Difference between revisions of "File:Tf romanian.txt"

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(uploaded a new version of "File:Tf romanian.txt": August 9, 2011 Patch)
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== Recent changes ==
== Recent changes ==
{{tf diff|p=August 3, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|p=August 9, 2011 Patch}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -2263,3 +2263,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|@|@@ -9106,3 +9106,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_NAME" "Triage"}}
{{tf diff|c|"TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Ţeapă & Săgeată"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Activează un ÜberCharge în cel mult o secundă de când acesta a suferit o lovitură explozivă criticală."}}
{{tf diff|-|"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike & Arrow"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Activează un ÜberCharge pe un coechipier în cel mult o secundă de când acesta a suferit o lovitură explozivă criticală."}}
{{tf diff|+|"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike And Arrow"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_MEDIC_SAVE_TEAMMATE_DESC" "Deploy an ÜberCharge on a teammate less than a second before they're hit by a critical explosive."}}
{{tf diff|c|"TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Ai nevoie de mai mult spaţiu?"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3896,5 +3896,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% mai multe pagube"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage done"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Positive" "+%s1% damage bonus"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% mai puţine pagube"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage done"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_DamageDone_Negative" "%s1% damage penalty"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_HealRate_Positive" "+%s1% rata de vindecare"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3960,3 +3960,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Această bâtă lansează o minge ce te năuceşte."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "This bat knocks out a mean stun ball"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_BatLaunchesBalls" "Alt-Fire: Launches a ball that stuns opponents"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DmgPenaltyVsNonStunned" "%s1% pagube împotriva jucătorilor ce nu sunt năuciţi"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3982,3 +3982,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Scoate săritura dublă de pe purtător"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump on wearer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoDoubleJump" "Disables double jump"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_AbsorbDmgWhileCloaked" "Absoarbe %s1% pagube cât timp eşti camuflat"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -3986,3 +3986,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Criticale pe o lovitură la cap precisă"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on an accurate headshot"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_RevolverUseHitLocations" "Crits on headshot"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_BackstabShield" "Blochează o singură încercare de înjunghiere"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -4024,5 +4024,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% pagube foc"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased" "+%s1% burn damage bonus"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% pagube foc"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Reduced" "%s1% burn damage penalty"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_WpnBurnTime_Increased" "+%s1% durata arderii"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5760,3 +5760,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_SilentKiller" "Această armă este un ucigaș silențios"}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_SilentKiller" "This weapon is a silent killer"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_SilentKiller" "Silent Killer: No attack noise from backstabs"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_DisguiseSpeedPenalty" "Te deghizezi mai încet cu %s1 secunde"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5800,3 +5800,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "Purtătorul nu poate fi omorât de headshot."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoDeathFromHeadshots" "The wearer cannot be killed by headshots"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_AchievementItem" "Item obținut din Realizări: Nu poate fi Schimbat"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5810,3 +5810,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Această armă are lovituri critice atunci când ar face în mod normal mini-crit."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "This weapon crits whenever it would normally mini-crit."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MinicritsBecomeCrits" "Crits whenever it would normally mini-crit"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_HealOnKill" "+%s1 viaţă primită după ucidere"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5814,3 +5814,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "Nicio pagubă către sine primită de la explozie."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "No self inflicted blast damage taken."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_NoSelfBlastDmg" "No self inflicted blast damage taken"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Slow_Enemy_OnHit_Major" "La Atingere: Viteza de mişcare a victimei se micşorează cu 40% timp de %s1s"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -5828,3 +5828,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "După moarte până la %s1% din ÜberCharge-ul\nstocat este păstrat."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "On death up to %s1% of your stored\nÜberCharge is retained."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_PreserveUbercharge" "On death up to %s1% of your stored\nÜberCharge is retained"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Particle0" "Particulă Invalidă"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -6730,3 +6730,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Halloween_Item" "Acesta este un obiect special de Halloween %s1."