
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 20:53, 4 October 2012 by Jack3G (talk | contribs)
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Basic information
Type: Community Strategist
Health: 175
only an average
Speed: 100%
also an average
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Depends on my mood
Favourite maps: cp_steel, pl_upward
Favourite weapons: Strange Your Eternal Reward, fondly named "Backbiter"
Favourite hats: Prussian Picklehaube, Tough Guy's Toque
Favourite miscellaneous items: Distinguished Rogue, Foppish Physician
Contact information

Jack3G is a self proclaimed community strategist extrordinaire who often visits the wiki to edit pages in the community strategy section. He plays Team Fortress 2 with a passion and has been featured on the YouTube channel PickleSandwichProductions. He is currently a wiki noob and can't make userboxes.