
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 18:56, 29 August 2014 by Meemcopter (talk | contribs)
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Meemcopter after translating immense pages
Basic information
Type: Translator
Health: 125
Speed: 0.05%
Team Fortress 2
Favourite classes: Medic
Favourite maps: ctf_turbine
Favourite weapons: Ambassador
Contact information
Steam page: Click

User Meemcopter talkscreen.pngtestUser Meemcopter recentactivity.pngUser Meemcopter wikifi.png

Hey, thank you for visiting my profile, hope you like it, below is a very simple text about how I got into editing.
I've been browsing through this wiki a lot since I started playing TF2, but only started editing when I noticed that some of the new items had no translations in Portuguese. I decided to put some work into the Wiki so other people from my country can browse the wiki and get answers for their questions without facing the red links. Since then i'm trying my best to help the portuguese community to have a good experience in the wiki, be it with small edits or entire pages of translations.

NOTICE: I'll be taking a break since most work is done here for now. I'll be back when new updates happen.

To-do list
Translate and fix all bread weapons Pictogram tick.png Done
Do something productive (FINALLY!) Pictogram tick.png Done
Translate that immense patch note that is missing Pictogram tick.png Done
Translate soundtracks Pictogram wait.png In Progress