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_Halloween_Item" "This is a special Halloween %s1 item."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_Halloween_Item" "This is a special Halloween %s1 item"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump" "Săritorul Lipicios"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -7470,5 +7470,5 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_Honorbound" "Această arma este legată prin onoare și odată scoasă nu poate fii pusă la loc până nu omoară."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_Honorbound" "Honorbound: Once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "La ucidere: îți reface %s1% din viață."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "On kill: restores you to %s1% health."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_RestoreHealthOnKill" "On Kill: Restores you to %s1% health"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="IT_ExistingItem" "Sau un obiect existent:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -8812,3 +8812,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_MakersMark" "Creată de %s1."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "Conexiune încheiată"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9049,2 +9049,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_MadeMan" "The Made Man"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_MadeMan_Desc" "Un gentleman are întotdeauna o floare la îndemână pentru a arunca pe sicriul oponentului său."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_MadeMan_Desc" "A gentleman always has a flower handy to drop on an opponent’s grave."}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Asigură-i echipei tale ajutor sporit cu aceste obiecte-cheie pentru Medic:"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9161,2 +9163,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Set_Clinical_Trial" "Clinical Trial"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Set_Black_Market" "Afaceri pe Piața Neagră"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Set_Black_Market" "Black Market Business"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "Fanul #1"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9168,3 +9172,3 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Îţi permite să vezi viaţa inamicilor."}}
{{tf diff|-|2="[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health."}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Allows you to see enemy health"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_Ali_Babas_Wee_Booties" "Papuceii lui Ali Baba"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9185,2 +9189,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bustul lui Hippocrate"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bust of Hippocrates"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="strange" "Straniu"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9191,2 +9197,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]MMenu_StoreHighlightPanel_Title" "Mann Co. Store"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Store_FreeTrial_Desc" "Prima ta achiziție de la Magazinul Mann Co. îți transformă contul într-un cont Premium:"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Store_FreeTrial_Desc" "Your first Mann Co. Store Purchase upgrades you to a Premium account:"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Store_FreeTrial_Point4" "Mai multe planuri de craftare"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9235,2 +9243,4 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]TF_Scout_Towels" "Lucky No. 42"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Scout_Towels_Desc" "De ce să te lupți în soare când poți lenevi la umbră?"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Scout_Towels_Desc" "Why fight in the sun when you could lounge in the shade?"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="TF_SummerHat" "Pălăria de Vară"}}
{{tf diff|@|2= -9253,2 +9263,6 @@ Build teleporters to help team mates get to the front lines!"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="[english]Craft_Recipe_Custom" "Custom Blueprint"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Pachetul Victoriei al lui Dr. Grordbort"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortVictoryPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Nu are nevoie de muniţie"}}
{{tf diff|+|2="[english]Attrib_EnergyWeaponNoAmmo" "Does not require ammo"}}
{{tf diff|c|2="Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"}}
* [[August 3, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_romanian.txt&oldid=657863 Diff] (permalink)
* [[July 27, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_romanian.txt&oldid=640617 Diff] (permalink)
* [[July 27, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_romanian.txt&oldid=640617 Diff] (permalink)
* [[July 22, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_romanian.txt&oldid=634028 Diff] (permalink)
* [[July 22, 2011 Patch]]: [http://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/index.php?title=File:Tf_romanian.txt&oldid=634028 Diff] (permalink)

Revision as of 07:35, 10 August 2011

Recent changes

August 9, 2011 Patch (previous patches)

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[[{{{p}}}]] (previous patches)

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File history

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current23:46, 2 August 2024 (1.36 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for August 2, 2024 Patch.
20:04, 25 July 2024 (1.3 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for July 25, 2024 Patch.
19:07, 20 December 2023 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for December 20, 2023 Patch.
21:06, 15 December 2023 (1.27 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for December 15, 2023 Patch.
23:54, 27 July 2023 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for July 27, 2023 Patch.
22:24, 12 July 2023 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for July 12, 2023 Patch.
21:47, 30 March 2023 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for March 30, 2023 Patch.
18:38, 20 March 2023 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for March 20, 2023 Patch.
21:19, 21 December 2022 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for December 21, 2022 Patch.
01:28, 15 December 2022 (1.22 MB)PhoneWave (talk | contribs)Uploaded new revision of tf_romanian.txt for December 14, 2022 Patch.
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