper does not instantly recharge on use, unlike in normal gameplay. However, it can affect multiple robots within a certain upgradable range around its target, so deploy it in the middle of a large group of robots.

Software Downgrade
Software Downgrade
As a team, kill 50 stunned radiowave robots in an advanced mission in Mannhattan.
Difficulty: Hard
How to obtain: When a gate is captured, all robots aside from giants will be temporarily stunned; use this opportunity to freely destroy the helpless enemies. As Giant Robots will still be attacking, consider having a teammate draw their attention while the rest go after the standard robots.

Spam Blocker
Spam Blocker
During a wave, defend the hatch 10 times from robots about to deliver a bomb.
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
How to obtain: A bomb carrier that makes it to the drop-off point will enter an arming animation, taking the bomb from its shoulders and preparing to jump into the hatch. Destroy it once it enters this animation and repeat as necessary. The dropped bomb will remain at the hatch, so center your defenses around it.

Spark Plugger
Spark Plugger
As a Sniper, kill 4 enemies simultaneously.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Sniper, you'll need to upgrade your primary weapon with projectile penetration or explosive headshots. If relying on projectile penetration, upgrade your damage so that bodyshots can instantly destroy a robot, as landing a quadruple headshot on moving targets is highly unlikely. Opportunities to destroy multiple robots include swarms of Scout Robots or the multiple Medic Robots that gather around giants.

Steel Fragnolias
Steel Fragnolias
Complete all waves successfully in a mission.
Reward: Power Up Canteen
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: If you're having trouble completing a mission, play with a coordinated team on Normal difficulty.

System Upgrade
System Upgrade
Max out all primary weapon upgrades.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: When playing classes that prioritize destroying robots, such as the Soldier, Demoman, or Sniper, spending the majority of your credits enhancing your primary weapon is standard. You may need to play on a higher difficulty setting to obtain enough credits to fully upgrade your primary weapon. Some primary weapons such as the Cow Mangler 5000 require fewer credits to fully upgrade. For the Engineer, the Construction PDA is considered to be his primary weapon in Mann vs. Machine.

Collect 1,000,000 credits in your career.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after a decent amount of time playing Mann vs. Machine.

Tech Wrecker
Tech Wrecker
As a Demoman, kill 10 robots in a single detonation.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: As the Demoman, you'll want to prepare a Sticky trap and detonate it once enough robots have gathered. You can use a Medic's Kritzkrieg to preplace Critical Stickybombs over a wide area, making it easier to instantly kill multiple robots.

Buff 4 or more teammates as a Soldier at the same time in a single wave.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: As the Soldier, you deal immense damage to the robots via splash damage, so your chosen banner will charge quickly. To have most of your team receive your buff, stick together or upgrade your banner's range.

During a wave, use a canteen charged with 'Instant Building Upgrade' to build a new sentry gun within 3 seconds of your previous sentry gun's destruction.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: As the Engineer, using a Buildings Upgrade Canteen is a great way to quickly recover if your Sentry Gun is overrun by multiple robots or a Sentry Buster.

Urban Strike
Urban Strike
Kill 500 gate crashing robots in Mannhattan.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: This achievement will naturally be obtained after playing on Mannhattan for a moderate amount of time.

Vial Sharing
Vial Sharing
As a Medic, share your canteen 5 times in a single wave.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: As the Medic, you can share Canteen effects with your healing target. By carrying ÜberCharge or Crit Boost Canteens, you can instantly buff a teammate even if your Medi Gun isn't fully charged. You'll need to refill your Canteen at least once during the wave, as it can only hold three charges.

Wage Against the Machine
Wage Against the Machine
Earn a credit bonus at the end of a wave.
Difficulty: Easy
How to obtain: Collect every single pile of cash dropped by the robots in one wave to receive a credit bonus. Having your team run a Scout as a specialized collector and containing the robots near the spawn area or bomb hatch may make this easier.

Wall of Pain
Wall of Pain
Block 5,000 damage with the shield as a Medic in a single life.
Difficulty: Medium
How to obtain: The Medic's shield is able to block projectiles like rockets and grenades. It's especially helpful in situations where your team can't dodge, such as in corridors, or when being swarmed by robot Soldiers and Demomen.