Difference between revisions of "Template:Spirit Of Giving ranks"

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(Created page with "{| class="wikitable grid" !class="header" | {{lang | en = ID | cs = Číslo<br />hodnosti | de = ID | es = ID | fr = Niv. | hu = Azon. | it = ID | ko = 아이템<br />...")
Line 133: Line 133:
| style="background:#2a2725; text-shadow:2px 1px 1px #24201B; text-align:center; padding:4px;" | {{tf2b|{{item name|Saxton's Own}}|quality=strange}}<!--
| style="background:#2a2725; text-shadow:2px 1px 1px #24201B; text-align:center; padding:4px;" | {{tf2b|{{item name|Saxton's Own}}|quality=strange}}<!--
! style="background:#F9D483; text-align:center; padding:4px;" | 20
| style="background:#2a2725; color:#EBE2CA; text-align:center; padding:4px;" | 10000
| style="background:#2a2725; text-shadow:2px 1px 1px #24201B; text-align:center; padding:4px;" | {{tf2b|1={{lang
| en = Unknown
| cs = Unknown
| de = Unbekannt
| es = Desconocido
| fr = Inconnu
| hu = Ismeretlen
| it = Sconosciuto
| ko = 알려지지 않음
| pl = Nieznany
| pt-br = Desconhecido
| ru = Неизвестно
| zh-hant = 未知
}}<sup style="line-height:0.7em; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:0.5em;">[1]</sup>|quality=strange}}
|}<!--<div style="font-size:0.95em; margin-top:0.75em;">
# {{lang
| en = The game schema shows a 20th rank with a requirement of 10,000 kills, however, the rank does not have a name.
| de = Das Rank-Schema zeigt zwar 20 Ränge an, aber der 20. Rang trägt keinen Namen.
| es = Entre los archivos del juego hay un título para las 10.000 víctimas, sin nombre.
| fr = Les fichiers du jeu montre qu'il y a un 20e rang mais qu'il n'a pas de nom.
| hu = A tárgylista tartalmaz egy 20. rangot, 10.000 szükséges öléssel, azonban a rangnak nincs neve.
| it = I file di gioco presentano un grado aggiuntivo senza nome per le 10.000 uccisioni. Ciò nonostante quando viene raggiunto tale numero numero di uccisioni non viene assegnato alcun grado.
| ja = アイテムのスキーマにはキル数10000のID 20のランクがありますが、名前がつけられていません。
| nl = Het spelschema toont een 20ste rang met een vereiste van 10.000 doden, maar de rang heeft geen naam.
| pl = Schemat gry pokazuje 20-tą rangę wymagającą 10 000 zabić, lecz nie ma ona nazwy.
| pt-br = O esquema do jogo mostra um 20º rank com um requerimento de 10.000 mortes que não tem um nome.
| ru = В файлах игры имеется 20-ый ранг требующий 10000 убийств, но у него нет названия.
| zh-hant = 遊戲檔案裡有達成 10000 殺敵數時的等級,但目前沒有名稱。
{{translation switching|cs, de, es, fr, hu, it, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, zh-hant}}
{{translation switching|cs, de, es, fr, hu, it, ko, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, zh-hant}}

Revision as of 01:17, 22 December 2011

ID Count Name
0 1 The
1 3 The Baseline Benefactor's
2 7 The Competent Contributor's
3 12 The Adequate Altruist's
4 20 The Satisfactory Santa's
5 28 The Sufficient Samaritan's
6 37 The Distinguished Donator's
7 47 The Dynamic Do-Gooder's
8 57 The Consumate Contributor's
9 68 The Baron of Bequeathment's
10 79 The Lord of Largesse's
11 91 The Chieftain of Charity's
12 104 The Generalissimo of Generosity's
13 120 The Bigshot Benefactor's
14 138 The Caesar of Pleasers'
15 158 The First-Class Philanthropist's
16 179 The Humanitarian Hotshot's
17 210 The Selfless Samaritan's
18 250 The Uber-Altruist's
19 500 Saxton's Own