Difference between revisions of "Template:Craftable Soldier hats"

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(Added any missing hats, removed any duplicates, ordered by schema ID (should be same as date added), and normalization among the other templates on Random crafting recipes - Total ATTOW 73)
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| width="60px" style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="20" | '''[[Cosmetic items{{if lang}}|{{item name|cosmetics}}]]'''
| width="60px" style="background:#ffbd7e;" rowspan="20" | '''[[Cosmetic items{{if lang}}|{{item name|cosmetics}}]]'''
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Stainless Pot|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Stainless Pot}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Tyrant's Helm|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Tyrant's Helm}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Killer's Kabuto|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Killer's Kabuto}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Sergeant's Drill Hat|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Sergeant's Drill Hat}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Grenadier's Softcap|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Grenadier's Softcap}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Chieftain's Challenge|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Chieftain's Challenge}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Dr's Dapper Topper|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Stout Shako}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Stout Shako|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Exquisite Rack}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Stainless Pot}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Stainless Pot}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Tyrant's Helm}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Tyrant's Helm}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Killer's Kabuto}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Killer's Kabuto}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Sergeant's Drill Hat}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Sergeant's Drill Hat}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Grenadier's Softcap}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Chieftain's Challenge}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Chieftain's Challenge}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Dr's Dapper Topper}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Stout Shako}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Stout Shako}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Exquisite Rack}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|Exquisite Rack|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Defiant Spartan}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Defiant Spartan|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Hero's Hachimaki}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Hero's Hachimaki|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Team Captain}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Honcho's Headgear|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Honcho's Headgear}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Brain Bucket|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Pocket Medic}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Team Captain|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Furious Fukaamigasa}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Furious Fukaamigasa|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Jumper's Jeepcap}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Stahlhelm|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Brain Bucket}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Exquisite Rack}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Defiant Spartan}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Defiant Spartan}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Hero's Hachimaki}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Hero's Hachimaki}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Team Captain}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Honcho's Headgear}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Honcho's Headgear}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Brain Bucket}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Pocket Medic}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Team Captain}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Furious Fukaamigasa}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Furious Fukaamigasa}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Jumper's Jeepcap}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Stahlhelm}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Brain Bucket}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{Icon item|Armored Authority|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Jumper's Jeepcap|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Armored Authority}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Hat With No Name|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Fancy Dress Uniform}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Infernal Impaler|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Stahlhelm}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Lucky Shot|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Infernal Impaler}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Battle Bob|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Hat With No Name}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Conquistador|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Ornament Armament}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Armored Authority}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Jumper's Jeepcap}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Armored Authority}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Hat With No Name}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Fancy Dress Uniform}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Infernal Impaler}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Stahlhelm}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Lucky Shot}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Infernal Impaler}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Battle Bob}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Hat With No Name}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Conquistador}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Ornament Armament}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Cross-Comm Crash Helmet|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|All-Father}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Helmet Without a Home|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Kringle Collection}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Crafty Hair|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Lucky Shot}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|War Pig|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Battle Bob}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Chief Constable|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Conquistador}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Fancy Dress Uniform|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Captain's Cocktails}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Pocket Medic|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Helmet Without a Home}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Teufort Tooth Kicker}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Cross-Comm Crash Helmet}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|All-Father}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Helmet Without a Home}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Kringle Collection}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Crafty Hair}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Lucky Shot}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|War Pig}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Battle Bob}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Chief Constable}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Conquistador}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Fancy Dress Uniform}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Captain's Cocktails}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Pocket Medic}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Helmet Without a Home}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Teufort Tooth Kicker}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|All-Father|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Cross-Comm Crash Helmet}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Kringle Collection|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Professor's Pineapple}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Ornament Armament|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|War Pig}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Teufort Tooth Kicker|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Soldier's Stogie}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Professor's Pineapple|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Crafty Hair}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Captain's Cocktails|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Menpo}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Soldier's Stogie|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Bonedolier}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Menpo|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Exorcizor}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|All-Father}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Cross-Comm Crash Helmet}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Kringle Collection}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Professor's Pineapple}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Ornament Armament}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|War Pig}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Teufort Tooth Kicker}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Soldier's Stogie}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Professor's Pineapple}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Crafty Hair}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Captain's Cocktails}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Menpo}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Soldier's Stogie}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Bonedolier}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Menpo}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Exorcizor}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Bonedolier|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Chief Constable}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Deadliest Duckling|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Deadliest Duckling}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Founding Father|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Soldier's Slope Scopers}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Soldier's Slope Scopers|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Mutton Mann}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Mutton Mann|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Doe-Boy}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Doe-Boy|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Big Daddy}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Cloud Crasher|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|First American}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Brawling Buccaneer|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Gilded Guard}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Bonedolier}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Chief Constable}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Deadliest Duckling}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Deadliest Duckling}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Founding Father}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Soldier's Slope Scopers}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Soldier's Slope Scopers}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Mutton Mann}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Mutton Mann}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Doe-Boy}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Doe-Boy}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Big Daddy}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Cloud Crasher}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|First American}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Brawling Buccaneer}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Gilded Guard}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Caribbean Conqueror|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Powdered Practitioner}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Colonial Clogs|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Cloud Crasher}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Compatriot|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Macho Mann}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Hornblower|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Valley Forge}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Lieutenant Bites|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Compatriot}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Rebel Rouser|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Caribbean Conqueror}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Shogun's Shoulder Guard|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Colonial Clogs}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Valley Forge|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Whirly Warrior}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Caribbean Conqueror}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Powdered Practitioner}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Colonial Clogs}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Cloud Crasher}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Compatriot}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Macho Mann}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Hornblower}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Valley Forge}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Lieutenant Bites}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Compatriot}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Rebel Rouser}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Caribbean Conqueror}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Shogun's Shoulder Guard}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Colonial Clogs}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Valley Forge}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Whirly Warrior}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Whirly Warrior|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Rebel Rouser}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Macho Mann|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Shogun's Shoulder Guard}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Cuban Bristle Crisis|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Hornblower}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Viking Braider|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Lieutenant Bites}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Antarctic Parka|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Brawling Buccaneer}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Marshall's Mutton Chops|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Founding Father}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Slo-Poke|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Viking Braider}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Toy Soldier|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Cuban Bristle Crisis}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Whirly Warrior}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Rebel Rouser}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Macho Mann}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Shogun's Shoulder Guard}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Cuban Bristle Crisis}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Hornblower}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Viking Braider}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Lieutenant Bites}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Antarctic Parka}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Brawling Buccaneer}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Marshall's Mutton Chops}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Founding Father}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Slo-Poke}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Viking Braider}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Toy Soldier}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Cuban Bristle Crisis}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Ground Control|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Slo-Poke}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Killer's Kit|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Toy Soldier}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Big Daddy|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Antarctic Parka}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|First American|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Marshall's Mutton Chops}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Doe-Boy|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Ground Control}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Classified Coif|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Killer's Kit}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Man in Slacks|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Classified Coif}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Spook Specs|64px}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Spook Specs}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Ground Control}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Slo-Poke}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Killer's Kit}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Toy Soldier}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Big Daddy}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Antarctic Parka}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|First American}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Marshall's Mutton Chops}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Doe-Boy}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Ground Control}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Classified Coif}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Killer's Kit}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Man in Slacks}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Classified Coif}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Spook Specs}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Spook Specs}}
| width="150px" style="background:#FFDDAD;" | {{icon item|Gilded Guard|64px}}
| valign="top" | {{item link|Gilded Guard}}
| class=gold | {{icon item|Man in Slacks}}
| class=nameplate | {{item link|Man in Slacks}}

