Difference between revisions of "User:WindBOT/WikiCapResultsFooter"
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{{User:WindBOT/WikiCapRules}} | {{User:WindBOT/WikiCapRules}} | ||
== Source == | == Source == | ||
− | {{User:WindBOT/ | + | {{User:WindBOT/WikiCapSource}} |
Latest revision as of 08:48, 17 December 2010
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- config = { 'api': 'http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/api.php', 'username': 'WindBOT', 'password': raw_input('Wiki password: '), 'logDir': 'logs', 'pages': { 'rules': 'User:WindBOT/WikiCapRules', 'results': 'User:WindBOT/WikiCapCandidates', 'log': 'User:WindBOT/WikiCapLog' }, 'mysql': { 'host': 'mysql.biringa.com', 'username': 'perot_irclog', 'password': raw_input('MySQL password: '), 'database': 'perot_irclog', 'table': 'tfwikirc' } }
#!/usr/bin/python -OO # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import shutil import re # Regular expressions import wikitools # Wiki API import datetime # Date manipulation and comparison import MySQLdb # MySQL databases import MySQLdb.cursors # Additional cursor classes for convenience from capsConfig import config config['runtime'] = { 'wiki': None, 'regexes': {} } config['rules'] = None def pr(*args): s = [] for i in args: s.append(u(i)) s = u' '.join(s) try: print s except: pass if config['output'] is not None: try: print >> config['output'], s except: pass def u(s): if type(s) is type(u''): return s if type(s) is type(''): try: return unicode(s) except: try: return unicode(s.decode('utf8')) except: try: return unicode(s.decode('windows-1252')) except: return unicode(s, errors='ignore') try: return unicode(s) except: try: return u(str(s)) except: return s def wiki(): global config if config['runtime']['wiki'] is None: config['runtime']['wiki'] = wikitools.wiki.Wiki(config['api']) pr('Logging in as', config['username'], '...') config['runtime']['wiki'].login(config['username'], config['password']) pr('Logged in.') return config['runtime']['wiki'] def page(p): if type(p) in (type(''), type(u'')): p = wikitools.page.Page(wiki(), u(p), followRedir=False) return p def editPage(p, content, summary=u'', minor=True, bot=True, nocreate=True): global config summary = u(summary) while len(summary) > 250: if summary.find(u' ') == -1: summary = summary[:summary.rfind(u' ')] + u'...' else: summary = summary[:247] + u'...' result = page(p).edit(u(content), summary=summary, minor=minor, bot=bot, nocreate=nocreate) return result def compileRegex(regex, flags=re.IGNORECASE): global config regex = u(regex) if regex in config['runtime']['regexes']: return config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] = re.compile(regex, flags) return config['runtime']['regexes'][regex] def userSort(x, y): global config for k in config['rules']['sortKeys']: reverse = False if k[0] == '!': k = k[1:] reverse = True if reverse: r = cmp(y[k], x[k]) else: r = cmp(x[k], y[k]) if r == 0: continue return r return 0 def createUser(username): global config logFile = u(config['logDir']) + u(os.sep) + u(username).replace(u' ', u'_') + u'.log' l = open(logFile, 'wb') l.write('') l.close() return { 'name': username, 'score': 0.0, 'firstEdit': None, 'lastEdit': None, 'editDate': {}, 'daysOff': 0, 'hasTalked': False, 'isBot': False, 'edits': 0, 'undone': 0, 'redirects': 0, 'newPages': 0, 'creationTime': None, 'log': logFile } def run(): global config, u # Clear log directory if os.path.exists(config['logDir']): shutil.rmtree(config['logDir']) os.mkdir(config['logDir']) rulesText = u(page(config['pages']['rules']).getWikiText())[len('<p'+'re><now'+'iki>'):-len('</now'+'iki></pr'+'e>')] pr('Rules:', rulesText) config['rules'] = eval(rulesText) rules = config['rules'] # Convenience now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=wikitools.utc.utc) firstInspectedDay = now - datetime.timedelta(days = rules['inspectDuration']) undoRegex = compileRegex(r'^(?:Undo edit by|Reverted edits by).