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m (Multiplayer Advanced: Added some italics for legibility)
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|Show trade requests from...
|Show trade requests from...
| align="center" |Anyone
| align="center" |''Anyone''
|Can also be set to Friends Only, Friends and In-Game Players, and No One.
|Can also be set to ''Friends Only'', ''Friends and In-Game Players'', and ''No One''.
|Close server browser after connecting to a server
|Close server browser after connecting to a server

Revision as of 10:07, 12 November 2010

Multiplayer options is a set of user changeable settings in the options menu found on the main menu and under the multiplayer tab.

Standard Multiplayer Options

Crosshair Appearance

The Crosshair Appearance section allows you to customize and edit your crosshair for your in-game HUD. It allows the user to edit the color, size, and shape of the crosshair. The advantage to editing the color, size, and shape of the crosshair allows users to use the crosshair more effectively or make it more visible.

Spraypaint Image

Sprays in TF2 are not necessarily useful but they can be comedic or even somewhat helpful. This section allows you to upload different images with the max of 256x256 pixels, and works the best as a VTF (valve texture file) format. Once a spray has been imported into TF2 the user can use their spraypaint key (default 'T') to place the image onto different surfaces.

Custom Content

This allows a user to set permissions for what a server can download onto your computer. The drop box has three settings- allow all custom files from server, do not download any custom sound files, and do not download any custom files.

Multiplayer Advanced

The Advanced menu can be found by going from the main page to the options button to the multiplayer tab and then to the advanced button. Below is a table of all the different advanced multiplayer options. Bolded options are toggled automatically and the parentheses name the default values.

Option Default Value Notes
Multiplayer decal limit 200.000000  
Enable mimimal HUD No Makes the HUD\icons much smaller and less intrusive.
Suicide after choosing a player class Yes  
Automatically respawn after loadout changes in respawn zones Yes This prevents the need to go to the Health\Resupply Cabinet whenever the loadout is changed and needs to apply said equipment.
Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button No Click the fire button once to lock on and heal with the Medi-Gun\Kritzkrieg.
Sniper Rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot Yes While enabled, the re-zoom may be cancelled by right clicking after firing a shot.
Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing No  
Auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map No  
Remember the active weapon between lives No  
Remember the 'last weapon' between lives No  
Draw viewmodels Yes Shows the classes hands and currently equipped weapon in the field-of-view.
Flip viewmodels No Changes 'right-handed' viewmodel to 'left-handed' viewmodel.
Viewmodel field of view 54.0 Setting to minimum value, 54, will make weapon appear closer to the screen and larger. The highest value, 70, will appear farther away, but smaller. Highest value shows incomplete view model glitch on some classes.
Disable sprays No  
Turn on colorblind mode No  
Disable HTML MOTDs No Changes the downloading HTML "welcome" web page to the standard Team Fortress 2 chalkboard. Useful for when the pages are either offensive or impact system resources.
Show non-standard items on spectated player Yes  
Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode No  
Disable weather effects No Rain and snow will be disabled.
Enable simple disguise menu No Changes the 1 through 9 disguise menu option into a three sets of three menu that requires pressing one of the 1, 2, and 3, buttons twice.
Display damage done as text over your target No Shows damage as a red number floating over each hit. (e.g. -98)
MEDIC: Display a marker over the player you are healing No  
MEDIC: Injured teammates automatically call out No  
MEDIC: Auto-call health percentage 60.00 Medic options are useful for prioritizing and searching for low health friendly players or disguised Spies.
Play a hit sound every time you injure an enemy No Makes a loud DING with each hit.
Use glow effect for Payload objectives Yes Makes outlines of Payload carts visible through walls.
Synchronize with Steam Cloud Yes Useful for moving sprays, key binds, and player options between computers.
Show pop-up alerts while in-game Yes  
Show trade requests from... Anyone Can also be set to Friends Only, Friends and In-Game Players, and No One.
Close server browser after connecting to a server Yes Useful if you use the Manage Items and Trading menu often.

Known Advanced Multiplayer Bugs

  • When Automatically reload weapons when you're not firing is activated the Pyro will always attempt to load the last bullet even when its there, the reload animation never stops.
  • When Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button is activated the Medic will continue to heal even when the Medic is taunting.