With weapon slot boots and a shield equipped
{{Class speed table/mid row
en = With a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 0 heads
de = Mit einer enthauptenden Nahkampfwaffe mit 0 Köpfen ausgerüstet
es = Con un arma cuerpo a cuerpo que robe cabezas equipada con 0 cabezas
fr = Avec une arme capable de collecter les têtes équipée ayant 0 tête
hu = Az Egyetlent, A Lovatlan Fejetlen Lovas Fejvevőjét vagy a A Küklopsz Kilences Vasát viselve, 0 levágott fejjel
ja = Eyelander、HHHH、Nessie's Nine Ironいずれか装備かつ0ヘッド
pl = Z Wyszczerbcem, Ścinaczem Głów Bezgłowego Bezkonnego Jeźdźca lub Żelazną Nessie i 0 ściętymi głowami.
zh-hant = 裝備魔眼闊劍、斬首斧或尼斯九號鐵桿,斬首數 0 時
zh-hans = 装备苏格兰长剑,脱缰无头骑士的斩首斧或[[Nessie's Nine Iron/zh-hans|尼斯的九号铁杆] 斩首数0时
nl = Uitgerust met de Ooglander, Paardloze Hoofdloze Paardmanns Hoofdnemer of een Nessie's Negen IJzer met 0 koppen
ko = 목따개 근접무기를 장착하고 머리를 0개 소지했을 때
ru = При использовании срубающего головы оружия ближнего боя (0 срубленных голов)
With a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 1 head
With a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 2 heads
With a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 3 heads
With a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 4 or more heads
With weapon slot boots, a shield, and a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 0 heads
With weapon slot boots, a shield, and a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 1 head
With weapon slot boots, a shield, and a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 2 heads
With weapon slot boots, a shield, and a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 3 heads
With weapon slot boots, a shield, and a head-taking melee weapon equipped with 4 or more heads
Wielding the Scotsman's Skullcutter
Wielding the Scotsman's Skullcutter with weapon slot boots and a shield equipped
Charging with a shield
Charging with a shield and wielding the Scotsman's Skullcutter
Charging with a shield and wielding the Scotsman's Skullcutter with weapon slot boots equipped