Difference between revisions of "Scream Fortress 2020/zh-hant"

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{{main|War Paint{{if lang}}|l1={{item name|War Paint}}}}
{{main|War Paint{{if lang}}|l1={{item name|War Paint}}}}
==== {{decorated name|Scream Fortress XII Collection}} ====
==== {{decorated name|Scream Fortress Collection|XII}} ====
File:Backpack Spectrum Splattered War Paint Factory New.png|<div class="warpaint item-grade elite">{{Decorated name|Spectrum Splattered}}
File:Backpack Spectrum Splattered War Paint Factory New.png|<div class="warpaint item-grade elite">{{Decorated name|Spectrum Splattered}}

Revision as of 13:46, 13 October 2024


第12屆萬聖節活動2020 萬聖節更新 是一次於2020年10月1日發布的主要更新。此更新新增了4個新的地圖,22個新的裝飾品,6個新的社群製作節日限定裝飾品,15個新的戰漆,19個新的萬聖節稀有特效,並且給合約追蹤器添加了新的萬聖節合約




主條目: 官方地圖列表
名稱 圖片 遊戲模式 檔案名稱
Megalo Koth megalo.png 山丘之王模式
Bloodwater Pl bloodwater.png 推車護送模式
Bloodwater cart.png
Hassle Castle Pl hasslecastle.png 推車護送模式
RED Helltower Bombcart.png
Moldergrove Koth undergrove event.png 山丘之王模式


主條目: 裝飾品
Grounded Flyboy Grounded Flyboy
Calamitous Cauldron Calamitous Cauldron
Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat
War Blunder War Blunder
Fire Tooth Fire Tooth
Flavorful Baggies Flavorful Baggies
Seared Sorcerer Seared Sorcerer
Treehugger Treehugger
Mannvich Mannvich
Ghoul Box Ghoul Box
Goblineer Goblineer
Pug Mug Pug Mug
Wavefinder Wavefinder
Rolfe Copter Rolfe Copter
Glow from Below Glow from Below
Leaderboard class scout.png 偵察兵
Leaderboard class pyro.png 火焰兵
Leaderboard class demoman.png 爆破兵
Leaderboard class heavy.png 重裝兵
Leaderboard class engineer.png 工程師
Boom Boxers Boom Boxers
A Handsome Handy Thing A Handsome Handy Thing
All Hallows' Hatte All Hallows' Hatte
Balloonicorpse Balloonicorpse
Eye-See-You Eye-See-You
Gourd Grin Gourd Grin
Handsome Devil Handsome Devil
Hollowed Helm Hollowed Helm
Impish Ears Impish Ears
King Cardbeard King Cardbeard
Misfortune Fedora Misfortune Fedora
Sir Pumpkinton Sir Pumpkinton
Wrap-A-Khamon Wrap-A-Khamon


主條目: 戰漆

驚聲要塞 XII 收藏


主條目: 工具
Wicked Windfall Case Wicked Windfall Case
Wicked Windfall Key Wicked Windfall Key
Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case
Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key


主條目: 異常效果
Unusual Green Giggler.png
Unusual Laugh-O-Lantern.png
Unusual Plum Prankster.png
Unusual Pyroland Nightmare.png
Unusual Gravelly Ghoul.png
Unusual Vexed Volcanics.png
Green Giggler Laugh-O-Lantern Plum Prankster Pyroland Nightmare Gravelly Ghoul Vexed Volcanics
Unusual Gourdian Angel.png
Unusual Pumpkin Party.png
Gourdian Angel Pumpkin Party
Unusual Spectral Escort.png
Unusual Astral Presence.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance RED.png
Unusual Arcane Assistance BLU.png
Unusual Emerald Allurement.png
Unusual Pyrophoric Personality.png
Spectral Escort Astral Presence 紅隊 藍隊 Emerald Allurement Pyrophoric Personality
Arcane Assistance
Unusual Spellbound Aspect.png
Unusual Static Shock.png
Unusual Veno Shock.png
Unusual Toxic Terrors.png
Unusual Arachnid Assault.png
Unusual Creepy Crawlies.png
Spellbound Aspect Static Shock Veno Shock Toxic Terrors Arachnid Assault Creepy Crawlies

