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Line 8: Line 8:
  | en = Saxxy Awards Finalists
  | en = Saxxy Awards Finalists
  | es = Finalistas de los Premios Saxxy
  | es = Finalistas de los Premios Saxxy
| fr = Finalistes des Saxxy Awards
  | ru = Финалисты премии Cакси
  | ru = Финалисты премии Cакси
Line 45: Line 44:
  | de = Witzigste Aufnahme  
  | de = Witzigste Aufnahme  
  | es = Grabación Más Divertida
  | es = Grabación Más Divertida
  | fr = Enregistrement le Plus Drôle  
  | fr = Replay le Plus Drôle  
  | it = Replay più divertenti  
  | it = Replay più divertenti  
  | ko = 가장 재밌는 리플레이  
  | ko = 가장 재밌는 리플레이  
Line 100: Line 99:
  | pt-br = Melhor Set de Design  
  | pt-br = Melhor Set de Design  
  | ru = Лучший дизайнер
  | ru = Лучший дизайнер
| icon10 = {{lang
| en = Best Team Costume
| de = Bestes Team-Kostüm
| es = Mejor Vestuario de Equipo
| fr = Meilleur Déguisement d’Équipe
| it = Migliori costumi di squadra
| ko = 최고의 팀 코스튬
| pt-br = Melhor Traje de Equipe
| ru = Лучший командный костюм
| icon11 = {{lang
| en = Best Original Soundtrack
| de = Bester Original-Soundtrack
| es = Mejor Banda Sonora Original
| fr = Meilleure Bande Son
| it = Miglior colonna sonore originale
| ko = 최고의 오리지널 배경음악(OST)
| pt-br = Trilha Sonora Mais Original
| ru = Лучший оригинальный Саундтрек
| icon12 = {{lang
| en = Best 30 Second Trailer
| de = Bester 30 Sekunden-Trailer
| es = Mejor Trailer de 30 Segundos
| fr = Meilleure Vidéo de 30 Secondes
| it = Miglior trailer di 30 secondi
| ko = 최고의 30초 트레일러
| pt-br = Melhor Trailer de 30 Segundos
| ru = Лучший 30 секундный трейлер
| icon13 = {{lang
| en = Best Coordinated Combat
| de = Bester koordinierter Kampf
| es = Mejor Combate Sincronizado
| fr = Meilleur Combat Coordonné
| it = Miglior combattimento coordinato
| ko = 최고의 조직화 전투
| pt-br = Combate Mais Coordenado
| ru = Лучшая координация боя
| icon14 = {{lang
| en = Most Dramatic
| de = Am Dramatischsten
| es = Más Dramático
| fr = Le Plus Dramatique
| it = Il più drammatico
| ko = 가장 극적인 상황
| pt-br = Mais Dramático
| ru = Самый драматичный
| icon15 = {{lang
| en = Best Cinematography
| de = Beste Kinematografie
| es = Más Cinematográfico
| fr = Meilleure Cinématographie
| it = Il più cinematografico
| ko = 최고의 촬영법
| pt-br = Melhor Cinematografia
| ru = Лучшая операторская работа
| icon16 = {{lang
| en = Best Editing
| de = Beste Bearbeitung
| es = Mejor Edición
| fr = Meilleure Édition
| it = Miglior montaggio
| ko = 최고의 편집
| pt-br = Melhor Edição
| ru = Лучшее редактирование
| icon17 = {{lang
| en = Most Epic Fail
| de = Größter Fehlschlag
| es = Mayor Fracaso Absoluto
| fr = Échec le Plus Épique
| it = Il fallimento più epico
| ko = 가장 영웅적인 패배
| pt-br = Maior ''Epic Fail''
| ru = Самый эпичный провал
| icon18 = {{lang
| en = Most Extreme Stunt
| de = Extremster Stunt
| es = Acrobacia Más Arriesgada
| fr = Cascade la Plus Extrême
| it = Lo stunt più estremo
| ko = 극도의 스턴트
| pt-br = Acrobacia Mais Extrema
| ru = Самое критичное оглушение
Line 242: Line 331:
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|NEzaW_0eliY|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|NEzaW_0eliY|}}</div>
| name      = Saxxy_video_nav
| selected  = 1
| width    = 930px
| collapsed = yes
| title = {{lang
| en = Saxxy Awards Finalists
| es = Finalistas de los Premios Saxxy
| fr = Finalistes des Saxxy Awards
| ru = Финалисты премии Cакси
| icon1 = {{lang
| en = Best Team Costume
| de = Bestes Team-Kostüm
| es = Mejor Vestuario de Equipo
| fr = Meilleur Déguisement d’Équipe
| it = Migliori costumi di squadra
| ko = 최고의 팀 코스튬
| pt-br = Melhor Traje de Equipe
| ru = Лучший командный костюм
| icon2 = {{lang
| en = Best Original Soundtrack
| de = Bester Original-Soundtrack
| es = Mejor Banda Sonora Original
| fr = Meilleure Bande Son
| it = Miglior colonna sonore originale
| ko = 최고의 오리지널 배경음악(OST)
| pt-br = Trilha Sonora Mais Original
| ru = Лучший оригинальный Саундтрек
| icon3 = {{lang
| en = Best 30 Second Trailer
| de = Bester 30 Sekunden-Trailer
| es = Mejor Trailer de 30 Segundos
| fr = Meilleure Vidéo de 30 Secondes
| it = Miglior trailer di 30 secondi
| ko = 최고의 30초 트레일러
| pt-br = Melhor Trailer de 30 Segundos
| ru = Лучший 30 секундный трейлер
| icon4 = {{lang
| en = Best Coordinated Combat
| de = Bester koordinierter Kampf
