Difference between revisions of "User:Archdeco"

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(New Main Page Proposal)
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{{Main Page layout
| {{ns:0}}
  | welcome-text-1 = Welcome to the
| {{#if:{{{style|}}}
  | welcome-text-title = Official Team Fortress Wiki
| {{main|Styles{{if lang}}|l1={{item name|styles}}}}
  | welcome-text-2 = the official resource for the ''[[Team Fortress]]'' series.
| {{main|Paint Can{{if lang}}|l1={{item name|paint can}}}}
| welcome-text-3 = [[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] articles and growing…
| welcome-link-website    = TF2 Official Blog
| en = Mouseover cells to preview the images on a dark background.
| welcome-link-forum      = Forums
| ar = حرك مؤشر الفأرة على الصور لمعاينة الصورة على خلفية سوداء
| welcome-link-updates    = Updates
| cs = Přejetím kurzorem přes obrázek ukáže černé pozadí.
| welcome-link-youtube    = YouTube Channel
| de = Bewegen Sie die Maus über ein Feld, um die Vorschau mit dunklem Hintergrund anzusehen.
| welcome-link-steam      = Steam Community
| es = Pon el ratón sobre las celdas para ver el fondo en color negro.
| welcome-link-discussion = Discussion
| fi = Osoita solua hiirellä nähdäksesi kuvan tummalla taustalla.
| welcome-link-register  = Register&nbsp;/&nbsp;Log in
| fr = Passez la souris sur les cellules pour prévisualiser les images sur un fond noir.
  | welcome-link-helpout    = Help out
| hu = Húzd az egeret a cellák fölé, ha sötét háttér előtt szeretnéd megtekinteni a képeket.
| welcome-link-translate = Translate
| it = Passare il mouse sopra le celle per ottenere un'anteprima dell'immagine su uno sfondo nero.
| ja = マウスカーソルを画像に重ねると背景色を黒に変えられます。
| box1-index-title = Index
| ko = 프리뷰 이미지에 마우스를 가져다 대면 배경이 검은색으로 변합니다.
  | box1-index-image1   = [[]]
| nl = Beweeg met de muis over de plaatjes om ze met een zwarte achtergrond te bekijken.
  | box1-index-article1 = Miscellaneous Items
| pl = Najedź myszką na komórki, aby obejrzeć podgląd obrazków na ciemnym tle.
  | box1-index-article1title = Misc. Items
| pt = Passe o rato sobre as imagens para vê-las num fundo mais escuro.
| pt-br = Passe o mouse sobre as imagens para vê-las num fundo mais escuro.
  | box1-index-image2  = [[File:Main page button Hats.png|link=Hats|x100px]]
| ro = Mişcaţi cursorul mouse-ului peste celule pentru a vedea imaginea pe un fundal întunecat.
  | box1-index-article2 = Hats
| ru = Наведите мышь на изображение, чтобы увидеть, как оно смотрится на тёмном фоне.
  | box1-index-article2title = Hats
| sv = Lägg muspekare över bilden för att förhandsgranska den över en svart bakgrund.
| tr = Resimleri koyu arkaplan üzerinde görmek için imleci kutuların üzerine götürün.
  | box1-index-image3  = [[File:Main page button Weapons.png|link=Weapons|125px]]
  | zh-hans = 游标移到图片上时底色会变黑。
  | box1-index-article3 = Weapons
| zh-hant = 游標移到圖片上時底色會變黑。
  | box1-index-article3title = Weapons
  | box1-index-image4  = [[File:Main page button Crafting.png|link=Crafting|x100px]]
  | box1-index-article4 = Crafting
{| class="wikitable grid" style="font-size:{{lang|en=x-small|zh-hans=small|zh-hant=small}}; font:transparent; line-height:125%; margin-bottom:0.5em;"
  | box1-index-article4title = Crafting
| {{!}}+ style="text-align:left; font-size:1.5em; padding:0.5em 0em;" colspan="4" {{!}} {{item name|{{{default|{{{style|default appearance}}}}}}}}
! class="header" colspan="4" | {{tooltip
  | '''{{lang
  | en = Single colors
  | de = Einzelne Farben
  | es = Colores individuales
  | fi = Yksiväriset
  | fr = Couleurs simples
  | hu = Egyedüli színek
  | it = Colori singoli
  | ja = シングルカラー
  | ko = 단 색상
  | nl = Enkele kleuren
  | pl = Kolory jednolite
  | pt-br = Cores únicas
  | ru = Общие цвета
  | tr = Tek Renkler
  | zh-hant = 單色
  }}'''| {{lang
  | en = The following colors retain their appearance regardless of the player's current team.
  | de = Die folgenden Farben behalten ihr Aussehen, unabhängig davon in welchem Team sich der Spieler befindet.
  | es = Los siguientes colores serán identicos sin importar el equipo actual del jugador.
  | fi = Seuraavat värit säilyvät riippumatta pelaajan tiimistä.
  | fr = Les couleurs suivantes gardent leurs apparences quelque soit l'équipe actuelle du joueur.
  | hu = Az alábbi színek a játékos csapatától függetlenül megmaradnak.
  | it = I seguenti colori mantengono il loro aspetto indipendentemente dalla squadra del giocatore.
  | ja = プレイヤーのチームに関係なくこれらの色になるペイントです。
  | ko = 아래의 색상들은 플레이어의 현재팀에 상관없이 한가지 색상으로만 나타납니다.
  | nl = De volgende kleuren behouden hun verschijning, ongeacht het team van de speler.
  | pl = Następujące kolory nie zmieniają swojego wyglądu niezależnie od drużyny, w której aktualnie znajduje się gracz.
  | pt-br = As seguintes cores mantém sua aparência não importa o time atual do jogador.
  | ru = Следующие цвета красок выглядят одинаково вне зависимости от выбранной команды.
  | tr = Aşağıdaki renkler oyuncunun hangi takımda olduğunu gözetmeksizin görünüşünü korur.