*?\[\[Special:Contributions/([^]|]+)(?:.*?\((\d+)\))?') mysql = MySQLdb.connect(host=config['mysql']['host'], user=config['mysql']['username'], passwd=config['mysql']['password'], db=config['mysql']['database'], cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor) cursor = mysql.cursor() dbLimit = now - datetime.timedelta(days=rules['inspectDuration'] + rules['maxDaysOff'] + 1) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM `tfwikirc`') stats = {} editScores = {} def log(user, *msg): s = [u'<' + u(user) + u'>'] for i in msg: s.append(u(i)) log = open(stats[user]['log'], 'ab') log.write((u' '.join(s) + u'\n').encode('utf8')) log.close() pr(u'<' + u(user) + u'>', *msg) while True: row = cursor.fetchone() if row == None: break row['timestamp'] = row['timestamp'].replace(tzinfo=wikitools.utc.utc) #pr(row) if not row['user'] in stats: stats[row['user']] = createUser(row['user']) rowScore = 0.0 for n in rules['namespaces']: if rules['namespaces'][n]['id'] == row['namespace']: if rules['namespaces'][n]['points'] > 0.0: stats[row['user']]['edits'] += 1 # First, check if edit is not too old if (now - row['timestamp']).days >= rules['inspectDuration']: break # Take care of daysOff if stats[row['user']]['firstEdit'] is None: stats[row['user']]['firstEdit'] = row['timestamp'] daysLost = max(0, (firstInspectedDay - row['timestamp']).days - 1) if daysLost > 0: log(row['user'], 'Days from beginning of inspected duration to first edit:', daysLost, '- Comparing', firstInspectedDay, '(inspected duration) to ', row['timestamp'], '(first edit)') stats[row['user']]['daysOff'] += daysLost else: daysSinceLast = max(0, (row['timestamp'] - stats[row['user']]['lastEdit']).days - 1) if daysSinceLast > 0: log(row['user'], 'Days since last edit:', daysSinceLast, '- Comparing', stats[row['user']]['lastEdit'], '(previous edit) to', row['timestamp'], '(current edit)') stats[row['user']]['daysOff'] += daysSinceLast stats[row['user']]['lastEdit'] = row['timestamp'] # Handle consecutive edits if row['title'] in stats[row['user']]['editDate']: delta = row['timestamp'] - stats[row['user']]['editDate'][row['title']] if delta.days * 86400 + delta.seconds < rules['consecutiveThreshold']: stats[row['user']]['editDate'][row['title']] = row['timestamp'] break stats[row['user']]['editDate'][row['title']] = row['timestamp'] # Now compute points rowScore += rules['namespaces'][n]['points'] scoreBonus = rules['namespaces'][n]['points'] if row['flags'].find('N') != -1: scoreBonus = scoreBonus * rules['newPageBonus'] + row['newsize'] * rules['newPageByteValue'] stats[row['user']]['newPages'] += 1 if row['flags'].find('R') != -1: scoreBonus *= rules['redirect'] stats[row['user']]['redirects'] += 1 editScores[str(row['rcid'])] = scoreBonus log(row['user'], 'got', scoreBonus, 'points for editing', row['title'], '(Flags:', row['flags']+')') stats[row['user']]['score'] += scoreBonus if row['flags'].find('b') != -1: stats[row['user']]['isBot'] = True # Handle undo's undo = undoRegex.search(row['comment']) if undo: if undo.group(2) and undo.group(2) in editScores: penalty = editScores[undo.group(2)] * rules['undoMultiplier'] else: penalty = rules['undone'] if undo.group(1) not in stats: stats[undo.group(1)] = createUser(undo.group(1)) log(undo.group(1), 'lost', abs(penalty), 'for edit undone on page', row['title']) stats[undo.group(1)]['score'] += penalty if row['comment'][:8] == 'Reverted': # Penalize users using rollback log(row['user'], 'lost', abs(rules['rollbackPenalty']), 'points for using rollback on