Difference between revisions of "Template:Damage table"

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Line 207: Line 207:
     | ro = Raza efectului
     | ro = Raza efectului
     | ru = Радиус эффекта
     | ru = Радиус эффекта
     | sv = Effekts-räckvidd
     | sv = Effekt-räckvidd
     | tr = Etki alanı
     | tr = Etki alanı
     | zh-hans = 作用范围
     | zh-hans = 作用范围
Line 297: Line 297:
       | ro = Îndepărtare maximă
       | ro = Îndepărtare maximă
       | ru = Минимальный
       | ru = Минимальный
       | sv = Minst möjliga skada
       | sv = Minsta möjliga skada
       | tr = Azami dağılım
       | tr = Azami dağılım
       | zh-hans = 最小伤害
       | zh-hans = 最小伤害
Line 384: Line 384:
         | ro = Distanța de la ușa principală de aprovizionare până la peretele opus de la nivelul superior în 2Fort
         | ro = Distanța de la ușa principală de aprovizionare până la peretele opus de la nivelul superior în 2Fort
         | ru = За среднюю дистанцию принято расстояние от выхода с главной комнаты возрождения до противоположной стены на втором этаже карты 2Fort
         | ru = За среднюю дистанцию принято расстояние от выхода с главной комнаты возрождения до противоположной стены на втором этаже карты 2Fort
         | sv = Avståndet mellan skåpet från återställningsdörrarna i till den motsatta på den övre våningen på 2Fort
         | sv = Avståndet mellan skåpet från återställningsdörrarna i till den motsatta väggen på den övre våningen på 2Fort
         | tr = Ana tedarik  kapısından 2Fort'ta yüksek kattaki karşı duvara olan uzaklık
         | tr = Ana tedarik  kapısından 2Fort'ta yüksek kattaki karşı duvara olan uzaklık
         | zh-hans = 2Fort 的主补给区门口到对面墙壁的距离。
         | zh-hans = 2Fort 的主补给区门口到对面墙壁的距离。
Line 662: Line 662:
       | ro = Post-incinerare (minicritică)
       | ro = Post-incinerare (minicritică)
       | ru = Догорание (мини-крит)
       | ru = Догорание (мини-крит)
       | sv = Efterbränn (Mini-kritisk)
       | sv = Efterbrand (Mini-kritisk)
       | tr = Ateş sönene kadar (mini kritik)
       | tr = Ateş sönene kadar (mini kritik)
       | zh-hans = 后续燃烧(迷你爆击)
       | zh-hans = 后续燃烧(迷你爆击)
Line 771: Line 771:
         | ro = Acest număr corespunde pierderii de metal
         | ro = Acest număr corespunde pierderii de metal
         | ru = Эта строка также равняется потери в металле при ударе
         | ru = Эта строка также равняется потери в металле при ударе
         | sv = Denna nummer visar mängden Metall som förlorar
         | sv = Denna nummer visar mängden Metall som förloras
         | tr = Bu eşya Metal kaybına cevap verir
         | tr = Bu eşya Metal kaybına cevap verir
         | zh-hant = 此数字相当于金属的损失量
         | zh-hant = 此数字相当于金属的损失量
Line 2,017: Line 2,017:
   | ro = Valorile sunt aproximate și determinate prin testarea de către comunitate.
   | ro = Valorile sunt aproximate și determinate prin testarea de către comunitate.
   | ru = Значения являются приближёнными и вычислены путём тестирования сообществом.
   | ru = Значения являются приближёнными и вычислены путём тестирования сообществом.
   | sv = Värden är ungefära och bestämmda genom tester av gemenskapen.
   | sv = Värden är ungefära och bestämda genom tester av gemenskapen.
   | tr = Değerler topluluk testlerinde kaydedilmiştir ve yaklaşık değerlerdir.
   | tr = Değerler topluluk testlerinde kaydedilmiştir ve yaklaşık değerlerdir.
   | zh-hans = 以上数值由社区玩家估定。
   | zh-hans = 以上数值由社区玩家估定。

Revision as of 21:15, 23 August 2023

Function times (in seconds)
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

Template documentation [view] [edit] [history] [purge]

{{Damage table}} stores damage and function time measurements on weapon pages.


Add in parameter as needed from the lists below.

