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{{Infobox class
-->{{Infobox class
  | name  = Abbatti-Torrette
   | image  = SentryBuster.png
   | image  = SentryBuster.png
   | health = '''2500'''
   | health = '''2500'''

Revision as of 09:40, 6 February 2023

Informazioni di base
Salute: 2500
Velocità: 187%
Essenzialmente una bomba con le gambe, l'Abbatti-Torrette individuerà una qualsiasi torretta che sta facendo danni sostanziali e continui all'orda di robot e inizia suo subdolo protocollo complicato: correre verso la torretta e farsi esplodere.
Mann vs. Machine publicity blurb

L'Abbatti-Torrette è un robot specializzato che compare nella modalità di gioco Mann vs. Machine quando una torretta ha causato danni sostanziali all'orda di robot. Sembra che sia formato da due grandi gambe simili a quelle del Robot Demolitore, ma con una grossa mina navale come busto.

Non appena una torretta ha ucciso 15 robot o causato 3000 punti danno all'orda di robot (di base), un Abbatti-Torrette verrà inviato; non compaiono in nessun altra circostanza. Una volta schierato, l'Abbatti-Torrette si dirigerà direttamente verso la Torretta che ha causato la sua comparsa. Inoltre, una risposta vocale da parte dell'Amministratore, l'Ingegnere che ha costruito la Torretta presa di mira, e a volte, dai Grossi, Soldati e Medici alleati verranno attivate per allertare la squadra dell'arrivo dell'Abbatti-Torrette. Arrivato al bersaglio, si inchina e inizia a suonare. All'incirca 4 secondi dopo, detonerà in un'enorme esplosione tale da disintegrare la Torretta e qualsiasi cosa nel raggio di approssimativamente tre Teletrasporti, inclusi robot non-giganti intorno. Se un Robot Gigante si trova nel raggio d'esplosione dell'Abbatti-Torrette riceverà soltanto 600 punti danno.

Ove Ingegneri disattenti perderanno sicuramente la loro Torretta per causa dell'Abbatti-Torrette, quelli attenti con una squadra competente riusciranno a cavarsela senza troppi problemi. Gli Abbatti-Torrette possono essere semplicemente abbattuti prima che raggiungano il loro bersaglio, il quale causerà la detonazione prematura del robot. Hauling the Sentry after Sentry Busters get close to the Engineer's sentry is recommended, as Sentry Busters cannot move once they begin counting down, but that does not protect any other buildings or teammates that may be nearby. An Engineer picking up his Sentry and carrying it around the map is not recommended, as it stops the Engineer and his Sentry from attacking the rest of the horde and attending to his other buildings. Knockback can keep a Sentry Buster at bay long enough to destroy it, but once they begin the detonation process, they are immune to it (excluding compression blast). However, regardless of how a team defeats a Sentry Buster, the robot horde continues to send them out after a mission-specific delay time until the target Sentry is destroyed or the wave is completed. The Rescue Ranger allows Engineers to pick up their Sentry Gun from a distance, assuming that they have at least 100 Metal. This allows them to safely wait until the Sentry Buster starts detonating, then quickly withdraw their Sentry Gun before it detonates.

Sentry Busters spawn against and target Mini-Sentry Guns, but they ignore Disposable Sentry Guns, even if it is doing more work than the primary one. If a Sentry is destroyed before the Sentry Buster gets there, it continues running to where the Sentry used to be and then detonates. One Sentry Buster can spawn for each Engineer on the defending team. Should a Sentry Buster be unable to plot a path to its target Sentry Gun, it simply explodes once it enters the playing area.

Destroyed Sentry Busters, whether by themselves or by the players, leave no credits. A large cloud of dark grey smoke lasting a few seconds remains after detonation, blocking the view of players within the range of the smoke.

Related achievements

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Machievement

La grande bot-ta!
La grande bot-ta!
Uccidi 5 robot in un'unica esplosione per la detonazione di un Abbatti-Torrette.

Furto Reale
Furto Reale
Come Ingegnere, scappa con la tua torretta quando un Abbatti-Torrette sta per esplodere.
Ctrl + Assalto + Cancella
Ctrl + Assalto + Cancella
Distruggi un Abbatti-Torrette prima che raggiunga il suo bersaglio.

