Difference between revisions of "User:Shawnchi"

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{{User infobox
<div style="width: 95%; position:relative; margin: 15px auto 15px auto; border: 3px solid orange; text-align:center; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px">
| title = Cheesicle
<div style=" padding: 3px; background-color: #dddddd; font-weight: bold; border-top-left-radius:10px">
| infoboxcolour = yellow
| image = User Shawnchi Demoman salute.jpg
| icon =
<span style="padding:10px">
Greetings, Stranger or Friend. Welcome to my humble User Page. I hail from the wonderful country of The United States of America. I am a Taiwanese American, and currently live in Shanghai, China. I speak English, Chinese, and a little Spanish. I enjoy translating English articles to Simplified Chinese. So far, I have created the SChinese Pistol and Minigun page. I also edit little bits here and there around the wiki. If you need to contact me, please leave a message on my discussion page (Don't forget to sign!), or add me as a friend on Steam [http://steamcommunity.com/id/cheesicle here].
| type = Demoman
| gender = Male
| health = 175
| speed = Demoman Speed
| birthplace = Los Angeles
| language = English, Chinese, y Español.
| age = 16
| favmap = All Payloads, all Attack and Defends.
| favclass = Demoman
| favweap = Grenade Launcher
| favhat = Hustler's Hallmark
| site =
| steampage = http://steamcommunity.com/id/cheesicle/
| email =
| skype =
| googletalk =
'''Cheesicle''', or shawnchi, is a player of TF2 since March of '09.
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  | {{User Demoman}}
  | {{User Demoman}}
  | {{UserHat|Hustler's Hallmark|D8BED8}}
  | {{UserHat|Hustler's Hallmark|D8BED8}}
  |{{User StrangeRank
  |{{User StrangeRank
  |rank = 16
  |rank = 16
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  |{{User Golden Wrench death}}
  |{{User Golden Wrench death}}
|{{User TF2 total time|1075}}
|{{User FPS|200}}
  |{{User Steam|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
  |{{User Steam|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
|{{User FJ revenges|39}}
|{{User Heads|28}}
  |{{User Stats|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
  |{{User Stats|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
  |{{User Backpack|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
  |{{User Backpack|STEAM_0:1:16136531}}
  |{{User TF2 total achievements|365}}
  |{{User TF2 total achievements|365}}
|{{User Heads|28}}
|{{User FJ revenges|39}}
  |{{User Taiwanese}}
  |{{User Taiwanese}}
  |{{User Steam supporter}}
  |{{User Steam supporter}}
|{{User BF3}}
|{{User Input method}}
|{{User Wiki age}}
|{{User Credit to Wiki}}
|{{User Adlessness}}
|{{User Babel|en|N}}
|{{User TF2 junky}}
|{{User RED Employee}}
|{{User Need a Medic here}}
|{{User Train god}}
|{{User Voicemenu}}
|{{User From Dead}}
|{{User Demopan}}
|{{User Mercenary}}
|{{User Bronze Duel}}
|{{User All KF Items}}
|{{User Mask of the Shaman}}
|{{User Pip-Boy}}
|{{User Dragonborn Helmet}}
|{{User Ghastlier Gibus}}
|{{User MDHM}}
|{{User Horsemann Head}}
|{{User Haunted Metal Scrap}}
|{{User Halloween Mask|Demoman}}
|{{User Beard}}
|{{User Colour}}

Revision as of 04:26, 25 August 2011


Greetings, Stranger or Friend. Welcome to my humble User Page. I hail from the wonderful country of The United States of America. I am a Taiwanese American, and currently live in Shanghai, China. I speak English, Chinese, and a little Spanish. I enjoy translating English articles to Simplified Chinese. So far, I have created the SChinese Pistol and Minigun page. I also edit little bits here and there around the wiki. If you need to contact me, please leave a message on my discussion page (Don't forget to sign!), or add me as a friend on Steam here.

User Boxes

User Demoman.png This user is a Demoman.
“Oh, they’re goin' ta have ta glue you back together... IN HELL!”
Painted Hustler's Hallmark D8BED8.png This user has a Hustler's Hallmark painted Color No. 216-190-216

Backpack Grenade Launcher.png This user owns a Strange Grenade Launcher.
Rank: Server-Clearing
Kills: 2500

Gold Spy.png This user has had the honor of being killed by a Golden Wrench.
Steam tray.png This user has a Steam profile, which can be found here.
Backpack pda destroy.png This user's TF2 stats can be found here
Backpack case.png This user has a Team Fortress 2 Backpack which can be found here.
Achieved.png This user has earned 365 of the 520 TF2 achievements. That's 70%!
Eyelandertransparent.png This user has cut off 28 heads in one life with the Eyelander!
Red Frontier Justice.png This user avenged his fallen Sentry 39 times in one life!
Flag of ROC.png This user is Taiwanese, 你好!
Steam tray.png This user supports Steam as a content delivery system.