Revision as of 22:24, 14 June 2022

Leaderboard class soldier.png Craftable cosmetic items for the Soldier.
Cosmetics Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat Grenadier's Softcap Chieftain's Challenge Stout Shako Exquisite Rack
Stainless Pot Tyrant's Helm Killer's Kabuto Sergeant's Drill Hat Grenadier's Softcap Chieftain's Challenge Stout Shako Exquisite Rack
Defiant Spartan Hero's Hachimaki Team Captain Honcho's Headgear Pocket Medic Furious Fukaamigasa Jumper's Jeepcap Brain Bucket
Defiant Spartan Hero's Hachimaki Team Captain Honcho's Headgear Pocket Medic Furious Fukaamigasa Jumper's Jeepcap Brain Bucket
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe Armored Authority Fancy Dress Uniform Stahlhelm Infernal Impaler Hat With No Name Ornament Armament
Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe Armored Authority Fancy Dress Uniform Stahlhelm Infernal Impaler Hat With No Name Ornament Armament
All-Father Kringle Collection Lucky Shot Battle Bob Conquistador Captain's Cocktails Helmet Without a Home Teufort Tooth Kicker
All-Father Kringle Collection Lucky Shot Battle Bob Conquistador Captain's Cocktails Helmet Without a Home Teufort Tooth Kicker
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet Professor's Pineapple War Pig Soldier's Stogie Crafty Hair Menpo Bonedolier Exorcizor
Cross-Comm Crash Helmet Professor's Pineapple War Pig Soldier's Stogie Crafty Hair Menpo Bonedolier Exorcizor
Chief Constable Deadliest Duckling Soldier's Slope Scopers Mutton Mann Doe-Boy Big Daddy First American Gilded Guard
Chief Constable Deadliest Duckling Soldier's Slope Scopers Mutton Mann Doe-Boy Big Daddy First American Gilded Guard
Powdered Practitioner Cloud Crasher Macho Mann Valley Forge Compatriot Caribbean Conqueror Colonial Clogs Whirly Warrior
Powdered Practitioner Cloud Crasher Macho Mann Valley Forge Compatriot Caribbean Conqueror Colonial Clogs Whirly Warrior
Rebel Rouser Shogun's Shoulder Guard Hornblower Lieutenant Bites Brawling Buccaneer Founding Father Viking Braider Cuban Bristle Crisis
Rebel Rouser Shogun's Shoulder Guard Hornblower Lieutenant Bites Brawling Buccaneer Founding Father Viking Braider Cuban Bristle Crisis
Slo-Poke Toy Soldier Antarctic Parka Marshall's Mutton Chops Ground Control Killer's Kit Classified Coif Spook Specs
Slo-Poke Toy Soldier Antarctic Parka Marshall's Mutton Chops Ground Control Killer's Kit Classified Coif Spook Specs
Man in Slacks
Man in Slacks

See also