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Revision as of 04:12, 23 December 2015 by ClockworkSpirit2343 (talk | contribs) (Update history)
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The scoreboard is a screen accessible with Tab ⇆ (Xbox Button Y.png on the Xbox 360, PS Button Select.png on the PlayStation 3) or at the end of a round. It displays player information, server name, team scores, duel score (if you are running a duel), and so on. Information is given about each player including their Steam ID, what team they are on, how many points they have, and what class they are playing as.

Scoreboard UI.png


  1. Number of points each team has
  2. Steam avatar
  3. Player class (only visible for teammates)
  4. Player score (See Points below)
  5. Killstreaks
  6. A user's ping. If the player is a bot, it will display the word 'BOT' in place of a ping number.
  7. Friend icon (for Steam friends only)
  8. Number of dominations
  9. Dominated icon if a player is dominating you
  10. Domination target if you are dominating a player
  11. A photo of your current class
  12. Spectators
  13. Your player name
  14. Assorted gameplay statistics
  15. Map name

Mann Vs. Machine Scoreboard

MvM Scoreboard.png

In Mann Vs. Machine, a different scoreboard will appear with different information:
1. Avatar
2. Wave progress and enemies left in the wave
3. Class
4. Tour number (Mann Up mode only). Note: This is directly pulled from the relevant Tour of Duty badge.
5. Score (see Points below)
6. Damage (to robots only)
7. Tank damage
8. Support (See Points below)
9. Credits collected
10. Squad Surplus Voucher
11. Ping
12. Class avatar
13. Player name
14. Mission name
15. Map name


Points are the basic scoring unit in Team Fortress 2, and are awarded for different successful offensive and defensive actions. Performing these actions will also often earn a voice response from the class you are playing, and earning Bonus points will display a number on-screen in magenta if the option is enabled.

Points can be awarded in fractions; for example, a kill assist is worth ½ a point. However, fractions of points are rounded down when displayed on the scoreboard; having a single ½-point does not affect a player's score at all, and a player must complete two ½-point actions to have their score increase by 1. Points are also rounded down before the subscores from each category are added together, so having two ½-points in two different categories is not displayed as 1 point, instead both being rounded down to 0 and added together afterwards. As a result, having an odd number of ½-points in several categories will cause a player's score to show as lower than expected.

Note: Support points do not count toward your overall score.

Note that one action may result in being awarded points for two or more reasons; for example, earning a headshot with the Huntsman will award points for the kill, headshot, and bonus points for the specialized kill.

Action Category Points Earned
All classes
Kill Kills 1
Kill assist Assists ½
Capturing a control point or the Intelligence Captures 2
Pushing the Payload cart for 10 seconds Captures 2
Defense Defenses 1
Building destruction Destructions 1
Revenge Revenge 1
Dealing Damage Damage 1 for every 600 damage points dealt
Killing a Medic who has full ÜberCharge Bonus 2
Support 500
(MvM only) Resetting the bomb Bonus 10
Support 2500
(RD only) Collecting power cores Bonus 1 for every 10 cores captured
Support 25 for every core captured
(RD only) Capturing a reactor core Bonus 1 for every 10 cores stolen
Support 25 for every core stolen
Leaderboard class scout.png Scout
Healing with Mad Milk Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
Support 1 for every health point healed by teammates
Stunning an enemy with a baseball Bonus 1 (regular stun)
2 (moonshot)
Support 250 (regular stun)
500 (moonshot)
Extinguishing a teammate or yourself with Mad Milk Bonus 1
Support 250
Marking an enemy for death Support 1 for every 4 damage dealt by teammates
Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier
Healing with Black Box Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
Healing with the Concheror Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
Support 1 for every health point healed by teammates
Assisting damage with the Buff Banner Support 1 for every 4 damage dealt by teammates
Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro
Extinguishing a teammate with Compression blast/Manmelter Bonus 1
Support 250
Destroying a Spy building with Homewrecker/Maul/Neon Annihilator Bonus 1
Support 250
(MvM only) Airblasting a Sentry Buster or Giant robot Bonus 1
Support 250
Leaderboard class heavy.png Heavy
Healing with Dalokohs Bar/Fishcake/Sandvich Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
Giving a teammate a dropped Buffalo Steak Sandvich/Sandvich Bonus 1
Support 250 + 1 for every point of health healed
Leaderboard class engineer.png Engineer
Teleporter use by a teammate Teleports ½
Support (MvM only) 250
Destroying a Spy building with Wrench or one of its reskins. Bonus 1
Support 250
Healing with a Dispenser Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
(MvM only) Ammo dispensed from a Dispenser Support 25 for every set of ammo dispensed
Leaderboard class medic.png Medic
Healing Healing 1 for every 600 health points healed
ÜberCharge Invulns 1
(MvM only) Reviving a teammate Bonus 5
Support 1250
(MvM only) Deploying a projectile shield Support 1 for every point of damage blocked1
(MvM only) Deploying a Medi Gun Übercharge Support 1 for every point of damage blocked1
(MvM only) Deploying a Kritzkrieg Übercharge Support 1 for every point of damage dealt
2 for every point of damage dealt to a Tank12
Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper
Headshot kill Headshots ½
Headshot kill with the Huntsman Bonus ½
Support 125
Extinguishing a teammate or yourself with Jarate Bonus 1
Support 250
Jarate-ing a target Support 1 for every 4 damage dealt by teammates
Leaderboard class spy.png Spy
Backstab kill Backstabs 1
Headshot kill with the Ambassador Headshots ½
(MvM only) Sapping a target Support 1 for every 2 damage dealt by teammates


1Damage calculated is not affected by crits or fall-off.
2The heavy's Minigun has a 75% damage reduction which is not included in this. Thus, the Medic gains support points equal to 2x base damage = 8x actual damage.

Related achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Medals of Honor
Medals of Honor
Finish a round as an MVP on a team of 6 or more players 10 times.

Leaderboard class medic.png Medic

First Do No Harm
First Do No Harm
Play a full round without killing any enemies, and score the highest on a team of 6 or more players.

Leaderboard class sniper.png Sniper

My Brilliant Career
My Brilliant Career
Top the scoreboard 10 times on teams of 6 or more players.

Update history

October 25, 2007 Patch

  • Fixed scoreboard team scores label getting cut off.

December 20, 2007 Patch

  • Prevented players from hiding their name in the scoreboard.

January 25, 2008 Patch

  • Added an option to auto-save a scoreboard screenshot at the end of a map to the Multiplayer->Advanced dialog.

March 19, 2013 Patch

  • Fixed a scoreboard bug where domination count was reduced by 2 when a dominated player left the server.

June 18, 2014 Patch (Love & War Update)

  • [Undocumented] The scoreboard now displays support points and damage dealt on non-MvM maps.

December 17, 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)

  • Re-ordered some of the columns.
  • Added an image to represent player ping values instead of the actual ping values. Added an option in Adv. Options.

December 22, 2015 Patch

  • Added Ping column header when viewing ping as text in the scoreboard.
  • Added the player count for each team.

Class icon gallery

Status icon gallery


  • As points are rounded down within each category before being added to form a player's total score, headshots with the Huntsman can appear to count as 1, 2, or even 3 points.