  | zh-hant = 只有一種顏色,不會因加入團隊不同而變色。
| align="center" class="paintCell" style="width:100px;" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} E6E6E6{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" style="width:100px;" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} D8BED8{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" style="width:100px;" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} C5AF91{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" style="width:100px;" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 7E7E7E{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #E6E6E6;" | {{Paint name|An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #D8BED8;" | {{Paint name|Color No. 216-190-216}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #C5AF91;" | {{Paint name|Peculiarly Drab Tincture}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #7E7E7E;" | {{Paint name|Aged Moustache Grey}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 141414{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 2D2D24{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 694D3A{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 7C6C57{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #141414;" | {{Paint name|A Distinctive Lack of Hue}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #2D2D24;" | {{Paint name|After Eight}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #694D3A;" | {{Paint name|Radigan Conagher Brown}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #7C6C57;" | {{Paint name|Ye Olde Rustic Colour}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} A57545{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} CF7336{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} E7B53B{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} F0E68C{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #A57545;" | {{Paint name|Muskelmannbraun}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #CF7336;" | {{Paint name|Mann Co. Orange}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #E7B53B;" | {{Paint name|Australium Gold}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #F0E68C;" | {{Paint name|The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} E9967A{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} FF69B4{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 7D4071{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 51384A{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #E9967A;" | {{Paint name|Dark Salmon Injustice}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #FF69B4;" | {{Paint name|Pink as Hell}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #7D4071;" | {{Paint name|A Deep Commitment to Purple}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #51384A;" | {{Paint name|Noble Hatter's Violet}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 2F4F4F{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 424F3B{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 808000{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| colspan="4" rowspan="2" |
! style="border-top:solid 5px #2F4F4F;" | {{Paint name|A Color Similar to Slate}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #424F3B;" | {{Paint name|Zepheniah's Greed}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #808000;" | {{Paint name|Drably Olive}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 32CD32{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} BCDDB3{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 729E42{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| colspan="4" rowspan="2" |
! style="border-top:solid 5px #32CD32;" | {{Paint name|The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #BCDDB3;" | {{Paint name|A Mann's Mint}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #729E42;" | {{Paint name|Indubitably Green}}
! class="header" colspan="4" | {{tooltip
  | '''{{lang
  | en = Team colors
  | de = Teamfarben
  | es = Colores de equipo
  | fi = Tiimivärit
  | fr = Couleurs d'équipe
  | hu = Csapatszínek
  | it = Colori di squadra
  | ja = チームカラー
  | ko = 팀 색상
  | nl = Teamkleuren
  | pl = Kolory drużynowe
  | pt-br = Cores de time
  | ru = Командные цвета
  | tr = Takım Renkleri
  | zh-hant = 團隊色
}}'''| {{lang
  | en = The following colors change their appearance according to the player's current team.
  | de = Die folgenden Farben ändern ihr Aussehen, je nachdem in welchem Team sich der Spieler befindet.
  | es = Los siguientes colores cambian de apariencia según el equipo actual del jugador.
  | fi = Seuraavat värit muuttuvat riippuen pelaajan tiimistä.
  | fr = Les couleurs suivantes changent d'apparence en fonction de l'équipe actuelle du joueur.
  | hu = A következő színek változnak a játékos jelenlegi csapatának megfelelően.
  | it = I seguenti colori cambiano il loro aspetto a seconda della squadra del giocatore.
  | ja = プレイヤーのチームによって色が変わるペイントです。
  | ko = 아래의 색상들은 플레이어의 현재팀에따라 그 색상이 다르게 나타납니다.
