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Revision as of 18:38, 24 November 2016 by Angelostsakiris (talk | contribs)
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Its a Work in Progress

Message me if you need help making the TF2 in Greek

My Body

Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Thought that Counts.png

"Angel's Own Brain"
Level 2056 Brain
★ Unusual Effect: Circling 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's Aperture Logo
42% Science
420% FPS
69% Random thoughts of Mountain Dew And Doritos
1337% Thoughts of Dank Memes
60% Understanding of editing
99999.....999% Of thinking with Portals
Embarrased of Valve for not counting to 3
+20% Of wanting a Wiki Cap (I will get it with my honour!)
Element No. 2056: Angeltonium.

( Not tradable, Craftable or Marketable )

Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Heart of Gold.png

"My Golden Heart"
Level 14 Heart
★ Unusual Effect: Circling Mtn Dew
32% Beating speed
10% Rhythm
Chance of heart attack
-43% Of finding the perfect girl.. :(
Wake me up inside...

( You are not the one I wanna give my heart to, you know? )