User talk:Asplode

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Revision as of 11:49, 21 November 2012 by Asplode (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Wiki!

Tervetuloa kääntämään TF wikiä! Suomenkielinen osio tarvitsee uusia kääntäjiä, joten tässä muutama vinkki (jotka spämmään uusille tulokkaille) miten pääset hyvään alkuun muokkailuissa ja wikin käytössä.

  • Sulla tuntuu nuo editit sujuvan todella hyvin jo, alla muutama linkki jos kiinnostaa enemmänkin editoida.
  • Ohjeet kieliasuun, otsikointiin, kuvien lisäämiseen ja moneen muuhun löytyy täältä.
  • Tule irkkaamaan. Sieltä löytyvät kaikki aktiiviset wikittäjät ja apu moneen pulmaan, esittele itsesi ja tule osaksi yhteisöä.
  • Kun tallennat artikkeleita, käytä ensin esikatselu/preview painiketta jotta näet miten muokkauksesi vaikuttaa sivuun. Tämä vähentää muokkausvirheiden ja muokkauskertojen määrää. Pyri tekemään mahdollisimman paljon muokkauksia sivuun yhdellä ainoalla tallennuksella.
  • Uusimmat sivumuutokset suomalaisilla sivuilla. Täältä näet mitä suomalaiset wikittäjät ovat viimeaikoina puuhailleet.
  • Jos tulee ongelmia vastaan niin voit laittaa viestiä suoraan minulle tai sitten kirjoittaa yleisesti suomalaisille kääntäjille täällä. Hyviä editointihetkiä!

Keisari BottleScreen.png 07:41, 10 February 2012 (PST)

Ja trans-templatea ei tarvi jättää kummittelemaan, jos kääntää koko sivun :) -- Keisari BottleScreen.png 07:46, 10 February 2012 (PST)

Did u know

And here--FreeXMan Talk | Cont 08:52, 18 March 2012 (PDT)

Thanks FreeXMan! -Asplode 11:41, 18 March 2012 (PDT)


waazzzzuuuuuuppppp rZ 04:27, 25 March 2012 (PDT)

Wat-chievement Unlocked!

Wat-chievement Awarded by Reason
Tf scout kill stunned.png

What Just Happen'd?
Help pranking users during the April Fools' Day Event 2012!

Dispenser (GianAwesome) Wat-chievement unlocked!
Namely: For deceiving Linux users; feigning a Valve sequel; Google Translating to Arabic; logging a fake file change; pranking Steam Workshop creators; adding ladders to Gullywash; copying a Steam page; recording a fake video demonstration; modeling a new weapon; not-adding strings to items_game.txt and linking to a video about candies.

Wikichievement unlocked!

Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Tf play game everymap.png

Parlez-Vous Français?
Provide help translating the Team Fortress Wiki to your language.

Keisari Wikichievement unlocked!
For your quality work in Finnish pages.

-- Keisari BottleScreen.png 02:09, 15 April 2012 (PDT)

Thanks! :) Asplode 04:12, 15 April 2012 (PDT)

Thanks for all

Written under the inspiration that the free will and the free word are applied to everything on the wiki<br As you maybe saw my nomination was revoked but fear not there is a worthy reason for it. My translations are not very bad, but still bad. My grammar is to much orientated onto the english one and still sucks.
So i just wanted to inform you, and all other backers that i liked your text which you wrote about but still it's without a meaning.
As an compensation for my harsh words i allow you to see my nomination discussion which was revoked.

Your log password is kyfkgys3hib739
You can check your logs at
using the password above and the date 2012-06-17

May it help you to understand that when all 22 moderator discuss about a nomination that you only need to persuade the important moderators which have the right timezone, and still are active.

I move on and leave the wiki because i think no one cares about the "weaker" languages, and my suggestions and cries for help on my language are used as a sign of pestering against me. The long waits between nominations and the discussions and the denial of my opinions to make it better, made it clear to me that there is only one step to make the wiki more efficient and i mean not my grammar skill. I would like to have half of the wiki staff replaced with more active and more dedicated persons. Or even better no moderator at all and a general overlooking rule by all editors, the people. (i was the lonely overlooker in german...)
But as i know that this is not happening, and i'm not dedicated(<funny word) enough, the best is to stop my drone work and dont pester around anymore. I have no right to speak bad and upset anyone, but i can at least express to you what i'm doing and why i'm doing it.
You maybe think that this is a cheap and it is indeed cheap, but i think if you have one right, then it is the right to express your feelings and your reasoning to a person which back'ed you up. So at last i give you a great tipp: You should always consider: FreeXMan as your friend, he is an awesomely nice guy, and also Epic_Eric of course. The rest of the moderators are still an unwritten book to me, but with the right key you can unlock them maybe, i never got into these people's head.