| es = Mejor Combate Sincronizado
| fr = Meilleur Combat Coordonné
| it = Miglior combattimento coordinato
| ko = 최고의 조직화 전투
| pt-br = Combate Mais Coordenado
| ru = Лучшая координация боя
| icon5 = {{lang
| en = Most Dramatic
| de = Am Dramatischsten
| es = Más Dramático
| fr = Le Plus Dramatique
| it = Il più drammatico
| ko = 가장 극적인 상황
| pt-br = Mais Dramático
| ru = Самый драматичный
| icon6 = {{lang
| en = Best Cinematography
| de = Beste Kinematografie
| es = Más Cinematográfico
| fr = Meilleure Cinématographie
| it = Il più cinematografico
| ko = 최고의 촬영법
| pt-br = Melhor Cinematografia
| ru = Лучшая операторская работа
| icon7 = {{lang
| en = Best Editing
| de = Beste Bearbeitung
| es = Mejor Edición
| fr = Meilleure Édition
| it = Miglior montaggio
| ko = 최고의 편집
| pt-br = Melhor Edição
| ru = Лучшее редактирование
| icon8 = {{lang
| en = Most Epic Fail
| de = Größter Fehlschlag
| es = Mayor Fracaso Absoluto
| fr = Échec le Plus Épique
| it = Il fallimento più epico
| ko = 가장 영웅적인 패배
| pt-br = Maior ''Epic Fail''
| ru = Самый эпичный провал
| icon9 = {{lang
| en = Most Extreme Stunt
| de = Extremster Stunt
| es = Acrobacia Más Arriesgada
| fr = Cascade la Plus Extrême
| it = Lo stunt più estremo
| ko = 극도의 스턴트
| pt-br = Acrobacia Mais Extrema
| ru = Самое критичное оглушение
| content1 =  
| content10 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|zTLxkacpLDA|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|zTLxkacpLDA|}}</div>
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  | content2 =  
  | content11 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|hXKcojj7Vk4|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|hXKcojj7Vk4|}}</div>
Line 379: Line 364:
  | content3 =  
  | content12 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|7jmM7776LCk|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|7jmM7776LCk|}}</div>
Line 395: Line 380:
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|bGesHWGi2F4|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|bGesHWGi2F4|}}</div>
  | content4 =  
  | content13 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|bZ20JPqKFhg|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|bZ20JPqKFhg|}}</div>
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<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|1sLO13W0kcM|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250">{{#evp:youtube|1sLO13W0kcM|}}</div>
  | content5 =  
  | content14 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|GgIG4rDFF2A|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|GgIG4rDFF2A|}}</div>
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  | content6 =  
  | content15 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|khnUNm9iToc|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|khnUNm9iToc|}}</div>
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  | content7 =  
  | content16 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|bYwqc1e75ks|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|bYwqc1e75ks|}}</div>
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  | content8 =  
  | content17 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|4JwpFRTidYU|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|4JwpFRTidYU|}}</div>
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  | content9 =  
  | content18 =  
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|WnLmBV6SRkU|}}</div>
<div class="youtubebox ratio-16x9 widths-250" style="float: left; clear: left;">{{#evp:youtube|WnLmBV6SRkU|}}</div>

Revision as of 14:06, 10 June 2011

[show]Saxxy Awards Finalists
  • Most Inventive Kill
  • Best Mid-air Murder
  • Biggest Massacre
  • Funniest Replay
  • Best Getaway
  • Best Revenge
  • Mostest Pwnage
  • Most Heroic
  • Best Set Design
  • Best Team Costume
  • Best Original Soundtrack
  • Best 30 Second Trailer
  • Best Coordinated Combat
  • Most Dramatic
  • Best Cinematography
  • Best Editing
  • Most Epic Fail
  • Most Extreme Stunt
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
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The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.
The #evp parser function was deprecated in EmbedVideo 2.0. Please convert your parser function tag to #ev.