Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/items/pass time federation participant"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "pass time federation participant".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/items for string "pass time federation participant".)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=PASS Time Federation Participant|en=PASS Time Federation Participant|cs=PASS Time Federation Participant|da=Deltager i PASS Time Federation|de=PASS Time Federation – Teilnehmer|es=Participante de PASS Time Federation|fi=PASS Time Federation – Osallistuja|fr=Participant - PASS Time Federation|hu=PASS Time Federation résztvevő|it=PASS Time Federation - Partecipante|nl=PASS Time Federation - Deelnemer|pl=PASS Time Federation - uczestnik|pt=Participante - PASS Time Federation|pt-br=Participante - PASS Time Federation|ro=PASS Time Federation Participant|ru=Участник PASS Time Federation|sv=PASS Time Federation - Deltagare|tr=PASS Time Federation - Katılımcı|zh-hans=PASS Time Federation 参赛者|zh-hant=PASS Time Federation 參賽者}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=PASS Time Federation Participant|en=PASS Time Federation Participant|cs=PASS Time Federation Participant|da=Deltager i PASS Time Federation|de=PASS Time Federation – Teilnehmer|es=Participante de PASS Time Federation|fi=PASS Time Federation – Osallistuja|fr=Médaille de participation - PASS Time Federation|hu=PASS Time Federation résztvevő|it=PASS Time Federation - Partecipante|nl=PASS Time Federation - Deelnemer|pl=PASS Time Federation - uczestnik|pt=Participante - PASS Time Federation|pt-br=Participante - PASS Time Federation|ro=PASS Time Federation Participant|ru=Участник PASS Time Federation|sv=PASS Time Federation - Deltagare|tr=PASS Time Federation - Katılımcı|zh-hans=PASS Time Federation 参赛者|zh-hant=PASS Time Federation 參賽者}}

Revision as of 23:00, 14 May 2023

PASS Time Federation Participant