Update history

Patch del 15 agosto 2012 (Aggiornamento Mann vs. Machine)

  • The Sentry Buster was added to the game.

Patch del 17 agosto 2012

  • Fixed Sentry Busters picking disposable buildings as valid targets.
  • Fixed an instance of the Sentry Buster sound looping endlessly.

Patch del 16 settembre 2013

  • [Non documentato] Sentry Busters now destroy robots when they explode.

Patch del 18 settembre 2013

  • Notes missed from Monday's update:
    • Updated Sentry Busters in Mann vs. Machine mode to damage teammates when they explode.

Patch del 9 gennaio 2015

  • Fixed using the Holiday Punch to tickle Mann vs. Machine enemy bots.

Patch del 14 luglio 2016 #1

  • Fixed sentry buster sounds not being cleaned up properly after detonating.


  • Only the legs are tinted yellow when soaked in Jarate, due to the material proxy required being missing from the material for the pressure mine segment of the model (demo_buster.vmt).
  • In the Halloween mission Caliginous Caper, Sentry Busters spawn with Demoman upper arms levitating at their sides and Spine-Chilling Skulls on their invisible heads.
  • Sometimes, when a Sentry Buster is killed, it simply vanishes instead of crouching and exploding. When this happens, the kill feed shows that the player killed the Sentry Buster with their weapon.
    • This can happen when for example, the Sentry Buster has 3 health and the attacker deals 2.5-2.99 damage to the Sentry Buster.
  • If the defenders lose the round, and the Sentry Buster is still alive, it does not detonate near Sentry Guns, but attacks enemies or enemy buildings as if it was a robot using melee instead of a Sentry Buster, and continues to do so until the round resets or the Sentry Gun dies.
  • Occasionally in Mannhattan, if the Sentry Buster is active when the robots capture one of the gates, it rushes over toward the capture point and stays there, disregarding the Sentry entirely until the robots become active again.
    • In this state, it attacks enemy buildings or enemies near it as if it was a robot using melee instead of a Sentry Buster. This is because of how giants behave in the map.
  • Pyros that airblast the Sentry Buster into mid-air as it detonates cause it to use the animation for idling, thus resulting in the Sentry Buster exploding while walking around or idling.
  • When a Sentry Buster is shot by something explosive, it uses the voice lines for a Demoman Robot exploding his Ullapool Caber.
  • If a Sentry Buster is shot while it is in the robot's spawning area, no ÜberCharge texture shows up.
  • Occasionally, it is possible to see the Sentry Buster's invisible Ullapool Caber floating in the air. This happens due to how Mann vs. Machine works; Robots and Sentry Busters keep "spectating" human players internally until they are ready to spawn and, when a Sentry Buster spawns, the Ullapool Caber gets fixed in the air on the same position of the player they were "spectating" prior to respawning.
  • As Sentry Busters can damage robots, they can "defend" the bomb if they destroy a robot that is carrying the bomb.


The hitscan hitboxes of a Sentry Buster.
  • The model of the Sentry Buster references the design of naval contact mines iconic to World War I and II naval warfare.
  • The Sentry Buster is considered to be a giant Demoman wielding the Ullapool Caber. As a result, it shares animations and hitboxes with the giant Demoman Robot (resulting in having invisible arm and head hitboxes) and appears to be holding the Ullapool Caber in first-person view to spectators, with any kills credited to it using the Ullapool Caber kill icon. As voice responses do not appear to be disabled for the Sentry Buster, it uses the giant Demoman robot's voice clips when speaking. Voice commands, such as the "Spy!" one, also refer to the Sentry Buster as a Demoman. Additionally, since it has a head hitbox, it can be headshot for critical damage.
  • Since Sentry Busters become immune to damage and explode when their health reaches 1, it functionally has 2499 health as opposed to 2500.
  • A Sentry Buster's detonation is linked to its taunt function. This resulted in a now-fixed bug where forcing it to taunt via the Holiday Punch would cause it to explode prematurely.


See also