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'''This section is automatically updated by [[User:PhoneWave|PhoneWave]]''' after each patch. Any translations added to this section will be lost. Please do not rename this section.
'''This section is automatically updated by [[User:PhoneWave|PhoneWave]]''' after each patch. Any translations added to this section will be lost. Please do not rename this section.
# Attrib_Community_Description
community description:
  en: Given to valuable Community Contributors
  cs: Uděleno kvalitním komunitním přispěvatelům
  da: Tildeles for værdifulde bidrag til fællesskabet
  de: Wird wichtigen Communitymitgliedern verliehen
  es: Se otorga a los más valiosos colaboradores de la Comunidad
  fi: Myönnetään tärkeille yhteisön vaikuttajille
  fr: Donné aux valeureux contributeurs de la Communauté
  hu: Értékes közösségi közreműködők kapják.
  it: Conferito ai meritevoli collaboratori della comunità
  ja: コミュニティへの貢献者に捧ぐ
  ko: 소중한 커뮤니티 기여자에게 바칩니다.
  nl: Gegeven aan waardevolle bijdragers van de community
  no: Gitt til verdifulle bidragsytere i samfunnet
  pl: Nagroda dla zasłużonych członków społeczności TF2.
  pt: Atribuído a colaboradores importantes da comunidade
  pt-br: Dado a valiosos colaboradores da comunidade
  ro: Oferit colaboratorilor valoroşi ai Comunităţii
  ru: Выдано за заслуги перед сообществом
  sv: Föräras ovärderliga Bidragare till Gemenskapen
  tr: Katkı sağlayan kıymetli Topluluk Destekçilerine verilir
  zh-hans: 授予杰出社区贡献者
  zh-hant: 獻給尊貴的社群貢獻者
# Attrib_MedalIndex_Description
medalindex description:
  en: Medal no. {{{2}}}
  cs: Medaile č. {{{2}}}
  da: Medaljenr. {{{2}}}
  de: Medaille Nr. {{{2}}}
  es: Medalla número {{{2}}}
  fi: Mitali nro {{{2}}}
  fr: Médaille n° {{{2}}}
  hu: {{{2}}}. számú kitüntetés
  it: Medaglia n. {{{2}}}
  ja: メダル no. {{{2}}}
  ko: 메달 번호 {{{2}}}
  nl: Medaille nr. {{{2}}}
  no: Medalje nr. {{{2}}}
  pl: Medal nr {{{2}}}
  pt: Medalha no. {{{2}}}
  pt-br: Medalha número {{{2}}}
  ro: Medalia nr. {{{2}}}
  ru: Медаль #{{{2}}}
  sv: Medalj nr. {{{2}}}
  tr: Madalya no. {{{2}}}
  zh-hans: 第 {{{2}}} 号勋章
  zh-hant: 勳章編號 {{{2}}}
# Attrib_EmployeeNumber
  en: Hire Date: {{{2}}}
  cs: Datum přijetí: {{{2}}}
  da: Hyredato: {{{2}}}
  de: Einstellungsdatum: {{{2}}}
  es: Fecha de contratación: {{{2}}}
  fi: Palkkauspäivä: {{{2}}}
  fr: Date d'embauche : {{{2}}}
  hu: Csatlakozás ideje: {{{2}}}
  it: Data di assunzione: {{{2}}}
  ja: 雇用日:{{{2}}}
  ko: 고용일: {{{2}}}
  nl: Huurdatum: {{{2}}}
  no: Anskaffet: {{{2}}}
  pl: Data zatrudnienia: {{{2}}}
  pt: Data de contratação: {{{2}}}
  pt-br: Data de admissão: {{{2}}}
  ro: Angajat pe: {{{2}}}
  ru: Дата найма: {{{2}}}
  sv: Anställningsdatum: {{{2}}}
  tr: İşe Alınma Tarihi: {{{2}}}
  zh-hans: 雇用日期:{{{2}}}
  zh-hant: 雇用日期:{{{2}}}
# Attrib_PyroYearNumber
# Attrib_PyroYearNumber

Revision as of 21:13, 11 February 2023

Cosmetic items

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This section is automatically updated by PhoneWave after each patch. Any translations added to this section will be lost. Please do not rename this section.

Action items

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Item sets

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Mann vs. Machine

This section is automatically updated by PhoneWave after each patch. Any translations added to this section will be lost. Please do not rename this section.


This section is automatically updated by PhoneWave after each patch. Any translations added to this section will be lost. Please do not rename this section.