  | nl = De volgende kleuren veranderen om overeen te komen met het huidige team van de speler.
  | pl = Następujące kolory zmieniają swój wygląd w zależności od drużyny, w której aktualnie znajduje się gracz.
  | pt-br = As seguintes cores mudam sua aparência de acordo com o time atual do jogador.
  | ru = Следующие цвета красок выглядят по разному в зависимости от выбранной команды.
  | tr = Aşağıdaki renkler oyuncunun mevcut takımının rengine göre farklılık gösterir.
  | zh-hant = 顏色會因加入的團隊不同而有變化。
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} A89A8C{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 839FA3{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 3B1F23{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 18233D{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #A89A8C;" | {{Paint name|waterlogged lab coat red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #839FA3;" | {{Paint name|waterlogged lab coat blu}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #3B1F23;" | {{Paint name|balaclavas are forever red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #18233D;" | {{Paint name|balaclavas are forever blu}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} B8383B{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 5885A2{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 483838{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 384248{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #B8383B;" | {{Paint name|Team Spirit (RED)}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #5885A2;" | {{Paint name|Team Spirit (BLU)}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #483838;" | {{Paint name|operator's overalls red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #384248;" | {{Paint name|operator's overalls blu}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 803020{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 256D8D{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 654740{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} 28394D{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
! style="border-top:solid 5px #803020;" | {{Paint name|the value of teamwork red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #256D8D;" | {{Paint name|the value of teamwork blu}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #654740;" | {{Paint name|an air of debonair red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #28394D;" | {{Paint name|an air of debonair blu}}
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} C36C2D{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
| align="center" class="paintCell" | [[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} B88035{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
{{#ifexist: File:RED {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png |
{{!}}align="center" class="paintCell"{{!}}[[File:RED {{BASEPAGENAME}}{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
{{!}}align="center" class="paintCell"{{!}}[[File:BLU {{BASEPAGENAME}}{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
|{{!}}align="center" class="paintCell"{{!}}[[File:Painted {{BASEPAGENAME}} UNPAINTED{{#if:{{{style|{{{1|}}}}}}|_{{{style|{{{1}}}}}}}}.png|85x85px]]
{{!}}colspan="1" rowspan="2"{{!}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #C36C2D;" | {{Paint name|cream spirit red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #B88035;" | {{Paint name|cream spirit blu}}
{{#ifexist: File:RED {{BASEPAGENAME}}.png |
! style="border-top:solid 5px #B8383B;" {{!}} {{Paint name|unpainted red}}
! style="border-top:solid 5px #5885A2;" {{!}} {{Paint name|unpainted blu}}
| ! style="border-top:solid 5px #F3A957;"{{!}} {{Paint name|unpainted}}
{{translation switching|ar, de, es, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, pl, pt, pt-br, ro, ru, sv, tr, zh-hans, zh-hant}}
{{doc begin}}
{{hatnote|To view all painted images, see [[Paint Can#Paintable item previews]].}}
This template is used to display painted variants on hat pages. It can also display [[styles]].
  | box1-index-image5  = [[File:Main page button Game Modes.png|link=List of game modes|125px]]
=== Example ===
  | box1-index-article5 = List of game modes
  | box1-index-article5title = Game modes
== Painted variants ==
{{Painted variants}}
  | box1-index-image6  = [[File:Main page button Mechanics.png|link=Mechanics|125px]]
  | box1-index-article6 = Mechanics
== Painted variants ==
  | box1-index-article6title = Mechanics
{{Painted variants|default=New School}}
=== Styles ===
{{Painted variants|style=Old School}}
{{Painted variants|style=Older School|h=0}}
{{Painted variants|style=Oldest School|h=0}}
  | box1-index-col1 = <!--
=== Parameters ===
      -->[[Achievements]]<br /><!-- // Popular topics
:; ''default''
      -->[[Team Fortress 2 Beta]]<br /><!--
:: If the item has a style, its 'default' style should be named here. Calls {{tl|item name}} to display the correct translation.
