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{{update trans|This template's content has been majorly overhauled. All translated text needs updating.}}
{{delete|Obsolete given the new format}}
=== {{lang
| en = Standard Series
| pl = Standardowa seria
| pt-br = Série padrão
| ru = Стандартные эффекты
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈
| zh-hans = 标准系列
| zh-hant = 標準系列
}} ===
| en = Standard Unusual effects can be found in specific crate series.
| pl = Standardowe Nietypowe efekty mogą być znalezione w skrzyni z określonej serii.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns da série padrão podem ser encontrados em caixas de séries específicas.
| ru = Аксессуары со стандартными необычными эффектами могут быть получены из ящиков определенных тиражей.
| zh-hans = 标准系列的稀有特效可以在特定的供应箱系列中得到。
| zh-hant = 標準系列的異常粒子效果可以透過開特定的箱子系列獲得。
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 1
| pl = 1 generacja
| pt-br = 1ª geração
| ru = Первый набор
| ko = 1세대
| zh-hans = 第 1 代
| zh-hant = 第一代
}} ====
| en = The first generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series#1|Series #1]] onward.
| pl = Pierwsza generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update|in-the}}. Mogą one być zdobyte ze skrzyń [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/pl#1|Serii #1]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A primeira geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 1 a 25.
| ru = Первые необычные эффекты были добавлены в игру с [[Mann-Conomy Update/ru|обновлением «Манн-кономика»]]. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#1|#1]] до #25.
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 1세대로 {{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#1|상자 제 1 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代标准稀有特效于{{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #1|第 1 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Mann-Conomy Update}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #1|第一號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 1 Unusual effects}}
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 2
| pl = 2 generacja
| pt-br = 2ª geração
| ru = Второй набор
| ko = 2세대
| zh-hans = 第 2 代
| zh-hant = 第二代
}} ====
| en = The second generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|8|18|2011}}. They can be obtained in crates [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series#26|Series #26]] onward.
| pl = Druga generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Patch name|8|18|2011|in-the}}. Mogą być one zdobyte ze skrzyń [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series/pl#26|Serii #26]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A segunda geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Patch name|8|18|2011}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 26 a 57.
| ru = Второй набор необычных эффектов был добавлен в игру {{Patch name|8|18|2011|date=true}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#26|#26]] до #57.
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 2세대로 {{Patch name|8|18|2011}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#26|상자 제 26 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 2 代标准稀有特效于{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #26|第 26 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第二代異常粒子效果於{{Patch name|8|18|2011}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #26|第二十六號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 2 Unusual effects}}
==== {{lang
| en = Gen 3
| pt-br = 3ª geração
| ru = Третий набор
| ko = 3세대
| zh-hans = 第 3 代
| zh-hant = 第三代
}} ====
| en = The third and current generation of standard Unusual effects was added in the {{Patch name|6|19|2013}}. They can be obtained in crates and cases [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series#59|Series #59]] onward.
| pl = Trzecia i obecna generacja standardowych Nietypowych efektów została dodana w {{Patch name|6|19|2013|in-the}}. Mogą być one zdobyte ze skrzyń i skrzynek [[Mann_Co._Supply_Crate/Retired_series/pl#59|Serii #59]] i kolejnych.
| pt-br = A terceira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Patch name|6|19|2013}}. Disponíveis nas caixas das séries 59 em diante.
| ru = Третий набор необычных эффектов был добавлен в игру {{Patch name|6|19|2013|date=true}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика с тиражом, начиная от [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ru#59|#59]].
| ko = 기본 범상찮은 효과 시리즈 중 3세대로 {{Patch name|6|19|2013}} 때 추가되었습니다. 이 효과들은 [[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/ko#59|상자 제 59 시리즈]] 이상부터 나옵니다.
