Team Fortress Wiki:Competitive representation/UGC Highlander League

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UGC League are running a Winter 2011 Highlander season, and I think it'd be good for the wiki to get a team or 2 into it. Natemckn has said in IRC that there will be both a US and EU division, and so the purpose of this page is to see if there is enough interest within the wiki to put together a team for each division.

Each team can have up to 16 players, as it's highlander this allows each team to have 7 reserves. All weapons are allowed (Polycount sets [bonuses] are not allowed). Each team would have to be ready by the 10th January. The league will take 18 weeks in total - if we progress throughout: The season begins January 10th with 3 weeks of preseason, 12 weeks of regular season, and then we finish with 3 weeks of playoffs..

So, fill out the table below if you are interested in joining this league representing the wiki.

EU/US Name Steam profile Classes Comments
EU RJackson [1] Scout, Pyro, Demo. I would happily lead an EU team, however with the quality of my internet I would need somebody else to lead with me to collect and upload demos.
EU ScatmanJohn [2] Spy I would love to be on a wiki-team. Might even do better then I did on my old ETF2L team with a bit of luck.