Difference between revisions of "Template:Ability taunt table"

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  | en = The Scout takes a short, refreshing drink from his soda can, activating the effects of either drink
  | en = The Scout takes a short, refreshing drink from his soda can, activating the effects of either drink
  | cs = Scout se krátce napije nápoje ze své plechovky a aktivuje se účinek daného nápoje
  | cs = Scout se krátce napije nápoje ze své plechovky a aktivuje se účinek daného nápoje
| de = Der Scout nimmt ein kurzes, erfrischendes Getränk aus seiner Getränkedose, wodurch die Wirkung beider Getränke aktiviert wird
  | es = El Scout da un sorbo a su refresco, activando los efectos de la bebida
  | es = El Scout da un sorbo a su refresco, activando los efectos de la bebida
  | ja = スカウトがソーダ缶から短い、リフレッシュするドリンクを飲み、それぞれのドリンクの効果が有効になる
  | ja = スカウトがソーダ缶から短い、リフレッシュするドリンクを飲み、それぞれのドリンクの効果が有効になる

Revision as of 23:22, 30 January 2022

Class Taunt Weapon Duration Details
Community Scout Strategy Header.png
Bonk! Atomic Punch
1.2 seconds The Scout takes a short, refreshing drink from his soda can, activating the effects of either drink
Bonk! Atomic Punch: Grants the user invulnerability for 8 seconds, after which they will receive slowdown based on damage absorbed. The user is forced into a third-person perspective and cannot attack or switch weapons for the duration of the effect (but may still taunt)
Crit-a-Cola: Grants the user 8 seconds of guaranteed mini-crits. Any attacks received during this time will cause the user to be marked for death for 5 seconds after the effect expires (does not stack)
Phlogistinator 2 seconds The Pyro lifts the Phlogistinator into the air, enabling a primary weapon crit-boost for 10 seconds
Grants invulnerability and knockback immunity for the duration of the taunt, which can also protect the user from a Telefrag
Only usable once the Phlogistinator's Mmmph bar is full after dealing 300 fire damage with any weapon
Buffalo Steak Sandvich
Dalokohs Bar
Second Banana
4.3 seconds The Heavy takes a large, noisy nom from his lunchbox item
Sandvich and Robo-Sandvich: Gradually restores all health over the duration of the taunt (75 health each second, does not overheal), and will not trigger cooldown if health is already full
Buffalo Steak Sandvich: Grants a unique 15 second buff; restricts the user to their melee weapon, and grants 35% increased movement speed along with a mini-crit boost at the cost of taking an additional 25% damage. Always forced into cooldown upon use
Dalokohs Bar and Fishcake: Grants the user an extra 50 health for 30 seconds and will heal 100 health (25 health each second). Always forced into cooldown upon use
Second Banana: Gradually restores 200 health over the duration of the taunt (50 health each second, does not overheal), and will not trigger cooldown if health is already full
Eureka Effect Taunt
Eureka Effect Taunt
Eureka Effect 2 seconds The Engineer raises his Eureka Effect to the heavens, causing lightning to strike him
Teleports the player to his own Teleporter exit (regardless of whether it is active) or back to spawn
Kritzkrieg 4 seconds The Medic takes a whiff of his own medicine, healing 11 health
Medicating Melody
Medicating Melody
Amputator 4 seconds The Medic plays a soothing melody, healing all nearby teammates within the taunt's radius
Builds low amounts of Übercharge with enough healing