      -->[[Strategy]]<br /><!--
      -->[[RED]]<br /><!--
      -->[[BLU]]<br /><!--
      -->[[List of maps]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Administrator]]<br /><!--
  | box1-index-col2 = <!--
:; ''style''
      -->[[Very Scary Halloween Special]]<br /><!--
:: The name of the painted style being displayed in a particular instance. Calls {{tl|item name}} to display the correct translation.
      -->[[Monoculus]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Bombinomicon]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Eyeaduct]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Halloween Goodie Cauldron]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Manniversary Update & Sale|Manniversary Update]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Steam Workshop]]<br />
  | box1-index-col3 = <!--
:; ''h''
      -->[[Scripting]]<br /><!-- // Popular topics
:: If defined at all, it will hide the {{tl|main}} and 'mouseover' notes and just display the table.
      -->[[Item drop system|Item Drop System]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Sentry Gun]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Critical hits]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Taunts]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Item quality]]<br /><!--
      -->[[Miscellaneous Items]]<br /><!--
[[Category:Templates|Painted variants]]
| box2-fa-title = Featured article
[[Category:Paint templates|Painted variants]]
  | box2-fa-links = <!-- // Note: only translate the displayed text of these links, do not change the links themselves.
    -->[[{{FeaturedArticle|type=name}}|'''''Continue reading''''']]{{n}}<!--
    -->[[Team Fortress Wiki:Featured articles|Featured article project]]{{n}}<!--
    -->[[Template:FeaturedArticle{{if lang}}|Previously featured]]
| box-updatefeed-title = The [[File:Uberfeed.png|link=Über Update]] Feed
  | box-updatefeed-day1 = Day 1
  | box-updatefeed-day2 = Day 2
  | box-updatefeed-day3 = Day 3
  | box-updatefeed-day4 = Day 4
  | box-updatefeed-day5 = Day 5
| box3-updates-title = Latest updates
  | box3-updates-type = none <!-- Uses {{Latest item}} - switch between "banner" and "text" -->
  | box3-updates-text-latestpatch-beta = Latest [[Team Fortress 2 Beta|beta]] patch:
  | box3-updates-text-latestpatch = Latest patch
  | box3-updates-text-latestblog  = Latest blog post
| box4-dyk-title = Did you know…
  | box4-dyk-links = <!-- // Note: only translate the displayed text of these links, do not change the links themselves.
    -->[[Help:Did you know|Add a fact]]{{n}}<!--
    -->[[Template:Did you know{{if lang}}|More "Did you know"]]{{n}}<!--
    -->[[Previously featured facts{{if lang}}|Previously featured]]
| box5-wiki-title = [[Team Fortress Wiki]]
| box5-wiki-title2 = How you can help
  | box5-wiki-col1 = <!-- // Note: only translate the displayed text of these links, do not change the links themselves.
            -->[[Help:Language translation|'''Translating''']]<br /><!--
            -->[[Help:Contents|Editing]]<br /><!--
            -->[[:Category:Articles marked for cleanup|Cleanup articles]]<br /><!--
            -->[[:Category:Out of date pages|Update out-of-date pages]]<br /><!--
            -->[[:Category:Stubs|Expand stubs]]<br /><!--
            -->[[:Category:Images that need improving|Improve bad images]]
  | box5-wiki-col2 = <!-- // Note: only translate the displayed text of these links, do not change the links themselves.
            -->[[Help:Style guide|'''Style guide''']]<br /><!--
            -->[[Team Fortress Wiki:Policies|Editing guidelines]]<br /><!--
            -->[[Team Fortress Wiki:Images|Uploading images]]<br /><!--
            -->[[Team Fortress Wiki:Licensing images|Licensing restrictions]]<br /><!--
            -->[[Help:Group rights|Staff Members]]
| box6-vwn-title = Valve Wiki Network

Revision as of 15:38, 28 February 2012

Main article: Paint Can
Mouseover cells to preview the images on a dark background.
Single colors
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
Team colors
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name
85x85px 85x85px 85x85px
Template:Paint name Template:Paint name Template:Paint name

Documentation for Archdeco

To view all painted images, see Paint Can#Paintable item previews.

This template is used to display painted variants on hat pages. It can also display styles.


== Painted variants ==
{{Painted variants}}
== Painted variants ==
{{Painted variants|default=New School}}
=== Styles ===
{{Painted variants|style=Old School}}
{{Painted variants|style=Older School|h=0}}
{{Painted variants|style=Oldest School|h=0}}


If the item has a style, its 'default' style should be named here. Calls {{item name}} to display the correct translation.
The name of the painted style being displayed in a particular instance. Calls {{item name}} to display the correct translation.
If defined at all, it will hide the {{main}} and 'mouseover' notes and just display the table.