Difference between revisions of "User:Kowwan"

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Revision as of 16:49, 31 March 2012

It's all about me
Basic information
Type: Trader
Gender: Male
Health: Over9000
Speed: Over10000
Birth place: Russia
Native language: Russian
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Scout , Soldier
Favourite maps: trade_plaza_2 , ctf_2Fort
Favourite weapons: Word
Favourite hats: Max's Severed Head
Contact information
Steam page: kowwan

Welcome to my page

 I like vintage and promo.
 I Hate unusual.

My lovely items

Backpack Holiday Headcase.png

Holiday Headcase
I love my stupid hat

Backpack Max's Severed Head.png

Max's Severed Head
Trading only for Texas Slim's Dome Shine with flies

Speech voice.png Steam tray.png Team fortress2 backpack P Want.png
Flag Russia.png This user is Russian. Beware of bears!
TF2 crosshair.png This user is a Team Fortress Wiki translator!
RED Wiki Cap.png This user does not edit this wiki for the sole purpose of getting a Wiki Cap.
User Nyan Cat.gif This user loves Nyan Cat and Nyan Cat loves them too.
Trading parcel.png This user loves to trade items.
Tea Icon.png This user drinks far too much tea.
ru Для этого участника русский язык является родным.
Spy No smoking.png No smoking please!
RED Ellis' Cap.png Has this user ever told you about the time he got Ellis' Cap?
Poker Night Icon.png This user possesses all of the buy-in items from Poker Night at the Inventory.
REDicon.gif This user is an employee of RED.
Dead Heat Icon.png As of 14 March, 2025,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 13 years, 1 month, 4 days (since 10 February, 2012).

User Translator.png This user translates Team Fortress 2 to Russian.

Item icon Big Kill.pngItem icon Max's Severed Head.png
Item icon Lugermorph.png
This user possesses every item from the Sam & Max Season 3 pre-order promotion.
Item icon Holiday Headcase.png This user owns the Holiday Headcase.