Difference between revisions of "User:Esky"

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|{{Kill notice|extend=no|killer=Esquilax|weapon=backstab|victim=Spelling Errors|width=600px}}
|{{Kill notice|extend=no|killer=Esky|weapon=backstab|victim=Spelling Errors|width=600px}}
|{{Kill notice|extend=no|killer=Esquilax|weapon=blutsauger|victim=Grammatical Errors|width=600px}}
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Revision as of 04:12, 20 December 2010

Speak to me! My Contributions
Speak to me! My Contributions

Quoted text.
— There's not much to say at this point in time, merely that I am available to assist upon request and/or when I see something that needs doing. Aside from that, I live in Melbourne and Medic continues to be my favourite class, although I try to play every class at least once per session in order to provide the team with whichever class is required. I am known in-game under my more common moniker "Esky", and the reasons for the diminution are available upon request (it's a boring story to be honest). I'm the quiet type (usually) so I'll just stay out of the way and make the odd edit and standardise the articles, and leave the major contributions up to those individuals with more experience. - An uninspired, yet factual quote from Esquilax when he turned up at the Wiki one day when there wasn't anything that needed to be done at work.

Killicon ubersaw.png
 Saharan Spies
Killicon backstab.png
 Spelling Errors
Killicon blutsauger.png
 Grammatical Errors

To-do List

  • Obsessively check pages for spelling and grammatical errors and correct where necessary (ongoing).
  • Keep an eye out for non-standardised pages and tweak them as necessary (ongoing).
  • Add the missing winners of the Hat Describing Content to each hat page where relevant.
  • Standardise all hat/miscellaneous pages in order to ensure that they have similar structures and wording (or as much as is feasible while retaining as much original content as possible).
  • Standardise all pre-Australian Christmas weapon/item pages in order to ensure that they have similar structures and wording (or as much as is feasible while retaining as much original content as possible).
  • Standardise all Australian Christmas weapon/item pages in order to ensure that they have similar structures and wording (or as much as is feasible while retaining as much original content as possible)..
  • Standardise all Australian Christmas hat articles in order to ensure that they have similar structures and wording (or as much as is feasible while retaining as much original content as possible)..
    • Bleh, after finishing off those last three items in one three-hour+ marathon sitting, I need a drink! It's times like this that I regret being a Teatotaller.