Template talk:Class weapons table pyro primary
Only visible in pyro vision a con?
How is that a con? It functions exactly the same as a flamethrower. If the weapon stats were different in some way(with some negative attribute), I could see that. It's not better or worse; you just can't see it outside of pyroland. Cranberry Jerk 19:06, 14 July 2012 (PDT)
- In-game, "On Equip: Visit Pyroland" attribute is Green color, that means it's positive. And "Only visible in Pyroland" is Red color that means it's negative.
Hinaomi (talk) - (contributions) 20:42, 14 July 2012 (PDT)
- Yep, what Hinaomi said. In-game it's listed as a negative. Balladofwindfishes 21:10, 14 July 2012 (PDT)
Ok, my mistake. I see what you mean. Kinda dumb they made it like that, but it's their game I suppose. Cranberry Jerk 21:48, 14 July 2012 (PDT)
Healing Reduction Bug(?)
the healing/resistance reduction is listed as being 20%; however, this only actually applies properly to Vaccinator ubercharges. as explained by the Flame Thrower's Bugs section:
- Vaccinator's passive resistance is unaffected. (this one is minor enough that it probably doesn't need to be listed here.)
- medigun and Amputator healing is reduced by 50%.
- dispenser healing is also affected, being reduced by 100% for level 1-2 dispensers or 75% for level 3 dispensers.
oh yeah, and also according to this video, the healing reduction doesn't apply to the Dragon's Fury, but it does apply to the Huo-Long Heater and Sharpened Volcano Fragment.
one could argue that this is a bug, and the weapons ideally wouldn't function this way. at the same time, though, this is significantly different from what the game tells you. not only is it plausible that it's working (roughly) as intended, and they just forgot to change the text, it's also straight-up important information. or at least, as important as the listed debuff.
basically, what I'm wondering is: should the healing reduction stat on these weapons be changed to reflect their actual function? Kestrelguy (talk) 23:27, 17 August 2021 (UTC)