Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/attributes"

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(Auto: Update Action items section)
(Auto: Update Item sets section)
Line 7,722: Line 7,722:
   ko: 희생자에게 비석을 남깁니다.
   ko: 희생자에게 비석을 남깁니다.
   nl: Laat een visitekaartje achter op je vijanden
   nl: Laat een visitekaartje achter op je vijanden
   no: Legg igjen et visittkort på dine ofre
   no: Legg igjen et visittkort på ofrene
   pl: Postaw nagrobek swoim ofiarom
   pl: Postaw nagrobek swoim ofiarom
   pt: Quando matas um inimigo, surge uma lápide no local do cadáver
   pt: Quando matas um inimigo, surge uma lápide no local do cadáver

Revision as of 01:37, 5 November 2024

Cosmetic items

  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.


  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.


  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.

Action items

  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.

Item sets

  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.

Mann vs. Machine

  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.


  • Want Some entries in this section are either partially or fully translated by a bot. Text changes might be lost.

Misc. attributes

Item attributes

Holiday attributes