Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier/war crime and punishment-title"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier for string "war crime and punishment-title".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier for string "war crime and punishment-title".)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=War Crime and Punishment|ar=وار كريم عند بونيشمينت|cs=War Crime and Punishment|de=Kriegsverbrechen und Bestrafung|es=Crimen (de guerra) y castigo|fi=Sotarikos ja rangaistus|fr=Châtiment Pour Crime De Guerre|it=Crimine Di Guerra E Punizione|ja=戦争の罪と罰|ko=전쟁 범죄와 처벌|nl=Misdaad en straf|pl=Wojenna zbrodnia i kara|pt=Crime de guerra e Castigo|ro=Crimă și Pedeapsă|ru=Военное преступление и наказание|sv=Krigsbrott Och Straff|zh-hans=战争罪与罚|zh-hant=戰犯懲處|#default=War Crime and Punishment}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, pt-br, tr[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/soldier/war crime and punishment-title]]</noinclude>
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|en=War Crime and Punishment|ar=وار كريم عند بونيشمينت|cs=War Crime and Punishment|de=Kriegsverbrechen und Bestrafung|es=Crimen (de guerra) y castigo|fi=Sotarikos ja rangaistus|fr=Châtiment pour crime de guerre|it=Crimine Di Guerra E Punizione|ja=戦争の罪と罰|ko=전쟁 범죄와 처벌|nl=Misdaad en straf|pl=Wojenna zbrodnia i kara|pt=Crime de guerra e Castigo|ro=Crimă și Pedeapsă|ru=Военное преступление и наказание|sv=Krigsbrott Och Straff|zh-hans=战争罪与罚|zh-hant=戰犯懲處|#default=War Crime and Punishment}}<noinclude>&mdash;Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit [[:Template:Dictionary/achievements/soldier|'''the master page''']] instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, pt-br, tr[[Category:Template dictionary|achievements/soldier/war crime and punishment-title]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 11:24, 24 July 2011

War Crime and Punishment—Please do not make changes here as they will be lost. Edit the master page instead. Languages missing: da, hu, no, pt-br, tr