{{Damage table
| type               = [[Hitscan]]
| damagetype         = Bullet
| rangetype          = Ranged
| damage             = yes
|  ramp up           = {{tooltip|10.5|Point blank}} / pellet
|  base              = 6 / pellet
|  fall off          = {{tooltip|3|Long range}} / pellet
|  pellet count      = 10
|  pellet spread    = 30
|  ramp up %         = 175
|  point blank       = 90-105
|  medium range      = 10-40
|  long range        = 3-10
|  crit              = 18 / pellet
|  minicrit          = {{tooltip|8.1|Long range}} - {{tooltip|14.2|Point blank}} / pellet

| function times     = yes
|  attack interval   = 0.625 s
|  reload first      = 0.76 s
|  reload more       = 0.56 s


See also: Damage
Damage and function times
Shot type Hitscan
Damage type Bullet
Ranged or Melee damage? Ranged
Maximum ramp-up 175% 10.5 / pellet
Base damage 100% 6 / pellet
Maximum fall-off 52.8% 3 / pellet
Pellet count 10
Point blank 90-105
Medium range 10-40
Long range 3-10
Pellet spread 30:1
Critical 18 / pellet
Mini-crit 8.1 - 14.2 / pellet
Function times
Attack interval 0.625 s
Reload (first) 0.76 s
Reload (consecutive) 0.56 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

{{Damage table
| type              = [[Projectile]]
| damagetype        = Explosive
| rangetype         = Ranged

| damage            = yes
|  base             = 90
|  ramp up %        = 125
|  ramp up          = 112
|  fall off         = 48
|  fall off %       = 53
|  point blank      = 105-112
|  medium range     = 50-90
|  long range       = 45-60
|  minicrit         = 122-151
|  crit             = 270
|  splash damage    = yes
|   splash min %     = 50
|   splash radius    = {{Tooltip|9.1 ft|146 HU}}
|   splash reduction = 1% / {{Tooltip|2.88|Hammer units}}
|   selfdamage       = 27-89
|   selfdamage jump  = 27-46

| function times   = yes
|  attack interval = 0.8 s
|  reload first    = 0.92 s
|  reload more     = 0.8 s


See also: Damage
Damage and function times
Shot type Projectile
Damage type Explosive
Ranged or Melee damage? Ranged
Maximum ramp-up 125% 112
Base damage 100% 90
Maximum fall-off 53% 48
Point blank 105-112
Medium range 50-90
Long range 45-60
Critical 270
Mini-crit 122-151
Splash damage
Minimum splash 50% 9.1 ft
Damage reduction 1% / 2.88
Self-damage 27-89
Self damage (rocket jump) 27-46
Function times
Attack interval 0.8 s
Reload (first) 0.92 s
Reload (consecutive) 0.8 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

Usage notes:

  • Preserve all previous values unless specified.
  • Remove any unused parameter lines.
  • Add the unit s after timing values.
  • Adjust the section title to reflect contents (e.g. Damage and function times or just Function times).


Note: if a weapon has a different damage statistic that isn't present in the template, please post on the talk page and it will be added.

For reskins: display a link to weapon(s) with identical statistics. The rest of the values will still have to be filled in.
function times
splash damage
Set each to yes if attributes in that section will be used. If the weapon does no damage, for example, remove the line (setting to no will display it anyway).
The "shot type". Among common shot types are hitscan, projectile and particle.
The type of damage dealt by the weapon. Common values for damage type are bullet, explosive, and fire; rangetype should be ranged, melee, or untyped.
A description of the weapon's effect (for example, "Gives the drinker Mini-Crits for the next 6 seconds").
Set this parameter to hide the {{see also}} template and the 'Identical to:' hatnote (if shown). Useful when the damage table is used multiple times on the same page and the hatnote links become duplicated several times.

Damage parameters

All damage parameters are optional.

Parameter name Notes
effect range
ramp up
ramp up % defaults to 150
fall off
fall off % defaults to 52.8
bullet count for miniguns
pellet count for shotguns
point blank
long range
flame close
flame far
flame far %
afterburn minicrit
bleeding minicrit
damage repaired
upgrade amount
metal cost repairing
metal cost reloading
selfdamage jump for rocket launchers
charge fill dmg for buff weapons
splash damage Set to yes if any below are needed
splash radius
splash min %
splash reduction
healing Set to yes if any below are needed
heal amt
heal combat Use this and the following ones for mediguns
heal noncombat
heal noncombat %

Function time parameters

All function time parameters are also optional.

Parameter name Notes
attack interval
ammo interval
taunt duration
windup time
reload first shotguns, rocket launchers, etc.
reload more
consumption time
cloak duration
cloak fade
decloak fade
recharge duration ratio
effect time
drop expiry
afterburn time
bleeding time
airblast cooldown
max charge time
zoom charge delay
zoom headshot delay
spread recovery
charge fill speed
activation time
beamconnect mediguns
beamdisconnect mediguns