Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items"

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m (Auto: Your friendly neighborhood dictionary updater (Review RC#1831194))
({{md}} Heavy cosmetic items: Added Spanish cosmetic names of new items on the Scream Fortress 2014 Update.)
Line 19,080: Line 19,080:
   pl: Najeżony Naramiennik
   pl: Najeżony Naramiennik
   ru: Костяной наплечник
   ru: Костяной наплечник
  es: Hombrera Acolmillada
borscht belt:
borscht belt:
Line 19,118: Line 19,119:
   pl: Bycza Broda
   pl: Bycza Broda
   ru: Бычья борода
   ru: Бычья борода
  es: Barba del Bóvido
bullet buzz:
bullet buzz:
Line 19,771: Line 19,773:
   pl: Pancerz Niemobilny
   pl: Pancerz Niemobilny
   ru: Смирительный костюм
   ru: Смирительный костюм
  es: Traje Inmóvil
ivan the inedible:
ivan the inedible:
Line 19,916: Line 19,919:
   pl: Wół z Mińska
   pl: Wół z Mińska
   ru: Минская говядина
   ru: Минская говядина
  es: Rumiante de Minsk
monstrous mandible:
monstrous mandible:

Revision as of 14:30, 13 November 2014

Pictogram info.png Important! It is strongly recommended not to edit this whole page at once, as the page size is very large. Use the [edit] section links and make multiple edits instead.



 ·  A - B

 ·  C - D

 ·  E - G

 ·  H - J

 ·  K - M

 ·  N - P

 ·  Q - S

 ·  T - W

 ·  X - Z

 ·  Team Fortress 2 Beta weapons

 ·  Team Fortress Classic weapons

 ·  Festive weapons

 ·  Botkiller weapons

 ·  Australium weapons

 ·  Special taunts

Cosmetic items

 ·  All class cosmetic items

 ·  Scout cosmetic items

 ·  Soldier cosmetic items

 ·  Pyro cosmetic items

 ·  Demoman cosmetic items

 ·  Heavy cosmetic items

 ·  Engineer cosmetic items

 ·  Medic cosmetic items

 ·  Sniper cosmetic items

 ·  Spy cosmetic items

 ·  Multi-class cosmetic items

 ·  Tournament medals

Action items

 ·  Noise makers

 ·  Unlocked Crates


 ·  Mann Co. crates and keys

 ·  Strange parts

Also check a Strange trackers section

 ·  Single Paint cans

 ·  Team Paint cans

 ·  Halloween Spells

 ·  Strangifiers

 ·  Killstreak Kit items

Unused items

 ·  Beta grenades

 ·  Unused\Scrapped weapons

 ·  Unused Hats and Miscellaneous items

Item set names

Item bundles

Map makers support items

 ·  Map Stamps

 ·  Strange filters

Also check a Strange Filter prefixes section


 ·  Hats styles

 ·  Misc styles

 ·  Weapons styles

 ·  Cosmetic styles

Slot names

 ·  Equip regions

Crafting ingredients

 ·  Regular ingredients

 ·  Mysterious ingredients

 ·  Voodoo-Cursed ingredients

Descriptive text

Quality names

Strange ranks

  • Translations taken from the STS.png Steam Translation Server

 ·  Multi-weapon ranks

 ·  Holiday Punch ranks

 ·  Mantreads ranks

 ·  Sapper ranks

 ·  Spirit Of Giving ranks

 ·  Cosmetic item ranks

 ·  Strange trackers

 ·  Strange Filter prefixes

Unusual effects

Item set blueprint

April Fool's Day Items
