Template:Class speed table

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Revision as of 20:12, 19 August 2012 by Org (talk | contribs) (Test speed table design)
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Class Forward (abs) (real world) Backward (abs) Crouched (abs) Underwater (abs)
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout
133 %
400 .00v
17 .0mph
120 %
360 .00v
44 %
133 .33v
107 %
320 .00v
Under the Crit-a-Cola effect
133 %
400 .00v
17 .0mph
120 %
360 .00v
44 %
133 .33v
107 %
320 .00v
Baby Face's Blaster at 0% boost
120 %
360 .00v
15 .3mph
108 %
324 .00v
40 %
120 .00v
96 %
288 .00v
Baby Face's Blaster at 100% boost
173 %
518 .40v
22 .1mph
156 %
466 .56v
58 %
172 .80v
138 %
414 .72v
Baby Face's Blaster at 0% boost and under the Crit-a-Cola effect
120 %
360 .00v
15 .3mph
108 %
324 .00v
40 %
120 .00v
96 %
288 .00v
Baby Face's Blaster at 100% boost and under the Crit-a-Cola effect
173 %
518 .40v
22 .1mph
156 %
466 .56v
58 %
172 .80v
138 %
414 .72v