| zh-hans = 第 3 代标准稀有特效于{{Patch name|6|19|2013}}被添加到游戏中。它们可从[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #59|第 59 号]]以上的曼恩公司供应箱中获取。
| zh-hant = 第三代及現有系列的異常粒子效果於{{Patch name|6|19|2013}}新增到游戲中。這些效果可以透過開[[Mann Co. Supply Crate/Retired series/zh-hans#曼恩公司供应箱 #59|第五十九號]]或以上的箱子獲得。
{{Gen 3 Unusual effects}}
=== {{item name|Community Sparkle}} ===
| en = An exclusive Unusual effect was added in the {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}. It is automatically applied to [[Community_(quality)|Community]] and [[Self-Made]] items.
| pl = Ekskluzywny Nietypowy efekt dodany w aktualizacji {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}. Jest on automatycznie przypisywany do przedmiotów jakości [[Community_(quality)/pl|Za Zasługi]] i [[Self-Made/pl|Autorskiej]].
| pt-br = Um efeito Incomum exclusivo foi adicionado na {{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}, o qual é adicionado automaticamente a itens [[Community (quality)/pt-br|Comunitários]] e [[Self-Made/pt-br|Feitos Por Mim]].
| ru = Отличительный необычный эффект был добавлен в [[First Community Contribution Update/ru|Первом обновлении сообщества]]. Неразрывен с предметами качества [[Community (quality)/ru|от сообщества]] и [[Self-Made/ru|ручной сборки]].
| zh-hans = {{item name|Community Sparkle}}(Community Sparkle)稀有特效于{{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}被添加到游戏中。它们会自动添加在[[Community (quality)/zh-hans|社区]]与[[Self-Made/zh-hans|自制]]品质的物品上。
| zh-hant = {{item name|Community Sparkle}}(Community Sparkle)的異常粒子效果於{{update link|First Community Contribution Update}}新增到游戲中。這個效果自動新增在[[Community (quality)/zh-hant|社群]]和[[Self-Made/zh-hant|自制]]屬性的物品上。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Community Sparkle effects
| zh-hans = “社区之光”稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = “社群閃光效果”稀有特效列表
| [[File:Unusual_Community_Sparkle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Community_Sparkle_Weapon.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| {{common strings|weapon}}
=== {{anchor|Scream Fortress Series}}{{lang
| en = Scream Fortress Series
| pl = Seria Scream Fortress
| pt-br = Scream Fortress
| ru = Вииизг Фортресс
| zh-hans = 尖叫要塞系列
| zh-hant = 驚聲要塞系列
}} ===
| en = Scream Fortress Unusual effects can be found in specific Scream Fortress crates. During Scream Fortress events, they're available in all other crate series.
| pl = Nietypowe efekty Scream Fortress mogą być znalezione w określonych skrzynkach Scream Fortress. Podczas wydarzenia, są one również dostępne we wszystkich pozostałych seriach skrzynek.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress podem ser encontrados em caixas de eventos do Scream Fortress. Além disso, durantes esses eventos, eles são adicionados à lista de efeitos Incomuns possíveis em todas as caixas.
| ru = Предметы с необычными эффектами на хеллоуинскую тематику можно получить из специальных ящиков и кейсов соответствующих обновлений, а во время празднования Хеллоуина — из ящиков с любым тиражом.