page', row['title']) stats[row['user']]['score'] += rules['rollbackPenalty'] stats[undo.group(1)]['undone'] += 1 if rules['namespaces'][n]['isTalk']: stats[row['user']]['hasTalked'] = True break users = [] pr('Building users table.') ministatkeys = ('score', 'edits', 'daysOff', 'lastEdit') for usr in stats: ministats = {} for k in ministatkeys: ministats[k] = stats[usr][k] log(usr, 'Info:', ministats) if stats[usr]['lastEdit'] is None: log(usr, 'Dropping - No edit') continue daysSinceLast = max(0, (now - stats[usr]['lastEdit']).days - 1) # Days from last edit to moment of counting if daysSinceLast > 0: log(usr, 'Dropping - Days since last edit until now:', daysSinceLast, '- Comparing', stats[usr]['lastEdit'], 'to', now) stats[usr]['daysOff'] += daysSinceLast if stats[usr]['isBot']: # Skip bots log(usr, 'Dropping - It\'s a bot') continue if usr in rules['owners']: log(usr, 'Dropping - Already has cap') continue if stats[usr]['score'] < rules['minScore']: # Skip too low scores log(usr, 'Dropping - Score:', stats[usr]['score'], '<', rules['minScore']) continue if stats[usr]['edits'] < rules['minEdits']: # Skip too low edit count log(usr, 'Dropping - Edits:', stats[usr]['edits'], '<', rules['minEdits']) continue if stats[usr]['daysOff'] > rules['maxDaysOff']: # Skip too many days off log(usr, 'Dropping - Days off:', stats[usr]['daysOff'], '>', rules['maxDaysOff']) continue stats[usr]['creationTime'] = wikitools.user.User(wiki(), usr).registration if (now - stats[usr]['creationTime']).days < rules['minAge']: # Skip too young accounts pr(usr, 'Dropping - Age:', stats[usr]['creationTime'], '<', rules['minAge']) continue pr('Accepting candidate:', usr) users.append(stats[usr]) config['users'] = users pr('Sorting users.') users = sorted(users, cmp=userSort, reverse=True) pr('Building Wiki table.') s = """{| class="wikitable grid sortable" align="center" style="text-align:center" ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | User ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Score ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Inactive days ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Undone edits ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Valid edits ratio ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | New pages ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Redirects ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Age ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Edits (''all time'') ! class="header" style="font-size:90%;" | Has talked? ! class="header unsortable" style="font-size:90%;" | Contribs""" s2 = u'' i = 0 for usr in users: i += 1 if i > rules['maxCandidates']: break pr(usr['name'], usr['score']) hasTalked = 'Yes' if not usr['hasTalked']: hasTalked = 'No' s += '\n\ |-\n\ ! {{subst:ul|' + usr['name'] + '}}\n\ | ' + str(round(usr['score'], 2)) + '\n\ | ' + str(usr['daysOff']) + ' (' + str(round(100.0 * (1.0-float(usr['daysOff'])/float(rules['inspectDuration'])), 2)) + '%)' + '\n\ | ' + str(usr['undone']) + '\n\ | ' + str(round((1.0-float(usr['undone'])/float(usr['edits']))*100.0, 2)) + '%\n\ | ' + str(usr['newPages']) + '\n\ | ' + str(usr['redirects']) + '\n\ | ' + str((now - usr['creationTime']).days) + ' days\n\ | ' + str(usr['edits']) + '\n\ | ' + hasTalked + '\n\ | [[Special:Contributions/' + usr['name'] + '|' + usr['name'] + '\'s Contribs]]' s2 += u'=== ' + usr['name'] + u' ===\n<p'+'re><no'+'wiki>' + u(open(usr['log'], 'rb').read(-1)) + u'</no'+'wiki></pr'+'e>\n' s+='\n\ |}' editPage(config['pages']['results'], rules['template'].replace('%table%', s), summary=u'Updated Wiki Cap candidates list.', minor=False) editPage(config['pages']['log'], s2, summary=u'Updated Wiki Cap log.', minor=False) if __name__ == '__main__': config['output'] = open('caps.txt', 'wb') run() config['output'].close()