So i wish you the best for the future on the wiki, but for me the wiki has died. Goodbye TheDoctor 18:07, 17 June 2012 (PDT)

A favor, if you could

Could you please translate the item set blueprint section of the items dictionary for me? It would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance. rZ 05:36, 21 June 2012 (PDT)

Changes to Map Variant/fi

So you're trying to fix this--I assume it's a grammatical change. You noted a problem with Well... I've changed Well (Capture the Flag)/fi to reflect the changes I think you were trying to make.
-->{{#ifeq:{{BASEPAGENAME}}|Well (Capture the Flag)|[[Well (Arena){{if lang}}|{{common string|arena}}]] {{lang|#default={{common string|and}}|fi=-ja}} [[Well (Control Point){{if lang}}|{{common string|control point}}]]|}}

Well (Capture the Flag)/fi now looks like:

Well-kartasta on Areena -ja Komentopisteet-versio.

Is that what you were trying to achieve?

Well (Control Point)/fi would look like:

Well-kartasta on Areena ja Lipunryöstö-versio.

When does "versio" change to "versiot" and when is the "-ja" necessary over "ja"? Darkid 16:45, 27 June 2012 (PDT)

ey u

Can I have permission to reduce the byte size on your page without visibly changing it or functionally changing it? This service is free, by the way. rZ 14:40, 30 June 2012 (PDT)

Hi Asplode

Can you teach me how to translate a page into another language? Cuz I wanna to translate one or two maybe more page to my language. It would be nice if you could give me some tips or info for it, Thank you Irufort 06:53, 7 October 2012 (PDT)

Well i have already read the translation rules on wiki, but what about the other language not listed on there? Why the Arab is exception and how i can have permission to translate pages to something else not listed on rules?? Please tell me more about it !

Irufort 12:43, 7 October 2012 (PDT)

Well , the negotiations didn't go so well. Look's like i have to given up job on translating page -3-... I decided to do primarily on trivial-note-strategy making, grammatical and clean up also demo video :) Thx for your support anyway , this is not gonna worn down my hopes up!Irufort 16:21, 7 October 2012 (PDT)


Phew! oh, and, I made an edit on the flamethrower page, can you please check this?

Sniperisagoodjobmate 00:05, 26 October 2012 (PDT)sniperisagoodjobmate

Just one more thing i want to know

is there a link to the other sniper rifle iédit that was made before mine?

Sniperisagoodjobmate 00:12, 26 October 2012 (PDT)sniperisagoodjobmate

is there a link for all of the gunshot sounds from the Machina?

Sniperisagoodjobmate 02:42, 26 October 2012 (PDT)sniperisagoodjobmate


Wikichievement Awarded by Reason
Dead heat.png

Quick Draw
Moderate the Recent Changes queue and quickly revert vandalism and low-quality edits.

The Noble Scout Wikichievement unlocked!
Got ninja'd four times by you. You damn rabbit.

User Ravecrib9t4 Signature Logo.JPG TNS 06:33, 28 October 2012 (PDT)

Whee :3

What vas that Sandvich? Outsparkle them all? Good idea, bwahaha~ Congratulations — Wind 14:57, 4 November 2012 (PST)

I can't... I can't pretend to understand, not for a second, but I want you to know that I'm innocent in all this...It's not like I had any control over it...I've made my choice...Just take it, please! δ³Σx² > Add + or - skills for me 15:23, 4 November 2012 (PST)
Welcome to U.S.S Wiki Cap Club, marine! User Ravecrib9t4 Signature Logo.JPG TNS 16:11, 4 November 2012 (PST)
Thank you all, thanks very much :3 And sparkly one already got some job ;p -Asplode 12:25, 5 November 2012 (PST)
Translation: gibe hat rZombie 12:28, 5 November 2012 (PST)

/fi question

Spooky_Shoes/fi < is this all correct? couldnt find any Scuotille infos from the tf_finnish.txt also some other weirdish things. Could u look at that. Thank you.(added u in steam ;\) δ³Σx² > Add + or - skills for me 08:49, 7 November 2012 (PST)


congrats on getting the wiki cap! just asking...

my user talk page has this on it: -- Asplode 00:33, 26 October 2012 (PDT). what is it? and does it have anything to do with u?

PhantomParadoXD 17:17, 12 November 2012 (PST)


I wonder if anyone in this wiki knows what's fun. gdfsgdfg 03:48, 21 November 2012 (PST)