| zh-hans = 尖叫要塞系列的稀有特效会出现在特定的尖叫要塞物品箱中。而在尖叫要塞活动期间,它们也可能出现于所有其它物品箱系列。
| zh-hant = 驚聲系列的異常粒子效果會出現在指定的驚聲要塞箱子裏。但在驚聲要塞(萬聖節)活動期間,這些效果也可以透過開其他箱子系列獲得。
==== {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}} ====
| en = The first Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Pierwsza generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A primeira geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Первые хеллоуинские эффекты были добавлены в игру в обновлении {{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Very Scary Halloween Special}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Very Scary Halloween Special Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Very Scary Halloween Special}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Cauldron_Bubbles.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Cloudy_Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eerie_Orbiting_Fire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Flaming_Lantern.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Cauldron Bubbles}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cauldron Bubbles)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Cloudy Moon}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cloudy Moon)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eerie Orbiting Fire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eerie Orbiting Fire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Flaming Lantern}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Flaming Lantern)}}
==== {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}} ====
| en = The second Scream Fortress generation of Unusual Effects was added in the {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Druga generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas aktualizacji {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A segunda geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Второй набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 2 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第二代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Spectral Halloween Special}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of Spectral Halloween Special Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Spectral Halloween Special}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Harvest_Moon.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_A_Secret_To_Everybody.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Knifestorm.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Misty_Skull.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Stormy_13th_Hour.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Harvest Moon}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Harvest Moon)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's A Secret To Everybody}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's A Secret To Everybody)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Knifestorm}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Knifestorm)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Misty Skull}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Misty Skull)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Stormy 13th Hour}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Stormy 13th Hour)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} ====
| en = The third Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Trzecia generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A terceira geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzina no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Третий набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 3 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第三代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2013}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2013}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Arcana.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Chiroptera_Venenata.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Darkblaze.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Demonflame.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Hellfire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Poisoned_Shadows.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Something_Burning_This_Way_Comes.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spellbound.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Arcana}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Arcana)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Chiroptera Venenata}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Chiroptera Venenata)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Darkblaze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Darkblaze)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Demonflame}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Demonflame)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hellfire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hellfire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Poisoned Shadows}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Poisoned Shadows)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Something Burning This Way Comes}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Something Burning This Way Comes)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spellbound}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spellbound)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}} ====
| en = The fourth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event.
| pl = Czwarta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia.
| pt-br = A quarta geração de efeitos Incomuns de Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Disponibilizados somente durante o evento.
| ru = Четвертый набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 4 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第四代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2014}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2014}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="2" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Amaranthine.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Bonzo_The_All-Gnawing.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Ghosts_Jr.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Haunted_Phantasm_Jr.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Stare_From_Beyond.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_The_Ooze.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Amaranthine}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Amaranthine)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Bonzo The All-Gnawing}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Bonzo The All-Gnawing)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Ghosts Jr.}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Ghosts Jr)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Haunted Phantasm Jr.}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Haunted Phantasm Jr)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Stare From Beyond}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Stare From Beyond)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|The Ooze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Ooze)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Ghosts.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Haunted_Phantasm.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Ghosts}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Ghosts)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Haunted Phantasm}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Haunted Phantasm)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} ====
| en = The fifth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}} update. They could only be obtained by opening a [[Gargoyle Case]] during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Gargoyle Case]].
| pl = Piąta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Można je było zdobyć ze [[Gargoyle Case/pl|Skrzyni gargulca]] podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie, można je nadal zdobyć z tej skrzyni.
| pt-br = A quinta geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Gargoyle Case}}.
| ru = Пятый набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}. Могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Gargoyle Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 5 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}被添加到游戏中。它们仅可以可通过开启{{item link|Gargoyle Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第五代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2015}}新增到游戲中。並只能夠透過開{{item link|Gargoyle Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2015}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Ancient_Eldritch.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Death_by_Disco.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eldritch_Flame.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ether_Trail.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_a_mystery_to_everyone.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_It's_a_puzzle_to_me.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nether_Trail.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Eldritch}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ancient Eldritch)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Death by Disco}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Death by Disco)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eldritch Flame}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eldritch Flame)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ether Trail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ether Trail)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's a Mystery to Everyone}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's a Mystery to Everyone)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|It's a Puzzle to Me}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(It's a Puzzle to Me)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Trail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nether Trail)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} ====
| en = The sixth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Creepy Crawly Case]].
| pl = Szósta generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Creepy Crawly Case/pl|Skrzyni gęsiej skórki]].
| pt-br = A sexta geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}.
| ru = Шестой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 6 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第六代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2016}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Creepy Crawly Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2016}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="2" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Neutron_Star.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Starstorm_Insomnia.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Starstorm_Slumber.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Tesla_Coil.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Neutron Star}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Neutron Star)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Starstorm Insomnia}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Starstorm Insomnia)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Starstorm Slumber}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Starstorm Slumber)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Tesla Coil}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Tesla Coil)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Hellish_Inferno.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Infernal_Flames.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Infernal_Smoke.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spectral_Swirl.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Hellish Inferno}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hellish Inferno)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Flames}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Infernal Flames)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Infernal Smoke}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Infernal Smoke)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spectral Swirl}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spectral Swirl)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} ====
| en = The seventh Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Violet Vermin Case]].
| pl = Siódma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Violet Vermin Case/pl|Skrzyni purpurowego pająka]].
| pt-br = A sétima geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}.
| ru = Седьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 7 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第七代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2018}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Violet Vermin Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2018}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="4" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Brain_Drain.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Clairvoyance.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Galactic_Gateway.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Head_of_Steam.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Omniscient_Orb.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Open_Mind.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ring_of_Fire.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Dark_Doorway.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Brain Drain}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Brain Drain)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Clairvoyance}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Clairvoyance)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Galactic Gateway}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Galactic Gateway)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Head of Steam}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Head of Steam)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Omniscient Orb}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Omniscient Orb)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Open Mind}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Open Mind)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ring of Fire}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ring of Fire)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|The Dark Doorway}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Dark Doorway)}}
| [[File:Unusual_The_Eldritch_Opening.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Vicious_Circle.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_White_Lightning.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|The Eldritch Opening}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(The Eldritch Opening)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Vicious Circle}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Vicious Circle)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|White Lightning}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(White Lightning)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Acidic_Bubbles_of_Envy.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Flammable_Bubbles_of_Attraction.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ominous_Night.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Poisonous_Bubbles_of_Regret.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Roaring_Rockets.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Spooky_Night.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Acidic Bubbles of Envy}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Acidic Bubbles of Envy)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Flammable Bubbles of Attraction}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Flammable Bubbles of Attraction)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ominous Night}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ominous Night)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Poisonous Bubbles of Regret}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Poisonous Bubbles of Regret)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Roaring Rockets}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Roaring Rockets)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Spooky Night}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Spooky Night)}}
==== {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} ====
| en = The eighth Scream Fortress generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Spooky Spoils Case]].
| pl = Ósma generacja Nietypowych efektów Scream Fortress została dodana podczas {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Mogą one być nadal zdobyte ze [[Spooky Spoils Case/pl|Skrzyni potwornych łupów]].
| pt-br = A oitava geração de efeitos Incomuns do Scream Fortress foi introduzida no {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}.
| ru = Восьмой набор хеллоуинских эффектов был добавлен в игру в обновлении {{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}.
| zh-hans = 第 8 代尖叫要塞稀有特效于{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}被添加到游戏中。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第八代驚聲要塞異常粒子效果於{{update link|Scream Fortress 2019}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以開{{item link|Spooky Spoils Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}} 稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Scream Fortress 2019}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="4" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Abyssal_Aura.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ethereal_Essence.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fifth_Dimension.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ghastly_Grove.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Menacing_Miasma.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Mystical_Medley.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Twisted_Radiance.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Valiant_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Abyssal Aura}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Abyssal Aura)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ethereal Essence}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ethereal Essence)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Fifth Dimension}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fifth Dimension)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ghastly Grove}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ghastly Grove)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Menacing Miasma}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Menacing Miasma)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Mystical Medley}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Mystical Medley)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Twisted Radiance}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Twisted Radiance)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Valiant Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Valiant Vortex)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Verdant_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Vicious_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Violet_Vortex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Wicked_Wood.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Verdant Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Verdant Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Vicious Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Vicious Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Violet Vortex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Violet Vortex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wicked Wood}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wicked Wood)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Accursed.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Bewitched.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Eerie_Lightning.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Enchanted.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Jarate_Shock.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nether_Void.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Static_Mist.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Terrifying_Thunder.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Accursed}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Accursed)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Bewitched}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Bewitched)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Eerie Lightning}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Eerie Lightning)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Enchanted}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Enchanted)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Jarate Shock}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Jarate Shock)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nether Void}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nether Void)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Static Mist}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Static Mist)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Terrifying Thunder}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Terrifying Thunder)}}
=== {{lang
| en = Smissmas Series
| pl = Seria Śniąteczna
| pt-br = Fim de Ano
| ru = Шмождество
| zh-hans = 圣诞系列
| zh-hant = 聖誕系列
}} ===
| en = Smissmas Unusual effects can be found in specific Smissmas crates. During Smissmas events, they're available in all other crate series.
| pl = Śniąteczne Nietypowe efekty mogą być znalezione w określonych Śniątecznych skrzniach. Podczas Śniątecznego wydarzenia są one również dostępne we wszystkich pozostałych seriach skrzynek.
| pt-br = Efeitos Incomuns de Fim de Ano podem ser encontrados em caixas de eventos de Fim de Ano. Além disso, durantes esses eventos, eles são adicionados à lista de efeitos Incomuns possíveis em todas as caixas.
| ru = Предметы с необычными эффектами Шмождества можно получить из специальных ящиков и кейсов соответствующих обновлений, а во время празднования Рождества — из ящиков с любым тиражом.
| zh-hans = 圣诞系列的稀有特效会出现在特定的圣诞物品箱中。而在圣诞活动期间,它们也可能出现于所有其它物品箱系列。
| zh-hant = 聖誕系列的異常粒子效果能夠透過開指定聖誕系列箱子獲取。並能夠在聖誕期間開任何箱子獲取。
==== {{update name|Smissmas 2019}} ====
| en = The first and current Smissmas generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Smissmas 2019}} update. Currently, they can be obtained in any crate.
| pl = Pierwsza i obecna generacja Śniątecznych Nietypowych efektów została dodana podczas aktualizacji {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Obecnie można je zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni.
| pt-br = A primeira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns de Fim de Ano foi introduzida no {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case}}.
| ru = Первые и единственные необычные эффекты Шмождества были добавлены в обновлении {{update link|Smissmas 2019}}. Они могут быть получены из любого ящика.
| zh-hans = 第 1 代也是目前唯一一代圣诞稀有特效于{{update link|Smissmas 2019}}被添加到游戏中。目前,它们它们可在任何箱子中获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代聖誕系列異常粒子效果於{{update link|Smissmas 2019}}新增到游戲中。目前,仍能夠透過開任何箱子獲得。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="9"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Smissmas 2019}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{update name|Smissmas 2019}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{update name|Smissmas 2019}}異常粒子效果列表
| rowspan="6" width="50px" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|cosmetic items}}
| [[File:Unusual_Defragmenting_Reality_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Defragmenting_Reality_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Gluons.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Photons.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmented_Quarks.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fragmenting_Reality.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frozen_Icefall.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Pyroland_Daydream_RED.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|RED}}
| {{common strings|BLU}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Gluons}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Gluons)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Photons}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Photons)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmented Quarks}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmented Quarks)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fragmenting Reality)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Frozen Icefall}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Frozen Icefall)}}
| {{common strings|RED}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Defragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Defragmenting Reality)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Pyroland Daydream}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Pyroland Daydream)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Pyroland_Daydream_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Refragmenting_Reality.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Snowblinded.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Snowfallen.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Sparkling_Lights.png|128px|center]]
| {{common strings|BLU}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Refragmenting Reality}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Refragmenting Reality)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Snowblinded}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Snowblinded)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Snowfallen}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Snowfallen)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Sparkling Lights}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Sparkling Lights)}}
| {{item name|Pyroland Daydream}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Pyroland Daydream)}}
| rowspan="2" style="background-color:#ffbd7e;" | {{common strings|taunts}}
| [[File:Unusual_Arctic_Aurora.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Festive_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Good-Hearted_Goodies.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Magical_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Winter_Spirit.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Wintery_Wisp.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Arctic Aurora}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Arctic Aurora)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Festive Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Festive Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Good-Hearted Goodies}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Good-Hearted Goodies)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magical Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Magical Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Winter Spirit}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Winter Spirit)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Wintery Wisp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Wintery Wisp)}}
=== {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}} update. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Robo Community Crate]].
| pl = Aktualizacja {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je tylko zdobyć z [[Robo Community Crate/pl|RoboSkrzynki Społeczności]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na atualização {{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|Robo Community Crate}}.
| ru = В [[Robotic Boogaloo/ru|обновлении «Robotic Boogaloo»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Robo Community Crate}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Robo Community Crate}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Robotic Boogaloo}}更新新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|Robo Community Crate}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Robotic Boogaloo}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Anti-Freeze.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Electrostatic.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Green_Black_Hole.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Memory_Leak.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Overclocked.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Phosphorous.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Power Surge.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Roboactive.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Anti-Freeze}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Anti-Freeze)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Electrostatic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Electrostatic)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Green Black Hole}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Green Black Hole)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Memory Leak}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Memory Leak)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Overclocked}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Overclocked)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Phosphorous}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Phosphorous)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Power Surge}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Power Surge)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Roboactive}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Roboactive)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Sulphurous.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Time_Warp.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Sulphurous}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Sulphurous)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Time Warp}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Time Warp)}}
=== {{update name|Love & War Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Love & War Update}}. They can be obtained through [[Unusualifier|Taunt Unusualifiers]].
| pl = Aktualizacja {{update link|Love & War Update}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je zdobyć wyłącznie z [[Unusualifier/pl|Uniezwyklaczy drwin]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Love & War Update}}. Disponíveis em [[Unusualifier/pt-br|Incomunizadores de Provocações]].
| ru = В [[Love & War Update/ru|обновлении «Любовь и Война»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только использовав {{item link|Unusualifier}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Love & War Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可通过使用{{item link|Unusualifier}}来附加到已有物品上。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Love & War Update}}新增到游戲中。他們目前可以透過使用{{item link|Unusualifier}}來獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{update name|Love & War Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Love & War Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Love & War Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_'72.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Fountain_of_Delight.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Holy_Grail.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Mega_Strike.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Midnight_Whirlwind.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Screaming_Tiger.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Showstopper_RED.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Showstopper_BLU.png|128px|center]]
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|'72}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>('72)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Fountain of Delight}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Fountain of Delight)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Holy Grail}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Holy Grail)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Mega Strike}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Mega Strike)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Midnight Whirlwind}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Midnight Whirlwind)}}
| rowspan="2" width="128px | {{item name|Screaming Tiger}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Screaming Tiger)}}
| {{common string|RED}}
| {{common string|BLU}}
| colspan="2" | {{item name|Showstopper effect}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Showstopper effect)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Silver_Cyclone.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Skill_Gotten_Gains.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Silver Cyclone}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Silver Cyclone)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Skill Gotten Gains}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Skill Gotten Gains)}}
=== {{update name|End of the Line Update}}===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{Update link|End of the Line Update}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening an [[End of the Line Community Crate]].
| pl = {{Update link|End of the Line Update}} dodała nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je zdobyć tylko ze [[End of the Line Community Crate/pl|Skrzynki aktualizacji społeczności „Koniec trasy” ]].
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|End of the Line Update}}. Disponíveis na {{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}.
| ru = В [[End of the Line Update/ru|обновлении «End of the Line»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|End of the Line Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|End of the Line Update}}新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|End of the Line Community Crate}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|End of the Line Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|End of the Line Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|End of the Line Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Death_at_Dusk.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Frostbite.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Molten_Mallard.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Morning_Glory.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Death at Dusk}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Death at Dusk)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Frostbite}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Frostbite)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Molten Mallard}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Molten Mallard)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Morning Glory}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Morning Glory)}}
=== {{update name|Gun Mettle Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}}. They can be obtained through [[Decorated]] cases.<br><br>With the introduction of the {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, the Energy Orb effect has been removed from the Unusual effect pool due to issues with it disappearing and/or not fitting some weapons properly. Only the three remaining effects can be obtained now.
| pt-br = Uma geração exclusiva de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}. Disponíveis em caixas de [[Decorated/pt-br|armas decoradas]].<br><br>Após o lançamento da {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, o efeito "{{item name|Energy Orb}}" foi removido da lista efeitos Incomuns possíveis. Somente os três outros efeitos podem ser obtidos atualmente.
| pl = Aktualizacja {{update link|Gun Mettle Update}} wprowadziła nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je zdobyć ze skrzynek zawierających [[Decorated/pl|Dekorowane]] bronie.<br><br>Wraz z aktualizacją {{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}, efekt kula energii został usunięty z puli dostępnych Nietypowych efektów. Można obecnie zdobyć tylko pozostałe trzy efekty.
| ru = В [[Gun Mettle Update/ru|обновлении «Лихие пушки»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. В настоящее время могут быть получены, открыв специальные кейсы с [[Decorated/ru|раскрашенным]] оружием.<br><br>С выходом [[Jungle Inferno Update/ru|обновления «Пламенные джунгли]]» эффект {{item name|Energy Orb}} больше не может быть получен, оставляя игрокам шанс получить один из трех оставшихся необычных эффектов.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们仅可通过开启[[Decorated/zh-hans|装饰]]品质武器箱来获取。而在{{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}后,{{item name|Energy Orb}}不再能够被获取,其余三款特效依然可能获取。
| zh-hant = 這一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Gun Mettle Update}}新增到游戲中。它們只能夠透過[[Decorated/zh-hans|裝飾]]屬性的武器箱子獲取。在{{update link|Jungle Inferno Update}}之後,{{item name|Energy Orb}}因各種錯誤以及並不合適某些武器而變得不再能夠再被獲取,而其餘的三個異常粒子效果仍然能夠獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Gun Mettle Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Cool.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Energy_Orb.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Hot.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Isotope.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Cool}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Cool)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Energy Orb}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Energy Orb)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Hot}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Hot)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Isotope}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Isotope)}}
=== {{update name|Invasion Update}} ===
| en = An exclusive generation of Unusual effects was added in the {{update link|Invasion Update}}. They could be obtained in any crate during the event. They can still be obtained by opening a [[Confidential Collection Case]] or a [[Quarantined Collection Case]].
| pl = {{update link|Invasion Update}} wprowadziła nową generację Nietypowych efektów. Można je było zdobyć z dowolnej skrzyni podczas wydarzenia. Obecnie można je zdobyć ze [[Confidential Collection Case/pl|Skrzyni kolekcji poufne]] lub [[Quarantined Collection Case/pl|Skrzyni kolekcji kwarantanny]].
| pt-br = A terceira e atual geração de efeitos Incomuns foi introduzida na {{Update link|Invasion Update}}. Disponíveis nas caixas da coleção [[Confidential Collection Case/pt-br|Confidencial]] e [[Quarantined Collection Case/pt-br|Quarentena]].
| ru = В [[Invasion Update/ru|обновлении «Вторжение»]] были добавлены новые необычные эффекты. Во время проведения события они могли быть получены из любого ящика. В настоящее время могут быть получены, только открыв {{item link|Confidential Collection Case}} или {{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}.
| zh-hans = 这是一代于{{Update link|Invasion Update}}被添加到游戏中的稀有特效。它们可在该活动期间于任何箱子中获取,也可通过开启{{item link|Confidential Collection Case}}或{{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}来获取。
| zh-hant = 第一代的異常粒子效果於{{Update link|Invasion Update}}更新新增到游戲中。並能夠在活動期間開任何箱子獲取,目前也可以透過{{item link|Confidential Collection Case}}或{{item link|Quarantined Collection Case}}獲取。
{| class="wikitable collapsible {{{state|collapsed}}}" width="80%" style="text-align:center" cellpadding=2
! class="header" colspan="8"| {{lang
| en = List of {{Update name|Invasion Update}} Unusual effects
| zh-hans = {{Update name|Invasion Update}}稀有特效列表
| zh-hant = {{Update name|Invasion Update}}異常粒子效果列表
| [[File:Unusual_Abduction.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Ancient_Codex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Atomic.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Electric Hat Protector.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Galactic_Codex.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Magnetic Hat Protector.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Nebula.png|128px|center]]
| [[File:Unusual_Subatomic.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Abduction}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Abduction)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Ancient Codex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Ancient Codex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Atomic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Atomic)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Electric Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Electric Hat Protector)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Galactic Codex}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Galactic Codex)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Magnetic Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Magnetic Hat Protector)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Nebula}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Nebula)}}
| width="128px | {{item name|Subatomic}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Subatomic)}}
| [[File:Unusual_Voltaic_Hat_Protector.png|128px|center]]
| width="128px | {{item name|Voltaic Hat Protector}} {{lang|en=|zh-hans=<br>(Voltaic Hat Protector)}}
{{translation switching|en, pl, pt-br, ru,zh-hans}}

Revision as of 02:43, 19 June 2020